History Unit Part B TEST

Directions: Please answer all questions and DO NOT WRITE on the test.

1.  Where did Europeans in the sixteenth century find a cheap labor source for work in the New World (Americas)?

A. slaves from Africa

B. settlers that came from Europe

C. peasants from Spain and Portugal

D. indigenous people of Australia

2.  He helped Colombia, Venezuela, AND other South American countries win their independence from Spain. He was so important in the Latin American independence movement that a country was named after him. Who is he?

A. Simon Bolivar

B. Miguel Hidalgo

C. Fidel Castro

D. Toussaint L’Ouverture

3.  Toussaint L’Ouverture was famous for his role in gaining independence for which country?

A. Cuba

B. Haiti

C. Mexico

D. Venezuela

4.  Miguel Hidalgo was known as the father of independence for which country?

A. Bolivia

B. Mexico

C. Peru

D. Venezuela

5.  Which of these describes Toussaint L’Ouverture?

A. He brought the first slaves to Haiti.

B. He introduced Christianity to the Haitian natives.

C. He established a sugar plantation economy in Haiti.

D. He led Haitian slaves in a revolt against French rule.

6.  During the “Scramble for Africa,” the European countries wanted to use their African colonies for

A. their natural resources

B. new markets for their goods

C. strategic advantage in case of war or another type of conflict

D. all of the above

7.  Which of the following contributed to the outbreak of World War I?

A. fear of the spread of communism

B. an explosion on the battleship Maine

C. the Japanese invasion of the Philippines

D. European empire building in Africa and


8. Why is the assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand significant?

A. it started WWII

B. it started WWI

C. it started a civil war

D. it ended monarchies in Europe

9. What war was the result of militarism and nationalism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

A. Civil War

B. World War I

C. World War II

D. Vietnam War

10. The four main causes of WW1 were Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism?

A. True

B. False

11. The Allied Powers during WW1 were Great Britain, France, and Russia.

A. True

B. False

12. The Central Powers during WW1 were Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia?

A. True

B. False

13. Being a strong supporter of the rights and interests of one’s country is called…

A. imperialism

B. nationalism

C. militarism

D. alliances

14. When army and military forces are given high profile by the government it is called…

A. imperialism

B. nationalism

C. miltitarism

D. alliances

15. An agreement between 2 or more countries to give help if needed is called…

A. imperialism

B. nationalism

C. militarism

D. alliances

16. When information such as posters and pamphlets are created by the government in order to influence public opinion it is called…

A. censorship

B. militarism

C. nationalism

D. propaganda

17. A system of elaborate tunnels where the men would fight, eat, sleep, and even die during WW1 is called “Trench Warfare”.

A. True

B. False

Use the following map to answer questions 18-20