CHV2O – Summative Project - Evaluation Rubric

Part A: Canadian Political Cartoon

Category / Does not meet expectations / Level 1
50-59% / Level 2
60-69% / Level 3
70-79% / Level 4
Application / Partially accounts for original source of information / Somewhat
accounts for original source of information / Mostly accounts for original source of information / Correctly accounts for original source of information
(mechanics) / -partial grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc / - some grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc / - good grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc / -high quality grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc
(flow/ articulate) / -partial identification of techniques such as satire, sarcasm, irony, etc
- partial flow and unity in writing, well structured / - some identification of techniques such as satire, sarcasm, irony, etc
- some flow and unity in writing, well structured / -good identification of techniques such as satire, sarcasm, irony, etc
- good flow and unity in writing, well structured / -excellent identification of techniques such as satire, sarcasm, irony, etc
- superior flow and unity in writing, well structured

Part B: See “In the News” rubric [given out earlier in the course].

Part C: Advertising poster for a major Canadian political party

Category / Does not meet expectations / Level 1
50-59% / Level 2
60-69% / Level 3
70-79% / Level 4
Knowledge/ Understanding / - Limited correlation between the words / images used and the stance of the party
- limited
understanding of the party logo, slogan, colours, etc / -some correlation between the words / images used and the stance of the party
- some understanding of the party logo, slogan, colours, etc / -good correlation between the words / images used and the stance of the party
- good understanding of the party logo, slogan, colours, etc / - excellent and solid correlation between the words / images used and the stance of the party
- excellent understanding of the party logo, slogan, colours, etc
/ - limited organization of all images and words for the ad (messy) / -some organization of all images and words for the ad / -good organization of all images and words for the ad / - excellent and thoughtful organization of all images and words for the ad