May 11, 2016

The Honorable (full name)
(Room #) (Name) Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator ______:

On behalf of the physicians and staff at (insert Clinic), I am writing to urge your support for two issues important to our community: needed healthcare for veterans and support for the National Public Health Action Plan for the Detection, Prevention and Management of Infertility, which was drafted by the CDC and released in June 2014. Our practice works daily to help patients through their battle with infertility, which includes the use of assisted reproductive technologies, often the most effective treatment for their disease. Our hope is that you will support these issues by becoming a co-sponsor of a bill to help veterans -- “The Women Veterans and Families Health Services Act of 2015” (S 469) -- and work with us to ensure CDC leads the effort to implement the National Action Plan for Infertility.

Millions of women and men throughout the U.S. struggle with the heartbreaking diagnosis of infertility. The specific cause of infertility is different for any given patient, but it can be identified in the majority of cases. For more than 30 years the practice of reproductive medicine has been guided by evidence-based standards that have changed over time to keep pace with scientific advances in the field. Modern breakthroughs in reproductive medicine and human biology have resulted in a number of treatment options that can help patients overcome infertility and have the children they yearn for. These treatments offer hope to patients who could not previously be treated, yet access to these treatments remains difficult because most patients do not have insurance for infertility care and must pay out-of-pocket. Currently, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is not covered by TRICARE or by the Veterans Administration. We hope our personal outreach to you can help bring a positive response to this challenge.

Being unable to have a child is heartbreaking, perhaps even more so for service members who have sacrificed so much for our country. Help them and the millions of Americans with infertility to build their families and their futures. Please co-sponsor S 469, and please work with us to ensure the CDC takes steps to advance the goals of the National Action Plan.

Thank you for your consideration of the above issues, and we look forward to hearing from you with any questions you might have.
