Wheatvale Weekly

Term 2 Week 10- Updates for the week starting 19th June 2017

STRIVE with PRIDE- PRIDE value of the week-Prepared.

Encouraging- I support others to do their best.

From the Principal

Welcome to week 10.

Congratulations to MR Atherton, our long serving School Cleaner. He has been working at Wheatvale SS in the capacity of cleaner for the last 12 years. Dedication in anyone’s book. On Parade Monday, he was given a Certificate of Appreciation and a small gift to mark “World Cleaner’s Day” and to show how much we value him. Thank you Mr Atherton.

Well it is here. The last week of term 2 and the last week of term is the week when children see the holidays looming … for them its excitement and a chance to wind down, for parents it can mean something different! For staff it means finishing reports and tying up loose ends with curriculum, teaching and learning. Please ensure your child attends school upto the very last day, to ensure continuity of quality learning takes place and to help us achieve our outcomes.

Friday is a school day as always and we are celebrating good behaviour choices with a PRIDE Day. For all eligible students.

Lastly, thank you to everyone, staff, students, parents and the wider community members for your dedication to making every day count when educating the students at Wheatvale. It has been another great term at Wheatvale SS. I had my health challenges this term but hopefully I’m heading to a bug free winter. Here’s hoping you enjoy good health and a safe holiday. Looking forward to seeing you all back here ready to start on Monday the 10th of July.

Attendance & PBL updates

Attendance is sitting at.92.7% - a small increase . Well done!

The focus lesson this week is on ENCOURAGING- Support others by helping them.

A report will be issued with the Report cards at the end of term to inform you of your child’s attendance record for Semester 1. This will help you see how much teaching time has been lost this term due to absence and how this affects learning and results across the subjects. It will also be an opportunity to celebrate to celebrate full attendance and great learning achievements by being present.

VIP this week!

  • Playgroup
  • Sports Day dates
  • Term 2 school finishes Friday 23rd June
  • School resumes Monday 10th July
  • Next P&C meeting -


Playgroup is operating every Thursday from 9-11am. Please come along and bring a friend. We have a fully qualified teacher and teacher aide teaching our playgroup. I will happen this week and then take a break over the holidays.

Sports Days – Term 3

Wheatvale/ Karara Sports day at Wheatvale SS – Friday 21st July 2017 from 8:30am, wet day 28th August (all students competing). Half Day Small School Sports Day at Wheatvale SS – 1st August 2017 from 12 noon (9years up compete) Full Day Small Schools Sports day at Hamilton Oval WSHS - 4th August 2017 from 8:30am (all ages competing)Southern Downs at Allora State School - Wednesday 16th of August wet day 21st August. (qualifying athletes only)


Thank you so much to our wonderful Tuckshop convenor for staging another delicious Meal Deal. All proceeds go into the school funds that help make our school a better place for every child. Thanks for your commitment Helena to providing a quality menu and fun addition to our lunch times, and thankyou to all who support this P&C initiative. Remember to keep an eye out for the next Meal Deal after the holidays.

Next P&C Association - Next Meeting–Keep posted

Emergency Procedures

As part of our Emergency Procedures, we are required to undertake evacuations and lockdown drills. A lockdown

may occur where the safety of those on the school site is compromised. In the event of a lockdown, everyone immediately goes to the nearest supervised classroom or lockable room. Windows and doors are locked and students sit on the floor, out of site as much as possible, and wait quietly until the ‘all clear’ is given by a school administrator. A fire evacuation requires personnel to move in an orderly fashion to either of the assembly areas eg the cricket pitch or area north of the Hall, where staff will mark rolls and ensure all are safe. These drills occur if there is a fire or disaster eg: gas leak. A lockdown and evacuation drill will occur this week.

Premier’s Reading Challenge

Congratulations to those students who have completed the reading requirements already for the 2017 Premiers Readers Challenge. Any of the following activities can be counted towards the challenge:

  • reading independently
  • shared reading
  • reading along with a text
  • being read to aloud
  • reading aloud.

Make sure you/and or your child are keeping a list of books read in their reading logs! Title and author is needed to be eligible.


Report Cards are being written and will be sent home via the post in the first week of the school holidays. If you require an interview after receiving the reports, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher as soon as possible after the break. The report card envelope will contain a statement of intent to help you understand the reports and also the Hot Shots Tennis Report as issued by our tennis coach Mr Tom Farrell. Please remember that all year we have been updating your child’s Diary with current spelling and number fact results as well as reading and spelling Benchmarks. Please take time to look at these Goal pages in your child’s diary as this will be a start to understanding report cards and your child’s progress made during Semester 1.

Congratulations to everyone for looking after their Wheatvale Diary. Excellent work! A reward is on its way!

Class requirements

Please take a moment over the holidays to check if your child needs more GLUE, PENCILS, RUBBERS, RULERS or COLOURING PENCILS ( good quality as the others break or sharpen away quickly) so that they are PREPARED to start the term 3 off with a BANG!!!. A Home reading Folder (as per the booklist) that zips, will protect Diaries and reading books as they go home. So if your child does not have one of these please consider buying one also to use in Semester 2.

Watering of the gardens

Term 3 Weeks / Name / Term 3 Weeks / Name
Week 1 / Christie Osborne / Week 6
Week 2 / Week 7
Week 3 / Week 8

Still only one helper!

Have a great two weeks. See you after the holidays.

Sharon Turkington (Principal)