John Stuart Mill Bicentennial Open

May 20, 2006

Packet #9

Toss-Up Questions

1. One work of this name was published by Pietro Summonte in 1504 two years after a pirated edition appeared, and featured an unhappy lover named Sincero. This word also names a play written in 1640 by James Shirley, while a better known work of this name features a joust between Anaxius and Pyrocles, the latter of whom disguises himself as an Amazon named Zelmane to serve the lady Philoclea. Musidorus and Pamela also appear in that work, which was written for the Countess of Pembroke by Sir Philip Sidney. FTP, give the name shared by a 1993 play about Septimus Hodge and Thomasina Coverley written by Tom Stoppard.

ANSWER: Arcadia

2. One branch of them which was founded by a group led by Philippe Buchez and Saint-Amand Bazard published a journal known as L’Aristarque. They were condemned in the encyclical Ecclesiam a Jesu Christo, which was issued by Pope Pius VII. As a group, they venerated Saint Theobald and were organized into sections known as venditas. The book My Prisons was written by one of them named Silvio Pellico, while other notable ones included Auguste Blanqui and Giuseppe Mazzini. FTP, name this group of 19th-century revolutionaries who were associated with the Freemasons, whose name implies that they were burners of charcoal.

ANSWER: carbonari (prompt on “charcoal burners” before it is mentioned)

3. The equation of this name, sometimes known as the second Friedmann equation, can be derived by substituting the fluid equation into the time derivative of the first Friedmann equation. For an incompressible Newtonian fluid, the viscous term in the Lagrangian form of this quantity is given by the kinematic viscosity times the Laplacian of the velocity. A moving charged particle radiates power proportional to the square of the charge times the square of this quantity, according to Larmor’s formula. Its cgs unit is the Galileo, and like Matt Weiner, its time derivative is known as the jerk. FTP, name this quantity, the second time derivative of the position vector, which appears in Newton’s second law with force and mass.

ANSWER: acceleration

4. He showed the title woman looking away as she stands at the door of a tent and drops the head of the title man into a bag in his Judith and Holofernes. Three figures in a cloud on the upper right observe the action as a number of creatures flee from a goddess in his Minerva Chases the Vices from the Garden of Virtue. He depicted six saints and Gianfrancesco Gonzaga surrounding the seated title figure in his Madonna of Victory. His other biblical scenes include The Presentation in the Temple and The Agony in the Garden, painted in 1455. FTP, name this artist who emphasized the pierced feet of Jesus in his Dead Christ.

ANSWER: Andrea Mantegna

5. Two characters in this work go to Europe for a year, instead of the six months they originally intended to travel, and have a dispute at the end of August in a valley in the Alps. The protagonist had a brother who died at the age of three, while her mother died a week after she was born. That protagonist also has a sensible aunt named Mrs. Almond and a silly aunt named Mrs. Penniman, the latter of whom schemes with the man who wants to marry her. That man lives off his widowed sister, Mrs. Montgomery, which is one of the reasons why Morris Townsend isn’t allowed to marry the protagonist. Written in 1880 and set during the 1840s, FTP, identify this novel about Catherine Sloper, a work by Henry James which is named for a place in New York.

ANSWER: Washington Square

6. He published numerous poems in Poetry magazine, starting with 1919’s “Mary, Mary My Love,” and many of his lyrics appeared in the volume Dreams and Gibes. He discussed the work of Gerard Manley Hopkins in his essay “The Heuristic Value of Rhyme,” but he is better known for ethnographic works like “Song Recitative in Paiute Mythology” and “The Life of a Nootka Indian.” His longest ethnological work is a “study in method” which considers “time perspective in aboriginal American culture,” though this student of the Athabascan languages and head of Yale’s anthropology department in the 1930s is best known for positing a link between a person’s language and his worldview. FTP, name this thinker who along with Benjamin Whorf lends his name to a notable linguistic hypothesis.

