CCI Work At Home Program

Being a CCI Work At Home (WAH) employee partner requires the right person with the right skills and dedication. Working in the home environment requires more than just wanting to work in your home environment, it requires you to be focused on the job at hand and be able to work independently.

Our WAH employee partners are the heart beat of Call Center and Help Desk successes and we want you to enjoy and to be successful with the position you accept. Since WAH is not for everyone we have created a 3-step huddle to help walk you through the WAH requirements and to see if WAH is right for you.

Step 1. Is your home office set-up?

Step 2. Do you have the right Internet connection?

Step 3. Are you suited for a WAH environment?

When you have determined you have the capability, flexibility, accountability, and are interested in a WAH position we will then take you through the application process. ______

Step 1. Is your home office set-up?

Do you have a dedicated, quiet work area; free of background noise and distractions, with a door that can be closed and private space to protect client information?

1. Yes

2. Not Sure

3. No

Do you have 17” monitor or larger with minimum screen resolution of 1280 x 1024, with speakers or an audio headset … or do you have the ability to purchase?

1. Yes

2. Not Sure

3. No

Do you have Broadband Internet to a reliable high speed Internet connection (not wireless) … or do you have the ability to purchase?

1. Yes

2. Not Sure

3. No

Do you have a dedicated telephone analog landline (not wireless) … or do you have the ability to purchase?

1. Yes

2. Not Sure

3. No

Do you have a corded telephone with mute button (not cordless, cellular, wireless or VoIP) … or do you have the ability to purchase?

1. Yes

2. Not Sure

3. No

Do you have a corded telephone headset that plugs directly into the phone that is hands free …or do you have the ability to purchase?

1. Yes

2. Not Sure

3. No

It is important in a WAH environment for you to have a comfortable and ergonomically safe office set-up. There is a zero tolerance policy for noise so your office must be free from any background noise such as; kids, pets, doorbells, etc. A room with a door is required that can be closed during work hours and a private space to protect client information from view of other.

You must have the minimal computer equipment; monitor, phone lines, internet connectivity to be able to support a call center or help desk position. If you have answered "yes" to all the above questions you are on your way to being qualified for a WAH position! Please proceed to Step 2.

If you answered "not sure" or "no" to any of these questions you can consider applying for other positions with CCI where our employee partners support call center and help desk positions at our customer’s facilities.


Step 2. Do you have the right Internet connection?

From your home computer go to and click on Begin Test.

Let the program run, it takes only a minute.

View your results.

Connectivity and speed are very important when working with customers in the call center or help desk position so it is required you have speeds of 384Kbps upstream and a speed of 512Kbps downstream. 1Mbps=1000Kbps. Good job, if you have passed the speed test please proceed to Step 3.

If your system is not fast enough you can consider an upgrade your internet service or you can still consider applying for other positions with CCI where our employee partners support call center and help desk positions at our customer’s facilities.


Step 3. Are you suited for a WAH environment?

This is not a test but just a few questions for you to determine and tabulate your own score as you consider a WAH environment. The right answer is the truth so be honest.

If given the choice, what kind of career would you prefer?

1. Working outside

2. Working in the field I studied in college

3. Working in a customer service position, utilizing a computer all day to answer and resolve customer questions and complaints

How productive do you expect to be working from home compared to working in an office setting?

1. Less productive

2. No more, no less productive

3. More productive

Have you ever worked from home before?

1. No

2. Yes

Do you have friends or family that work from home?

1. No

2. Yes

When at work, which scenario best describes you?

1. Was always in the middle of whatever crisis was going on

2. Enjoyed seeing my co-workers each day and being able to discuss what’s new

3. Pretty much stayed to myself, didn’t get in the middle of others’ work

When you have down time at work, what are you most likely to do?

1. Check in on Face book or Twitter

2. Call or text a friend on your cell phone

3. Research ways to perform better at my job

Do you set professional goals for yourself?

1. No

2. Yes

Do you measure your progress towards goals?

1. No

2. Yes

How did you score? Total your points with the number that is next to your answer; for example, if you answered “yes” to the question “Do you measure your progress towards goals?”, then you score 2 points.

·  15-20 points = you have the aptitude to be successful in a WAH employee partner position. Congratulations! Please complete our WAH application.

·  10-15 points = you should consider applying for other positions with CCI where our employee partners support call center and help desk positions at our customers facilities.
