West Georgia SHRM Board Meeting

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

  1. Call to Order: 12:18 p.m. the SHRM Board meeting was called to order by President Pamela Carrne.

Those present were: Pamela Carrne, Jeff Sargent, Kay Durand, Karen Redic, Frances Oubre, and Diana Goldwire

Not in attendance: Craig Moore, Michael Dollar, Kay Durand, Celeste Davis, Deborah Marchman, and Carl Von Epps

  1. Minutes: February Board Minutes were approved by the Board.
  1. Treasurer:The treasure’s report was given by Karen Redic. We currently have $9,501.16 in the account.Kay Durand made the motion to approve the treasure’s report with a second by Frances Oubre.
  1. Chair Reports:
  1. Membership: Kay Durand presented a new member application to the board, the application was approved.
  1. Upcoming Meetings – Pamela reviewed the programs that are scheduled:
  2. April:
  3. TALX will be speaking about Unemployment Tips- discussion about the SHRM Foundation Raffle or door prize.
  4. It was decided that a raffle would be a good idea and have it be Easter themed. Pamela will check with Michael and Karen will most likely purchase the prize from Wal-Mart.
  5. Diana will bring the HRCI Certificates.
  6. Frances will be running late to the meeting but it will be already set-up. Kay will have to leave early and Jeff agreed to make sure that the Membership items are taken up.
  7. Michael Dollar will be providing the technology; if he is unable to attend he will drop off the items at Diana’s office on Thursday morning.
  8. Announcements from Kimbles, GACE Conference, and Mock Union will be announced at the meeting.
  9. May, Networking Meeting
  10. June, Workplace Violence Panel- 3-4 panel members will go over different topics of Workplace Violence. Diana will send to the board a survey to review that we will then send to the members to have a better idea of what this panel will need to cover.
  11. July, No Meeting
  12. August, Jonathan Martin for a Generational topic: Pamela will be giving Diana the summary of the topic to submit for HRCI.
  13. September, still deciding on a topic
  14. October, Leadership Conference- interested in sponsoring the Early Bird Breakfast Coffee in September. Kay will check with the Chamber.
  1. Education/College Relations/Certifications – Working on getting most of the meetings HRCI certified. Needing information for the June and August meetings to start the process. Announced that we were able to get certification credits for the Mock Union Workshop sponsored by the West GA LEC as well as 10 certification credits for the upcoming GACE Conference at Callaway Gardens. West GA SHRM will be mentioned at both events for sponsoring the HRCI credits. Web-site went through upgrades and Diana will be fixing the site to match the new formatting.
  1. SHRM Foundation – Michael was not at the meeting but it was deciede to have a raffle at the April meeting benefiting the SHRM Foundation.
  1. Legislative – Jeff agreed to serve as the Legislative Chair.
  1. Workforce – Craig was unable to attend- no report.
  1. Communications – Celeste was unable to attend but the board discussed how great the meeting reminders were.
  1. Diversity – This position on the board is open.
  1. At Large – Report was included in the Upcoming Meetings Report.
  1. Old Business:
  2. Dues/Renewals- It was discussed about the pricing for membership needs to be changed on the web-site. Kay will be sending the updated membership forms and Pamela will send the updated PayPal HTML code to Diana to upload to the web-site. Pricing is now $175.00 but will be prorated.
  3. Employability Workshop for Troup County High School Students- April 20th members of both the West GA LEC and West Georgia SHRM will be working the Resume Writing and Mock Interview Sessions.
  4. EBB- Business before Breakfast- will be contacting the chamber to set up sponsoring this the month before the Conference.
  1. New Business:
  2. Chamber Book- Decided to renew advertising in the Chamber Book
  3. Atlanta STAR Conference- West GA SHRM and other local chapters have paid to have a booth advertising local membership.
  4. Directing people to the web-site. Request for starting to include a bio and a photo of our speakers to be included on the web-site. Diana would need these items from the speakers at the same time as she gets the HRCI information to make sure that it is all included on the web-site.
  5. Conference:
  6. Discussed a really interesting topic from another group called ‘Tap Water Girl in a Bottled Water World,’also discussed topics such as Spiraling Upward.
  7. Jeff was interested in pursuing sponsorships
  8. Need to make sure that we have our meetings and the conference on the Chamber web-site.
  1. The meeting was adjournedat 1:10 pm.

Respectfully Submitted

Diana Goldwire