Ref.: Standards - ST.86 page: 3.86.a.4



Table of Contents

en / 03-86-a Date: December 2007


Ref.: Standards - ST.86 page: 3.86.a.4


1.Transactions 3

1.1.Account Debit Kind 3

1.2.Amount 3

1.3.Card Account 3

1.4.Card Kind Code 3

1.5.Chip Code 4

1.6.Design Application 4

1.7.Login Information 5

1.8.Payment 5

1.9.Payment Fee 6

1.10.Payment Method 6

1.11.Payment Status Code 6

1.12.Reimbursement 7

1.13.Reimbursement Fee 7

1.14.Reimbursement Status Code 7

1.15.Request Software 7

1.16.Signatory 7

1.17.Signature Manner 8

1.18.Transaction 8

1.19.Transaction Body 8

1.20.Transaction Code 8

1.21.Transaction Data 12

1.22.Transaction Error 12

1.23.Transaction Header 12

1.24.Transaction Sub Code 13

2.Designs 13

2.1.Authorization 13

2.2.Authorization Document Supply 13

2.3.Authorization Kind 13

2.4.Category Code 14

2.5.Category Kind 14

2.6.Citation Kind 14

2.7.Citation Reference 14

2.8.Class Number 14

2.9.Classification Kind Code 14

2.10.Class Description 15

2.11.Correspondence Address 15

2.12.Correspondence Address Key 15

2.13.Correspondence Address Party 15

2.14.Design 15

2.15.Design Application Current Status Code 17

2.16.Design Application Event 17

2.17.Design Application Event Code 17

2.18.Design Current Status Code 17

2.19.Design Event 18

2.20.Design Event Code 18

2.21.Design Representation Sheet 18

2.22.Design Specimen 18

2.23.Design Specimen Kind 19

2.24.Designated Country 19

2.25.Designated Under Code 19

2.26.Document 19

2.27.Document Media 20

2.28.Exhibition Priority 20

2.29.Exhibition Status Code 20

2.30.Extended ISO Country Code 20

2.31.Extended ISO Language Code 20

2.32.Extended WIPO ST3 Code 21

2.33.File Format 21

2.34.Identifier 21

2.35.Indication Product 21

2.36. ISO Former Country Code 21

2.37.Key 21

2.38.Locarno Class Number 22

2.39.Operation Code 22

2.40.Period 22

2.41.Period Code 22

2.42.Priority 22

2.43.Priority Status Code 22

2.44.Publication 23

2.45.Publication Section 23

2.46.Publication Subsection 24

2.47.Related Application 24

2.48.Related Application Kind 24

2.49.Request Examination 24

2.50.Request Examination Kind Code 24

2.51.Text 25

2.52.Unit 25

2.53.Version 25

2.54.View 25

2.55.View Category 25

2.56.View Kind 26

2.57.View Representation Size 26

2.58.WIPO Former ST3 Code 26

3.Parties 26

3.1.Address 26

3.2.Address Book 27

3.3.Applicant 27

3.4.Claimant 28

3.5.Designer 28

3.6.Entitlement 28

3.7.Formatted Name Address 29

3.8.Free Format Name 29

3.9.Gender 29

3.10.Individual Identifier 29

3.11.Licensee 29

3.12.Name 30

3.13.Name Kind 30

3.14.Nationality Code 30

3.15.Phone 31

3.16.Phone Kind 31

3.17.Representative 31

3.18.Representative Kind Code 31

3.19.Role 32

3.20.Staff 32

4.Opposition 33

4.1.Earlier Design 33

4.2.Earlier Design Kind 33

4.3.Earlier Right Kind 33

4.4.Opponent 33

4.5.Opposition 34

4.6.Opposition Basis Code 34

4.7.Opposition Current Status Code 34

4.8.Opposition Event 35

4.9.Opposition Event Code 35

5.Design Records 35

5.1.Design Basic Record 35

5.2.Design Basic Record Kind 36

5.3.Design Record 37

5.4.Design Record Relation 37

5.5.Licence 37

5.6.Licence Event 38

5.7.Licence Event Code 38

5.8.Licence Kind 38

5.9.Licence Status Code 38

5.10.Limitation 39

5.11.Limitation Code 39

5.12.Record Change Name Address 39

5.13.Record Change Name Address Kind 40

5.14.Record Current Status Code 40

5.15.Record Event 40

5.16.Record Event Code 41

5.17.Record Licence 41

5.18.Record Licence Kind 42

5.19.Record Transfer 42

5.20.Record Transfer Kind 43

6.External REFERENCED Standards 43

6.1.ISO Country Code 43

6.2.ISO Currency Code 43

6.3.ISO Language Code 43

6.4.WIPO ST3 Code 43

en / 03-86-a Date: December 2007


Ref.: Standards - ST.86 page: 3.86.a.4

en / 03-86-a Date: December 2007


Ref.: Standards - ST.86 page: 3.86.a.4


1.1.Account Debit Kind

Kind of debit account

No / Enumeration Value / Description /
1 / Basic Fee Immediate / Basic Fee Immediate
2 / Basic Fee End of Period / Basic Fee End of Period
3 / Basic and Class Fee / Basic and Class Fee
* / Union with xs:token


