Consultancy and advice for schools with new to English pupils which do not have a regular EMA specialist teacher


1 Consultancy and advice

1a Purpose

1b Service provided

1c Quality Assurance

2 Assessment proformas

2a PAR


3 Key strategies for a language enhancing curriculum

4 Suggested programme for new arrivals

5 Advice for early years

6 Review and feedback form

1 Consultancy and advice

1a Purpose

The aim is to support pupils in settling in a new learning environment and to enable them to make a good start in their learning of English and in English.

·  This service is provided for schools which do not have sufficient numbers of new to English pupils to attract residency placements.

·  It is also offered to schools which admit new to English pupils after the bi-annual audit has been completed.

·  The first priority will be schools which have little experience of new to English pupils or where the background of new to English pupils is different from the main cohort.

1b Service provided

A member of the Specialist EMA teaching team will visit identified schools for half a day if capacity allows.

·  assessment of the pupil, preferably with other staff present so that they learn the strategies involved

·  modelled sessions of support to individual pupils or a small group

·  provision of resources or suggestions of effective strategies

·  advice to relevant staff members, eg class teacher, teaching assistant.

·  discussion of further needs, eg follow up visits, training for groups of staff.

1c Quality assurance

·  All support is recorded and copies are kept in a central file. Support is followed up with a telephone call and/or a further visit to ensure the pupil(s) is making progress.

·  Feedback forms will be given to schools to comment on each visit or at the end of a series of visits.

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2. Pupil Assessment Records

Pupil Assessment Record KS2 (PAR)

