Minutes following the 02-08-12Village Board Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance to the flag:


Letter to be sent to Mr. Michael Kelly thanking him for his and his late wife Jane Kelly for their contribution to the annual St. Patricks Parade.

Mayor Alexander presented Mr. Michael Kelly with a plaque recognizing his wifethe late Mrs.Jane Kelly for her many efforts associated with the village and especially the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade. All in attendance applauded.

Letter received from Police Commissioner Calabrese Thanking Det. Weaver and K-9 Officer Ashworth for outstanding duty.

Mayor Alexander read a letter prepared by Police Commissioner Calabrese recognizing Officers Weaver and Ashworth for their extra efforts and outstanding duty relative to a recent arrest. All in attendance applauded.

Tr. Costa would like to recognize several individuals for their outstanding service to the community.

Tr. Costa read several letters thanking the Village Police and a resident for their kind efforts with respect to rescuing animals during a recent fire. All in attendance applauded.

Roll Call by the Clerk of the Village: Mayor Alexander, present. Tr. Chase, present. Tr. Niznik, present. Tr. Costa, present. Tr. Alfonso, present. Tr. Visentin, present. Tr. Calabrese, present. Attorney Viglotti, present


Action on Minutes.

January 11, 2012 Regular Board meeting.

Motion by Trustee Calabrese to accept the board meeting minutes as presented. Seconded by Trustee Alfonso. Carried.

Authorization to pay bills as per approved warrants.

Motion by Trustee Niznik to pay the bills as audited. Seconded by Trustee Chase. Carried.

Regular Session:

Privilege of the Floor with respect to printed agenda items followed by Privilege of the Floor with respect to non-agenda items

Priority Items


Approval annual lease Justice Court Building 7 Mill Street. Atty. Viglotti

Motion by Trustee Costa to accept the 2012 annual lease Justice Court Building 7 Mill Street. Seconded by Trustee Alfonso. Carried.

Discussion RGD contract.

This item was tabled to March.

Derelict Properties – GalucciPark, Gas Station at Clinton & W Main, Mt.Carmel

Motion by Trustee Visentin to hire Paggi, Martin and Del Bene to provide the Board with an estimate on how much it would cost the village to demolish and remove theMt.CarmelBuilding on West Main Street and also provide a cost estimate for legal fees. Seconded by Tr. Neznik. Carried.

Request for use of Fire House by outside Village Committee.

The Board decided not to move on the subject.

Zero tolerance policy St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Police.

The Board is requesting the Zero tolerance policy St. Patrick’s Day Parade be sent out to residents via the next utility billing.

Grandstand at the end of Spring St. St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Tr. Calabrese

This item did not require a vote.

Letter received from Wm. T. Garner removing Richard Benbetti and Scott Cooper as members and adding Peter Ruta as a new member.

Motion by Trustee Costa to approve theletter received from Wm. T. Garner removing Richard Benbetti and Scott Cooper as members and adding Peter Ruta as a new member. Seconded by Trustee Chase. Carried.

Letter received from S.W.Johnson requesting permission to send apparatus to , HudsonValley Parade 6/23/12 (Glens Falls) and DC Parade 8/10/12 ( Hopewell Jct.)

Motion by Trustee Costa to approve theletter received from S. W. Johnson requesting permission to send apparatus to , Hudson Valley Parade 6/23/12 (Glens Falls) and DC Parade 8/10/12 ( Hopewell Jct.) Seconded by Trustee Chase. Carried.




Economic Development

Capital Infrastructure / Parks

Approval leaf and brush pick-up twice monthly. Tr. Niznik

Motion by Trustee to approveleaf andbrush pick-up twice monthly. Seconded by Trustee Chase. Carried.

North Mesier Project Agreement. Superintendent Paggi

Motion by Trustee Calabrese to approveNorth Mesier Project Agreement ($135.0k). Seconded by Trustee Costa. Carried.

Discussion relative to structure located in the Franklindale staging area. Tr. Chase.

Motion by Trustee Calabrese to have the Highway Superintendent move forward in getting a demolition permit. Seconded by Trustee Niznik. Carried.


Transparency / Open Government


Approval all in one fingerprint machine. Tr. Calabrese.

Motion by Trustee Calabrese toapprove the purchase of an all in one fingerprint machine using the contingency fund. Seconded by Trustee Costa. Carried.

New Business

Motion by Trustee Alfonso to move to the Executive Session. Seconded by Trustee Niznik. Carried.

Executive Session:

Motion by Trustee Alfonso to leave the Executive Session and return to the Regular Session. Seconded by Trustee Costa. Carried.

Motion by Trustee Alfonso to correct the minutes of the 4/13/11 Village Board Meeting. The meeting minutes indicate that Police Officer Carl Johnson was promoted to Sgt. when, in fact, themotion madewas to allow for such a promotion if in the opinion of the Police Commissioner,the promotion was warranted after a six months review period.It is noted that the Police Commissioner is not suggesting the promotion at this time. Seconded by Trustee Costa. Carried.

Motion by Trustee Costa to adjourn the 02/08/2012 Village Board Meeting. Seconded by Trustee Chase. Carried.

Meeting adjourned 9:40 PM.

Minutes prepared by: John M. Karge, Village Clerk , minutes following the Executive Session were taken and provided to me for recording.

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