Monetary quantity of the payment and currency

No / Element / Occurs / Description /
1 / Currency Code (attribute) / 1 / Currency of the monetary amount

1.3.Card Account

Payment by credit card/debit card/chip card or other card

No / Element / Occurs / Description /
1 / Card Primary Account Number / 1 / The identifying number of the card, known as the PAN - Primary Account Number.
2 / Card Network Identifier / 1 / Identifier of the organization providing the network for the card
3 / Card Kind Code / 0..1 / The type of card used for payment, such as a debit card or credit card, according to a controlled list of card types
4 / Card Customer Identifier / 0..1 / The customer reference number. This is used to enable transmission of customer specific information with the card.
5 / Card Validity Start Date / 0..1 / The date from which the card is valid
6 / Card Expiry Date / 0..1 / The date up to which the card is valid
7 / Card Issuer Identifier / 0..1 / Identifies the organization issuing the card, known as the BIN - Bank Id.No.
8 / Card Issue Number / 0..1 / Identifies the issue number, relevant only to SWITCH cards
9 / Card CV2 Identifier / 0..1 / The CV2 identity on the reverse of the card for added security. The 3/4 digit number located on the back of the credit/debit card signature strip.
10 / Card Chip Code / 0..1 / Distinction between CHIP and MAG STRIPE cards
11 / Card Chip Application Identifier / 0..1 / Identifies the application (AID) on a Chip card that provides the information quoted
12 / Card Holder Name / 0..1 / Name of the credit card holder

1.4.Card Kind Code

The type of card used for payment, such as a debit card or credit card, according to a controlled list of card types

No / Enumeration Value / Description /
1 / Credit Card / Credit Card
2 / Debit Card / Debit Card
* / Union with xs:token

1.5.Chip Code

Distinction between chip and magnetic strip cards

No / Enumeration Value / Description /
1 / Chip / Chip
2 / MagneticStripe / MagneticStripe
* / Union with xs:token

1.6.Design Application

Details on a design application

No / Element / Occurs / Description /
1 / Operation Code (attribute) / 1 / Code indicating the kind of data manipulation operation performed on the data element
2 / Request Software / 0..1 / Name and version of software used on the client side for the creation of the request
3 / Design Application Form Name / 0..1 / Name or code of the application form the receiving office has defined within the regulations for an application request.
4 / Request Examination / 0..1 / Details on the examination request as part of the application
5 / Registration Office Code / 1 / Code of the registration office.
6 / Receiving Office Code / 0..1 / Code of the receiving office or office of origin
7 / Receiving Office Date / 0..1 / Date received at the receiving office or office of origin
8 / Receipt Number / 0..1 / Number of receipt at the reception Office
9 / Sealed Deposit Indicator / 0..1 / Indicator whether the application has been deposited sealed
10 / Design Application Number / 0..1 / Application number
11 / Design Application Date / 0..1 / Date of application
12 / Design Application Date Time / 0..1 / Date and time of application
13 / Filing Place / 0..1 / Place of filing of the application
14 / Design Application Reference / 0..1 / External reference given by the applicant or representative to the design application
15 / Design Application Language Code / 0..1 / Code of (first) language of the design application
16 / Second Language Code / 0..1 / Code of second language of the application
17 / Total Design / 0..1 / Total number of designs contained in the application
18 / Correspondence Language Code / 0..1 / Language used within correspondence
19 / Design Application Current Status Code / 0..1 / Code of current legal status of the design application
20 / Design Application Current Status Date / 0..1 / Date of current legal status of the design application
21 / Designated Country Details / 0..1 / Details of designated countries for international designs
22 / Designated Country / 1..n / Designated country for international designs
23 / Design Details / 1 / Details of the designs
24 / Design / 1..n / Data regarding the design
25 / Applicant Details / 1 / Details of the applicants
26 / Applicant Key / 1..n / Key identifying an applicant
27 / Applicant / 1..n / Applicant or holder details
28 / Representative Details / 0..1 / Details of the representatives
29 / Representative Key / 1..n / Key identifying a representative
30 / Representative / 1..n / Data regarding a representative
31 / Authorization / 0..1 / Authorization data
32 / Correspondence Address Key / 0..1 / Key identifying the address for correspondence
33 / Correspondence Address / 0..1 / Correspondence address
34 / Design Application Event Details / 0..1 / Details of event or actions on the design application
35 / Design Application Event / 1..n / Data regarding an event or action on the design application
36 / Document Included Details / 0..1 / Details of included documents
37 / Document Included / 1..n / Details on attached files or documents
38 / Design Application Statement Details / 0..1 / Details on statements of the design application
39 / Design Application Statement Text / 0..1 / Text describing the application statement
40 / Design Application Statement Document / 0..1 / Document containing the application statement
41 / Payment Details / 0..1 / Payment details
42 / Payment / 1..n / Data regarding a request for payment
43 / Reimbursement Details / 0..1 / Reimbursement details
44 / Reimbursement / 1..n / Data regarding a reimbursement
45 / Signatory Details / 0..1 / Details of the signatories of an electronic application
46 / Signatory / 1..n / Details of the signatory of an electronic document

