
Annex II, page 2


/ Paragraphs
(Annexes) /
Opening of the session / 2
Adoption of the agenda / 4
Introduction of residual main groups in IPC subclasses
See documentIPC/WG/13/5 and ProjectWG111. / 6 – 9
Proposals for improving the IPC
See documentIPC/WG/12/4 and Project WG012. / 10, 11
Updating of the IPC material in the WIPO Handbook on Industrial Property Information and Documentation
See documentIPC/WG/13/5 and Project WG 113. / 12 – 14
IPCrevision projectrelating to the chemical field
See documentIPC/WG/13/5 and Project C 432. / 15 – 21
Updating of IPC training examples relating to the mechanical field
See documentIPC/WG/13/5 and ProjectsTE 204, TE 209, TE216, TE 217, TE 218, TE 219, TE 221, TE222, TE 224, TE227, TE229, TE230, TE231. / 22 – 27
(V, VI)
Updating of IPC training examples relating to the electrical field
See documentIPC/WG/13/5 and Projects TE 316, TE326, TE330, TE334, TE336. / 22 – 27
(V, VI)
Updating of IPC training examples relating to the chemical field
See documentIPC/WG/13/5 and Projects TE119, TE122, TE123, TE124, TE131. / 22 – 27
(V, VI)
Publication of IPC training examples
See document IPC/WG/14/2. / 28 – 32
IPC definition projects relating to the mechanical field
See documentIPC/WG/13/5 and Projects*
D 014(F), D 016, D018(F), D 031, D034, D035, D 055, D058, D060, D070. / 33, 34
IPC definition projects relating to the electrical field
See documentIPC/WG/13/5 and Projects*
D006(F), D 009(F), D 043, D 046, D048, D049, D053, D054, D059, D072. / 33, 34
IPC definition projects relating to the chemical field
See documentIPC/WG/13/5 and Projects[*]
D 036, D056, D 061(F), D 062(F), D 063(F), D064, D065, D066(F), D071. / 33, 34
IPC development program for years 2005 to 2008
See document IPC/WG/13/5 and Project CE372. / 35, 36
Procedure for the adoption of reports
See document IPC/WG/13/5. / 37 – 40
Status of the work / 41, 42
Next session of the Working Group / 43, 44
Thanks to Mr. Okelmann and Mr. Bruckmayer / 45
Adoption of the report of the session / 46
Closing of the session

[Annex III follows]

[*] (F) indicates that only the French version of projects approved in English was to beconsidered.