UNIT.2_ The AMERICAS PROJECT / (A) 11.04 (B) 11.03.2014


  • Create and illustrate your own personal culture Presentation based on the different aspects of culture we have learned in class.
  • The Cover Slide will be your illustrated cover page.
  • Every page after that will have a paragraph that are a written description of an element of culture (in alphabetical order) as it appears in your life and several illustrations (see grading rubric below) to correspond with your written work.
  • Illustrations may be computer images, actual photographs, or scanned in artwork. Each cultural element should take up slide (or the inside of an opened page) of your booklet.


1)Create a Family Tree (3 Generations w/ Pictures)

2)Create a Map that traces the movement of your family from their countries of origin to Austin, TX today.

3)Oral History Interview: conduct an oral history interview with one of your relatives, preferably a Grandparent or a Great Grandparent that discuss family history and culture.

4)Choose 2 elements of culture from each column of grouped cultural elements. (2-Personal, 2- Ethnic/Social, 2-Society & 2 Physical Geography) You will have one slide in your booklet for each element. You will have a Total of Eight Elements of Culture

5)Refer to your notes on the ABCs of Culture to help you decide which type of information and pictures to choose for each element.

6)Fill-out Cultural Template which is to include:

  1. Term,
  2. Definition,
  3. A paragraph with a minimum of 5 sentences in each describing the element of culture in your life.
  4. Your sentences should be typed or written neatly in black ink.
  5. Refer to your notes on the ABCs of Culture to help you decide which type of information and pictures to choose for each element.

7)Finally, a minimum of 3 images that represent the cultural element and how it links to your paragraph description.

8)When writing about your personal culture you may include the influence of family. You may also want to consider future goals you have for yourself.

9)Your booklet should be bound. This Grading Rubric should be filled out and should be immediately behind your Cover Page.

10)This is a project about YOU. Have fun with it, BE CREATIVE and go the extra mile to create a spectacular project.

The Elements of Culture

(Choose 2) / Beliefs – religion, superstition, values
Communication– phone, Internet, television, magazines, etc…
Dress and Appearance - clothing, make-up, hairstyle, jewelry
Jobs – Ways to make a living
Knowledge - education, types of school and colleges
Lifestyles – Routines, Personal Hygiene, Dining, Dating …
Movement – transportation, immigration
Relationships – family structure, friend
Shelter – housing style, materials, size, etc…
Vacation and Recreation – Locations, activities, leisure activities
Zoology – animals in an area, pets in your life
Ethnic / Social
(Choose 2) / Arts– visual arts, theatre, dance, poetry, music
Food – types, spices, number of meals, special occasions
History – family history, ancestry, common historical events, important dates
Language – written, spoken, signs, slang, body language
Organizations – school groups and clubs, national groups /organizations, athletic teams
Taboos – Unacceptable Behaviors
Traditions – national and state, local and family traditions, wedding customs
(Choose 2) / Economy – national Trade, Import or Export. Socialism, Capitalism…
Ethnocentrism – Belief one’s culture is better than others
Government – laws, values, social roles and order
National Pride –flags, heroes, symbols, anthem, national holidays
Population – age groups, racial groups, cultural groups, growth rates, etc…
Quality of Life – birth rates, death rates, access to basic needs (food, clothing and shelter)
Resources – Use of Human and Natural
Urban or Rural – city or country
X Marks the Spot – location of major cities, landmarks, historical places, etc…
Yearly Income – average income of a society
Physical Geography
(Choose 2) / Environment – How you use the environment, climate and vegetation
Human/Environment Interactions – How humans adapt to the environment
Weather & Climate – The influence of climate
Xeriscape – The Natural Vegetation and it’s use..