ANSWER: Edward Sapir

7. One man of this surname served as speaker of Maine’s House of Representatives in the 1830s before helping to arrange the Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo as Polk’s envoy to Mexico; he later replaced Benjamin Curtis on the Supreme Court before presiding over the Electoral Commission which decided the 1876 presidential election. Another man of this surname was indicted along with his partner Robert Altman as a result of Robert Morgenthau’s investigation of BCCI. That man was chair of the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board under Kennedy, and in 1968 succeeded Robert McNamara as secretary of defense. FTP, give the surname common to Nathan and Clark which was shared by an animal adopted by Emily Elizabeth Howard, the latter of whom was a big red dog.

ANSWER: Clifford

8. It gives its name to a solvent polarity scale based on the spectrum of N-ethyl-4-methylcarboxypyridinium iodide. A structure given this designation has bases that alternate between C2-prime-endo and C3-prime-endo conformations. In the lac operon, it designates the gene whose product is beta-galactosidase. This letter also designates a structure that contains alpha-actinin and demarcates the boundaries of a sarcomere. The compressibility factor P-V divided by R-T is known by this letter, as is a designation for structural isomers about a double bond. Giving its name to a left-handed DNA helix and an isomer with higher-ranking groups on the same side, FTP identify this letter that also designates electrical impedance and atomic number.


9. A recent book about this concept by Martin Jay offered “modern American and European variations on a universal theme.” A 1933 book on this concept treated “historical,” “scientific,” and “practical” varieties of it. That book, which dealt with this concept “and its modes,” was written by Michael Oakeshott. Another book on this concept included chapters titled “existence as precarious and as stable” and “nature, life, and body-mind,” and comprised the first Paul Carus lectures. That book, which dealt with this concept “and nature,” was written by John Dewey. FTP, name this philosophical concept, which was paired with “innocence” in a group of “songs” by William Blake.

ANSWER: experience

10. The title character claims to have 94% recall, as he discovered from testing himself. Later he travels to Costa Brava, Spain after his lover insists on going there to write. The title character bonds with Laura Kinney by sympathizing with Danny Burke, and later insinuates himself into the family of Alvin Dewey, who is played by Chris Cooper. The title character’s lover, Jack Dunphy, is played by Bruce Greenwood, while Bob Balaban plays William Shawn and Catherine Keener appears as the title character’s friend and assistant, Harper Lee. FTP, name this film which showcases the mendacity and general bitchiness of the author of In Cold Blood, a recent movie starring Philip Seymour Hoffman.

ANSWER: Capote

11. One section features the “allegory of the sisters,” in which it is said that Oholah and Oholibah played the whore and were stoned to death for their adultery. The 24th chapter features the oracle at the death of the title figure’s wife, in which the title figure is told not to practice the usual rituals of mourning. It ends in the 48th chapter with a discussion of the allotment of the lands and a description of the gates of the New Jerusalem, while the book opens in the 5th year of the exile of King Jehoiachin, when the titular son of Buzi has a vision of a chariot and is instructed to eat a scroll. FTP, name this book of the Old Testament which includes a vision of a valley of dry bones and follows the book of Jeremiah.

ANSWER: the Book of Ezekiel

12. Makar Kuzmitch Blyostken holds this profession in a story by Anton Chekhov, in which the title figure only performs half his job after learning that Anna Erastovna is marrying someone else. It is the profession of Hugh Strap in Smollett’s Roderick Random and of Partridge in Tom Jones. It is also the profession of Nicholas, who helps a priest burn the title character’s books in Don Quixote. A man who was assisted by Margery Lovett held this profession; that man became the subject of a play by Christopher Bond which was turned into a musical featuring the songs “The Judge’s Return” and “The Worst Pies in London.” FTP, identify this profession of a demonic denizen of Fleet Street, Sweeney Todd.

