Executive Committee Meeting

August 20, 2009

12:00 pm

YSU Metro College, Room 228

Boardman, Ohio

Committee Members Present: Jim Burgham, Bert Cene, Deann Davis, Charles Venable, and T. Sharon Woodberry.

Committee Members Absent: Pam Amos, Eileen Dray-Bardon, Karla Krodel, Dave Kubas and Marty Martinek.

WIB Members Present: Sharon Woodberry

MCTA Staff: Jessica Borza, Mary Ann Kochalko, Amy Lederle, Leigh Samargia, and Sharlene Senediak

Guests: Patti Hopkins (ODOD), Neil Yutkin (ODOD), and Frank Zangara (ODOD)

Ms. Davis, WIB Vice-Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm after verification of a quorum.

Approval of Consent Agenda Items

Motion: To approve the consent agenda items as prepared.

Motion made by: Mr. Burgham

Seconded by: Mr. Cene

Discussion: None

Motion approved.

Review PY08-09 Business Plan Performance: A final summary of the PY08-09 business plan results was distributed for review. 90% of the strategies were completed successfully. Progress was made on the strategies that were not completed and have been included in the PY09-10 business plan.

PY08 Balanced Scorecard/PY09 Balanced Scorecard Targets: The final PY08 Balanced Scorecard was reviewed. Although some measures received “stop” signs, progress was made in all areas. Measures that remain relevant have been transferred to the PY09 Balanced Scorecard and some new measures have been added to capture the number of visits to One-Stop satellite locations, the number of customers in registered services, and the expenditure rate of stimulus funds.

WIA Monitoring: The final report from the May26-28, 2009, WIA monitoring visit for Area 17 was distributed for review. There were no issues and MCTA is in compliance. Another monitoring visit has been scheduled for August 27, 2009 to review the stimulus summer youth program.

Revised On-the-Job Training (OJT) Policy/Contract: MCTA has reviewed and updated its OJT policy to streamline the process in order to better address the needs of businesses. The policy has been updated to enter into a contractual agreement with the employer rather than the participant. This will decrease the amount of paperwork that would need to be processed should there be any changes to the training plan or if multiple participants will complete OJT training with the same employer. A request was made to accept the revised OJT policy and contractual documents.

Motion: To accept the revised OJT policy and contractual documents.

Motion made by: Mr. Burgham

Seconded by: Ms. Davis

Discussion: OJTs are monitored on a regular basis. If an employer seems to be abusing the program, future OJTs will be prohibited. Wage reimbursement for the participants are issued to the company on a monthly basis after hours worked are verified.

Motion approved.

USDOL Grants: Various USDOL grants are available which can assist Area 17 with the implementation of the interstate strategic plan, expansion of the NEO HealthForce initiative into Pennsylvania, restructuring of auto-related industries into energy-related industries, and expansion of the Bridges Out of Poverty/Pathways Out of Poverty programs. Most grant applications are due by September 30, 2009. The request was made to support grant proposals that can enhance the interstate region and any statewide initiatives that will be beneficial for Area 17.

Motion: To support grant proposals that can enhance the interstate region and any statewide initiatives that will be beneficial for Area 17.

Motion made by: Mr. Burgham

Seconded by: Ms. Davis

Discussion: None

Motion approved.

Good of the Order:

Budget: MCTA received $3.5 million in stimulus funds of which $1.4 million was spent on the summer youth program. MCTA also experienced a $640,000 decrease in WIA formula funds. A fiscal meeting has been scheduled to review the current budget to ensure service delivery is maintained. The request was made to allow MCTA the flexibility to make budgetary decisions as necessary to ensure service delivery continues to meet customer needs.

Motion: To allow MCTA the flexibility to make budgetary decisions as necessary to ensure service delivery continues to meet customer needs.

Motion made by: Mr. Venable

Seconded by: Ms. Burgham

Discussion: None

Motion approved.

Workforce Development Awards: Area 17 has received the “WIB of the Year” award for the third year in a row. Humility of Mary Health Partners also received the “Employer of the Year” award. The State will make the official announcement in the near future.

Governor Strickland and Congressman Wilson: Governor Strickland and Congressman Charlie Wilson will be visiting the Mahoning County One-Stop later today to tour the facilities and to conduct a media briefing related to workforce development and stimulus funds.


Meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm