Friday May 27th 2016

Dear Parents, Family and Friends
New Teacher
Following interviews this week, I am delighted to inform you that we have offered the position of Wrens class teacher to Lydia Knowles. She is relocating from Cumbria over the summer and we look forward to welcoming her to our community. We are hoping to arrange a time for parents to meet Lydia and will let you know when this has been arranged.
Doesn’t the village look fabulous with 43 scarecrows popping up a week ago? Our Boudicca is sheltering in the corner and is faring the inconsistent weather rather well. Don’t forget to vote for your favourite – forms are in the telephone box outside the school.
News from Jackdaws
On Tuesday Mr Walsh enjoyed a day out with Year 6 playing quick cricket. The competition was tough but they all played extremely well. Year 6 are working with Julie Wood on the end of Art’s week performance, developing performance techniques and script writing. Jackdaws have been learning about Anglo Saxon food.
News From Woodpeckers
This week enjoyed a visit from Mr Kite, who set up an orienteering course around the school grounds, the markers being characters from Thomas the Tank engine. The children did really well to find them all in record time. Mrs Pearse has been creating Morris-style dancing sequences this week with the Woodpeckers; how delightful to see the children dancing around the playground with scarves waving.
News from Wrens
Wrens have been setting up global travel arrangements from their airport role-play area. They have been investigating paper airplanes and learning about what makes a helium balloon float.
The biodiversity club spent this week’s session weeding. The walls of the den are taking shape as the children source mud and twigs from around the grounds. The willow dome is starting to sprout, which is exciting. There are the first signs of pumpkin sprouts in the new pumpkin patch. Kind donations from Sophie in Reception of purple sprouting broccoli and turnips should mean we have a bumper crop by next term.
Along with all the staff, I would like to say thank you and a fond ‘farewell (but see you in the playground) to Tracey Readings who is leaving her posts as a meal time supervisor and TA on Fridays and in the breakfast club three days a week. We all wish her the best in her new ventures.
Summer Fair 18th June
The PTFA board for volunteer stall helpers and cake-makers is now in the playground for anyone wishing to sign up.
Art Work
Some of our pupils’ artwork is on display in an exhibition at the Uploders Chapel. Do go and have a look if you get the opportunity.
Congratulations this week to …
¬ Elm winners of the House Cup this week
¬ Rose (Wrens) for her exceptional effort in phonics this half term … well done!
¬ Freddie (Wrens) for his exceptional effort in phonics this half term … well done!
¬ Toby (Jackdaws) for his generous spirit – always being a good friend
¬ Megan (Woodpeckers) for excellent writing homework
¬ Dylan F (Jackdaws) for excellent writing homework
¬ Noah (Jackdaws) for excellent writing homework
¬ James (Jackdaws) for excellent writing homework
¬ Woodpeckers for excellent orienteering skills
¬ Year 6 for participating in the Kwik Cricket competition
Dates to Remember
Monday 6th June / Back to School
Wednesday 8th June / Year 5 Sports Festival at Colfox School
Thursday 9th June / Years 5 and 6 Sailing (letters sent home on Wednesday of this week)
Thursday 23rd June / New Reception Taster Afternoon 1.30pm to 3pm (reception pack will be sent out next week)
Tuesday 29th June / Food and Technology Primary Taster Day (2 Year 5 pupils attending)

Thank you to all parents for your help and support this half term. I hope you and your families have a lovely Spring bank holiday and half-term and I look forward to welcoming you back to school on Monday 6th June.

Rowan Beecham