Name:______Date of Birth______Date of Admission+ Year Group______
Ethnicity______Languages written/spoken______Other info ______
Listening and Understanding / Speaking / Reading / Writing /
Date / NC / Step level / Date / NC / Step / Date / NC / Step / Date / NC / Step /
W / Step 1
ü  Can listen attentively for short burst of time / W / Step 1
ü  Can echo words and expressions drawn from classroom routines and social interactions to echo meaning
ü  Can express some basic needs, using single words or phrases in English / W / Step 1
ü  Can participate in reading activities, (hold book, show interest)
ü  Knows that in English print is read from left to right and from top to bottom
ü  Can recognise their name and familiar words
ü  Can identify some letters of the alphabet by shape and sound / W / Step 1
ü  Can use letters and letter like forms to convey meaning
ü  Can copy or write their name
ü  Can copy or write familiar words
ü  Can write from left to right
ü  Uses non verbal gestures to respond to greetings and questions about themselves
ü  Can simple instructions based on routines of the classroom
W / Step 2
ü  Can understand simple conversational English
ü  Can listen and respond to the gist of teacher explanation when language is supported by non verbal cues / W / Step 2
ü  Can copy talk that has been modelled
ü  Can show some control of English word order in speech
ü  Can pronounce words so as to be understood by a familiar listener / W / Step 2
ü  Can begin to associate sounds with letters
ü  Starts to predict what a text will be about
ü  Can read some words and phrases they have learned
ü  With support, can follow a text read aloud / W / Step 2
ü  Can start to express meaning in writing supported by oral work or pictures
ü  Can communicate meaning through writing to themselves and a familiar reader
ü  Has some knowledge of sounds and letter patterns in English spelling
ü  Show some knowledge of the function of sentence division
L1 / Step 3 (Threshold)
ü  With support, can understand and respond appropriately to clear instructions or comments
ü  Can listen attentively to a range of speakers including teacher talk to the whole class / L1 / Step 3 (Threshold)
ü  Can talk about matters of immediate interest in familiar setting
ü  Can convey meaning through talk and gesture
ü  Can extend what they say with support, even though speech is grammatically incomplete at word and phrase level / L1 / Step 3 (Threshold)
ü  Can read a range of familiar words, and identify initial and final sounds in unfamiliar words
ü  With support, can establish meaning when reading aloud phrases or simple sentences
ü  Can use contextual cues to gain understanding
ü  Can respond to ideas and events in poems, stories and non fiction / L1 / Step 3 (Threshold)
ü  Can produce recognisable letters and words in texts, which convey meaning and show some knowledge of English sentence division and word order
ü  Can write most commonly used letters correctly even though they may be inconsistent in their size and orientation
L2 / Step 4 (Secure)
ü  In familiar contexts, can follow what others say about what they are doing
ü  Can listen with understanding to sequences of instructions and usually respond appropriately in conversation / L1 / Step 4 (Secure)
ü  Can talk to a range of listeners about matters of interest in connected utterances
ü  Starts to speak in sentences, showing understanding of ideas and sequences of events
ü  Can keep listeners interested in their contributions / L1 / Step 4 (Secure)
ü  Can use their knowledge of letters, sounds and words to establish meaning when reading a familiar text aloud
ü  Can comment on events or ideas in poems stories and non fiction / L1 / Step 4 (Secure)
ü  Can use phrases and longer statements to convey ideas
ü  Can make use of full stops and capital letters
ü  Can write in sentences but grammatical patterns will be inconsistent
ü  Letters are usually clearly shaped and correctly orientated
L3 / Step 5(Consolidating)
ü  Can understand most conversations when the subject matter is concrete and familiar and there are few idioms used / L2 / Step 5(Consolidating)
ü  Can start to give an explanation in a classroom context
ü  Can start to engage in a dialogue in lessons
ü  Can speak clearly
ü  Can use a growing vocabulary / L2
L3 / Step 5(Consolidating
ü  Can use more than one strategy , such as phonic, graphic, syntactic and contextual when reading unfamiliar words
ü  Can extract information from a variety of texts / L2
L3 / Step 5(Consolidating)
ü  Can produce written work with scaffolded support such as writing frames and pre rehearsed vocabulary and structures
ü  Starting to understand that different contexts require different forms of expression
L4 / Step 6 ( Competent)
ü  Can participate as an active speaker and listener in group tasks
ü  Can understand most speech delivered at normal speed / L3
L4 / Step 6 ( Competent)
ü  Can use language appropriately across the curriculum
ü  Can use language for different purposes eg. explaining
ü  Can start to use complex sentences / L3
L4 / Step 6 ( Competent)
ü  Can understand many culturally embedded references and idioms but may still require explanations / L3
L4 / Step 6 ( Competent)
ü  Can produce appropriately structured and generally accurate work in familiar contexts
ü  Can develop new organisational skills and appropriate linguistic forms with scaffolded support
L4/5 / Step 7 (Independent)
ü  Now has the range of listening skills necessary to participate fully within the national curriculum / L4/5 / Step 7 (Independent)
ü  Now has the range of speaking skills to participate fully within the curriculum / L4/5 / Step 7 (Independent)
ü  Now has the range of reading skills to participate fully within the curriculum / L4/5 / Step 7 (Independent)
ü  Now has the range of writing skills to participate fully within the curriculum

Pupil Assessment Record KS1 (PAR)