1.7.Login Information

Login data of the producer of the request or transaction on the computing system of the receiving office

No / Element / Occurs / Description /
1 / Login / 0..1 / Login of the requester on the computing system of the receiving office
2 / Login Email / 0..1 / Email associated to the login of the requester on the computing system of the receiving office
3 / Password / 0..n / Password associated to the login of the requester on the computing system of the receiving office


Data regarding a request for payment

No / Element / Occurs / Description /
1 / Payment Identifier / 0..1 / Identifier for the payment
2 / Payment Reference / 0..1 / Free text reference in addition to the identifier
3 / Payer Name / 0..1 / Name details of the payer
4 / Payment Status / 0..1 / Status of the payment
5 / Comment / 0..1 / Free text comment
6 / Payment Date / 0..1 / Date of payment
7 / Payment Method / 0..1 / Payment method or mode of payment
8 / Payment Fee Details / 0..1 / Specification of sub fees and amounts
9 / Payment Fee / 1..n / Specification of one sub fee and amount

1.9.Payment Fee

Specification of one sub fee and amount

No / Element / Occurs / Description /
1 / Fee Identifier / 0..1 / Identifier for a fee
2 / Fee Reference / 0..1 / Free text reference to the fee
3 / Fee Amount / 1 / Basic fee amount
4 / Fee Unit Quantity / 0..1 / The quantity or factor the basic amount is multiplied by
5 / Fee Unit Amount / 0..1 / The unit amount as the outcome of the "Fee Amount" multiplied by the "fee Quantity"
6 / Comment / 0..1 / Free text comment

1.10.Payment Method

Payment method or mode of payment

No / Element / Occurs / Description /
1 / Account / 1 / Payment by drawing the amount from the internal account at the office
2 / Account Identifier / 1 / Account identifier or number
3 / Account Kind / 0..1 / Kind of account
4 / Account Holder Name / 0..1 / Name of the account holder
5 / Account Debit Kind / 0..1 / Kind of debit account
6 / Card Account / 1 / Payment by credit card/debit card/chip card or other card
7 / Cheque / 1 / Payment by cheque
8 / Cheque Identifier / 1 / Identifier number of the cheque
9 / Cheque Kind / 0..1 / Cheque company or system
10 / Bank Name / 0..1 / Name of the bank where to cash the cheque
11 / Bank Transfer / 1 / Payment by bank transfer
12 / Bank Transfer Identifier / 1 / Identifier of the bank transfer
13 / Bank Transfer Date / 1 / Date of the bank transfer
14 / Origin Bank Name / 0..1 / Name of the bank from where the amount was transferred
15 / Bank Destination Account / 1 / Account number where the amount was transferred to
16 / Other Payment Method / 0..1 / Element reserved for any other payment method

1.11.Payment Status Code

Status of the payment

No / Enumeration Value / Description /
1 / Done / Done
2 / Attached / Attached
3 / To follow / To follow
4 / Bank transfer to follow / Bank transfer to follow
5 / Undefined / Undefined
* / Union with xs:token


Data regarding a reimbursement

No / Element / Occurs / Description /
1 / Reimbursement Identifier / 0..1 / Identifier for the reimbursement
2 / Reimbursement Reference / 0..1 / Free text reference in addition to the reimbursement identifier
3 / Payee Name / 0..1 / Name details of the payee of the reimbursement
4 / Reimbursement Status / 0..1 / Status of the reimbursement
5 / Comment / 0..1 / Free text comment
6 / Reimbursement Date / 0..1 / Date of reimbursement
7 / Reimbursement Method / 0..1 / Mode of reimbursement
8 / Reimbursement Fee Details / 0..1 / Details of the reimbursement fees
9 / Reimbursement Fee / 1..n / Data regarding the reimbursement fee

1.13.Reimbursement Fee

Data regarding the reimbursement fee

No / Element / Occurs / Description /
1 / Fee Identifier / 0..1 / Identifier for a fee
2 / Fee Reference / 0..1 / Free text reference to the fee
3 / Fee Amount / 1 / Basic fee amount
4 / Comment / 0..1 / Free text comment

1.14.Reimbursement Status Code