ANSWER: barber (accept equivalents)

13. After being captured by his rival, this member of the Hanan faction escaped death by tunneling out of his prison using a copper rod. This man’s forces later executed his rival’s family under the leadership of his general Quizquiz [kizkiz]. He was imprisoned a second time after throwing down a Bible proffered by Valverde. His accession to the throne was complicated by omission of the traditional search for divine portents on the lungs of a sacrificial llama following the death of his father Huayna Capac. He was captured at Cajamarca after his army was victorious at a battle near Cuzco, and offered a room full of gold as ransom to Pizarro. FTP, name this unfortunate Incan emperor.

ANSWER: Atahualpa

14. According to the Hahn-Banach theorem, a linear function of this type on a subspace of a normed linear space has an extension with the same property. For suitable domain and range, a differentiable function is Lipschitz continuous if and only if its derivative has this property. Liouville showed that any entire function with this property must be constant. In Euclidean space, any infinite subset with this property has an accumulation point, and compactness is equivalent to being closed and having this property. FTP, name this property which implies that a set is of finite size.

ANSWER: boundedness

15. A 1913 piano piece by Maurice Ravel was written “in the manner of” this composer. This man wrote a string sextet in D minor while living in Germany, though his greatest work written away from his home country is a piano quintet in C minor. His other chamber works include string quartets in A and D, while his orchestral works include symphonies in E flat major and B minor, as well as an unfinished symphony in A minor. He wrote parts of operas entitled Mlada and The Heroic Warriors, but is better known for the unfinished Prince Igor. FTP, name this member of the Russian “mighty five” who also wrote In the Steppes of Central Asia.

ANSWER: Alexander Borodin

16. In the final chapters of this work, a “beautiful invalid has her fortune told in a bawdy house” and “four new characters are introduced to link the past to the present.” Earlier chapters feature a battle at Wild Goat Pool, a contest held at Carefree Lake, and a feast held by some of the title figures at Oriole-Throat Lake. In its opening chapter, a painter named Wang Mien becomes a hermit to avoid taking a position offered him by Chu Yuan-ching, the first emperor of a new dynasty. Other members of the title group include Mei Chiu and Fan Chin, who in the third chapter passes an examination. FTP, name this novel written during the Ming dynasty by Wu Ching-tzu, a satire on the civil service system and the titular learned figures.

ANSWER: The Scholars or Ru Lin Wai Shi

17. This deity, whose aspects include Chandi and Bhairavi, managed to defeat a demon who had been granted a boon from Brahma whereby every drop of blood that fell from his body could produce thousands of copies of him. The current yuga is named for this deity, who was sometimes said to have sprung from the brow of the ten-armed, tiger-riding goddess Durga. Her husband allowed her to trample him in her victory dance in order to save the world, explaining depictions of her standing over Shiva. FTP, name this black earth-mother worshipped by the Thuggee.


18. This process terminates with the proteolysis of S-c-c-one, a subunit of cohesin. The ubiquitinating activity of APC is required to proceed to the next step, while nocodazole and colchicine prevent cells from progressing beyond this stage due to their microtubule depolymerizing activity. Cytostatic factor is involved in the characteristic arrest of unfertilized oocytes in this stage of meiosis II. Karyotyping is done on cells arrested in this stage of mitosis, when chromosomes are aligned along the namesake plate. FTP, identify this mitotic stage that is followed by the separation of sister chromatids in anaphase.

ANSWER: metaphase

19. During World War II this nation saw the so-called “War of the Pins,” in which the citizens registered their opposition to a government headed by Gustav Simon. For most of the last 30 years its politics has been dominated by the Christian Social People’s Party, which has produced prime ministers like Jacques Santer and Jean-Claude Junker. The Congress of Vienna made it an autonomous state under the control of the king of the Netherlands, though on the death of William III in 1890 it came under the control of the House of Nassau-Weilburg, which produced such rulers as Marie-Adélaide, Charlotte, and the current head of state, Henri. FTP, name this landlocked European nation bordered by Germany, France, and Belgium, the world’s foremost grand duchy.