Name:______Date of Birth______Date of Admission+ Year Group______
Ethnicity______Languages written/spoken______Other info ______
Listening and Understanding / Speaking / Reading / Writing /
Date / NC / Step level / Date / NC / Step / Date / NC / Step / Date / NC / Step /
W / Step 1
ü  Can listen attentively for short burst of time / W / Step 1
ü  Can echo words and expressions drawn from classroom routines and social interactions to echo meaning
ü  Can express some basic needs, using single words or phrases in English / W / Step 1
ü  Can participate in reading activities, (hold book, show interest)
ü  Knows that in English print is read from left to right and from top to bottom
ü  Can recognise their name and familiar words
ü  Can identify some letters of the alphabet by shape and sound / W / Step 1
ü  Can use letters and letter like forms to convey meaning
ü  Can copy or write their name
ü  Can copy or write familiar words
ü  Can write from left to right
ü  Uses non verbal gestures to respond to greetings and questions about themselves
ü  Can follow simple instructions based on routines of the classroom
W / Step 2
ü  Can understand simple conversational English
ü  Can listen and respond to the gist of teacher explanation when language is supported by non verbal cues / W / Step 2
ü  Can copy talk that has been modelled
ü  Can show some control of English word order in speech
ü  Can pronounce words so as to be understood by a familiar listener / W / Step 2
ü  Can begin to associate sounds with letters
ü  Starts to predict what a text will be about
ü  Can read some words and phrases they have learned
ü  With support, can follow a text read aloud / W / Step 2
ü  Can start to express meaning in writing supported by oral work or pictures
ü  Can communicate meaning through writing to themselves and a familiar reader
ü  Has some knowledge of sounds and letter patterns in English spelling
ü  Show some knowledge of the function of sentence division
L1 / Step 3 (Threshold)
ü  With support, can understand and respond appropriately to clear instructions or comments
ü  Can listen attentively to a range of speakers including teacher talk to the whole class / L1 / Step 3 (Threshold)
ü  Can talk about matters of immediate interest in familiar setting
ü  Can convey meaning through talk and gesture
ü  Can extend what they say with support, even though speech is grammatically incomplete at word and phrase level / L1 / Step 3 (Threshold)
ü  Can read a range of familiar words, and identify initial and final sounds in unfamiliar words
ü  With support, can establish meaning when reading aloud phrases or simple sentences
ü  Can use contextual cues to gain understanding
ü  Can respond to ideas and events in poems, stories and non fiction / L1 / Step 3 (Threshold)
ü  Can produce recognisable letters and words in texts, which convey meaning and show some knowledge of English sentence division and word order
ü  Can write most commonly used letters correctly even though they may be inconsistent in their size and orientation
L1 / Step 4 (Secure)
ü  In familiar contexts, can follow what others say about what they are doing
ü  Can listen with understanding to sequences of instructions and usually respond appropriately in conversation / L1 / Step 4 (Secure)
ü  Can talk to a range of listeners about matters of interest in connected utterances
ü  Starts to speak in sentences, showing understanding of ideas and sequences of events
ü  Can keep listeners interested in their contributions / L1 / Step 4 (Secure)
ü  Can use their knowledge of letters, sounds and words to establish meaning when reading a familiar text aloud
ü  Can comment on events or ideas in poems stories and non fiction / L1 / Step 4 (Secure)
ü  Can use phrases and longer statements to convey ideas
ü  Can make use of full stops and capital letters
ü  Can write in sentences but grammatical patterns will be inconsistent
ü  Letters are usually clearly shaped and correctly orientated
L2 / Step 5(Consolidating)
ü  Can understand most conversations when the subject matter is concrete and familiar and there are few idioms used / L2 / Step 5(Consolidating)
ü  Can start to give an explanation in a classroom context
ü  Can start to engage in a dialogue in lessons
ü  Can speak clearly
ü  Can use a growing vocabulary / L2 / Step 5(Consolidating
ü  Can use more than one strategy, such as phonic, graphic, syntactic and contextual when reading unfamiliar words
ü  Can extract information from a variety of texts / L2 / Step 5(Consolidating)
ü  Can produce written work with scaffolded support such as writing frames and pre rehearsed vocabulary and structures
ü  Starting to understand that different contexts require different forms of expression
L2 / Step 6 ( Competent)
ü  Can participate as an active speaker and listener in group tasks
ü  Can understand most speech delivered at normal speed / L2 / Step 6 ( Competent)
ü  Can use language appropriately across the curriculum
ü  Can use language for different purposes eg. explaining
ü  Can start to use complex sentences / L2 / Step 6 ( Competent)
ü  Can understand many culturally embedded references and idioms but may still require explanations / L2 / Step 6 ( Competent)
ü  Can produce appropriately structured and generally accurate work in familiar contexts
ü  Can develop new organisational skills and appropriate linguistic forms with scaffolded support
L2/3 / Step 7 (Independent)
ü  Now has the range of listening skills to participate fully within the national curriculum / L2/3 / Step 7 (Independent)
ü  Now has the range of speaking skills to participate fully within the curriculum / L2 / Step 7 (Independent
ü  Now has the range of reading skills to participate fully within the curriculum / L2 / Step 7 (Independent
ü  Now has the range of writing skills to participate fully within the curriculum

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