Element of Culture Term Template

(You will need at least eight of these)





(See Teacher for Editable Copy)


  1. Interview one of your relatives, primarily a Grandparent or Great Grandparent. If not possible then contact Aunts, Uncle’s, Great Aunts or Grat Uncle’s.
  2. Contact them and either interview them in person or over the phone and ask them a series of questions from the list below.
  3. Review and choose at least 10 questions to ask and then record their answers. Do not accept one word answers and not are not considered high quality if that is what you turn in.
  4. After the interview type up your questions and answers and place them in your Culture of Me Booklet.
  5. To earn a better grade, turn the interview into a family story with quotes from the interview included. (Make sure you include both Q & A with story if you choose this option.)
  • Please tell me your name, your birthdate, our relationship, and where we are.
  • What was the happiest moment of your life?
  • Who was the most important person in your life? Can you tell me about him or her?
  • What are the most important lessons you've learned in life?
  • What are you proudest of in your life?
  • Can you tell me your name, your age, and who you are?
  • How long have you lived in _____?
  • How has it changed over those years?
  • What was it like when you grew up here/first moved here?
  • What do you miss most about the way it used to be?
  • Who are some of the great characters from here?
  • Do you remember any great stories or legends about our town?
  • Where did you grow up?
  • What was it like?
  • What is your earliest memory?
  • Who were you parents?
  • What were your parents like?
  • Did you enjoy school?
  • What would you do for fun?
  • How would your classmates remember you?
  • Are you still friends with anyone from that time in your life?
  • What are your best memories of grade school/high school school?
  • How did you meet your husband/wife?
  • How has being a parent changed you?
  • What do you do for a living?
  • What did you want to be when you grew up?
  • What lessons has your work life taught you?
  • If you could do anything now, what would you do? Why?
  • Who were your favorite relatives?
  • Do you remember any of the stories they used to tell you?
  • What are the classic family stories? Jokes? Songs?
  • Were you in the military?
  • How did war change you?
  • What lessons did you learn from this time in your life?
  • Is there anything you wanted to talk about that we didn't get to?
  • Is there anything we didn't talk about that you would like to add?
  • Do you have any siblings? What were they like growing up?
  • Did you have a nickname? How'd you get it?
  • Who were your best friends? What were they like?

Grading Rubric
Please fill out and attach behind your Back Page
Cover Page with the original title, name, date, period and 3+ illustrations / / 7
Family tree History / Family Tree (Start with Grand Parents) Include Year Born & Where / Died(If So) & Highest Level of Education
Each page should have at least one paragraph with a minimum of 5 sentences in each describing the element of culture in your life. Your sentences should be typed or written neatly in black ink. (If you handwriting is not extremely legible, you need to type your project.) (5 points per page)
Each page should have a minimum of 3 pictures illustrating the element of culture described in your written work. You pictures should be colorful. Label each picture to show its connection to your written paragraph. (5 points per page) / 1. FAMILY TREE / ____ Flow
____ Pictures / / 10
2. FAMILY ORIGN & MIGRATION MAP / ____ T.O.D.A.L.S. / / 10
3. ORAL HISTORY INTERVIEW / ____ Content / / 10
Personal Cultural Elements
1 / ____ Paragraphs
____ Pictures / / 10
2 / ____ Paragraphs
____ Pictures / / 10
Ethnic / Social Cultural Elements
1 / ____ Paragraphs
____ Pictures / / 10
2 / ____ Paragraphs
____ Pictures / / 10
Society Cultural Elements
1. / ____ Paragraphs
____ Pictures / / 10
2. / ____ Paragraphs
____ Pictures / / 10
Physical Geography Cultural Elements
1. / ____ Paragraphs
____ Pictures / / 10
2. / ____ Paragraphs
____ Pictures / / 10
Grammar and Spelling / / 5
Overall Appearance / / 10
Table of Contents / Grading Rubric filled in and attached behind Cover Page / / 5
Due Date_01/27(A-1 & 3) & 01/28(B-5, 7 & 8)_ Date Turned In ______
Penalties will be assessed for late work according to the late work policy / / 3

S.F. Austin H.S. Social Studies Dept. 1|W.GEO