Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Southern Brazoria Community Service Center

101 Tigner, Angleton, Texas


1.  CALL TO ORDER – Gerald Mitchell, Board Chair of the Board of Trustees, convened the regular meeting on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 6:32 p.m. at the Southern Brazoria Community Service Center located at 101 Tigner, Angleton, Texas.

The following Board Members were present: Gerald Mitchell – Chair, Caroline Rickaway – Co-Chair, Jamie Travis, James Floyd, Robert Flick, Mary Lou Flynn-Dupart and Karen DeJean.

Board Member(s) absent: David Walker (Excused) & Trey Picard (Excused)

Also present were: G. Michael Winburn, Executive Director – Gulf Coast Center, Chris Cahill, Board Attorney – Mills Shirley, Pam Brown, Director – The Arc; Barry Goodman, The Goodman Corporation; and Diane Terrell, CPA – David Kinard & Co. PC.

2.  CITIZENS’ COMMENTS: There were no Citizens’ Comments.

3.  BOARD MEMBERS’ REPORTS: There were no Board Members’ Reports.

4.  PROGRAM PRESENTATION: Diane Terrell, CPA – David Kinard & Company PC presented the Center’s FY11 Financial and Compliance Audit. Ms. Terrell presented the various report schedules; noted that they were presenting an unqualified opinion; and stated that once again there were no findings or management letter comments. Ms. Terrell commended the Center’s financial staff for their assistance during the audit, as well as their work. As in previous years, in the next month or so, Ms. Terrell will send over comparative audit data using the eleven community centers information their firm audit for the Board and staff’s review.


a.  Consider the approval of previous meeting minutes. December 7, 2011.

On motion by Bob Flick, seconded by Jim Floyd, the board voted to approve the meeting minutes. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.

b.  Consider the approval of the December 2011 check register.

On motion by Bob Flick, seconded by Mary Lou Flynn-Dupart, the board voted to approve the December 2011 check register. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.

c.  Consider the acceptance of the FY2011 Financial and Compliance Audit; and the Center’s response to any Audit Management Letter Comments and Findings.

On motion by Mary Lou Flynn-Dupart, seconded by Caroline Rickaway, the board voted to approve acceptance of the FY2011 Financial and Compliance Audit. As there were no audit findings or management letter comments, no Center response or plan of correction was required. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.

d.  Consider the acceptance of the 2012 Partner Agency Record of Agreement with the United Way of Galveston County Mainland.

On motion by Mary Lou Flynn-Dupart, seconded by Karen DeJean, the board voted to approve the acceptance of the 2012 Partner Agency Record of Agreement with the United Way of Galveston County Mainland. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.

e.  Consider approval of a Resolution adding and approving the Board of Trustees’ Commitment of Fund Balance, funds for use towards All Center Staff Recognition.

On motion by Bob Flick, seconded by Karen DeJean, the board voted to approve the Resolution adding and approving the Board of Trustees’ commitment of fund balance funds for use towards All Center Staff recognition. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.


f.  Consider the ratification of the new non-traditional provider agreement with Caroline James for the provision of respite and/or community support services.

On motion by Jamie Travis, seconded by Mary Lou Flynn-Dupart, the board voted to approve the ratification of the new non-traditional provider agreement with Caroline James. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.

Term: December 1, 2011 – August 31, 2012.

Service Area: IDD Services. County of Service: Galveston

Reimbursement Rate: Standard base level = $10/hr: Medical/Behavioral need = $15/hr.

Description: The Non-Traditional Providers (NTP) are part of the Open Enrollment Network for IDD Services. NTP is made up of individual family members, friends, neighbors and others who provide respite and/or community support services (this is new to the agreement) for families or consumers.

g.  Consider the ratification of the new non-traditional provider agreement with Amanda Sheppard for the provision of respite and/or community support services.

On motion by Jamie Travis, seconded by Mary Lou Flynn-Dupart, the board voted to approve the ratification of the new non-traditional provider agreement with Amanda Sheppard. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.

Term: December 1, 2011 – August 31, 2012.

Service Area: IDD Services. County of Service: Galveston

Reimbursement Rate: Standard base level = $10/hr: Medical/Behavioral need = $15/hr.

Description: The Non-Traditional Providers (NTP) are part of the Open Enrollment Network for IDD Services. NTP is made up of individual family members, friends, neighbors and others who provide respite and/or community support services (this is new to the agreement) for families or consumers.+

h.  Consider the ratification of the new non-traditional provider agreement with Felicia Ward for the provision of respite and/or community support services.

On motion by Jamie Travis, seconded by Mary Lou Flynn-Dupart, the board voted to approve the ratification of the new non-traditional provider agreement with Felicia Ward. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.

Term: December 1, 2011 – August 31, 2012.

Service Area: IDD Services. County of Service: Galveston

Reimbursement Rate: Standard base level = $10/hr: Medical/Behavioral need = $15/hr.

Description: The Non-Traditional Providers (NTP) are part of the Open Enrollment Network for IDD Services. NTP is made up of individual family members, friends, neighbors and others who provide respite and/or community support services (this is new to the agreement) for families or consumers.

i.  Consider the ratification of the new non-traditional provider agreement with Lanecha Chatman for the provision of respite and/or community support services.

On motion by Jamie Travis, seconded by Mary Lou Flynn-Dupart, the board voted to approve the ratification of the new non-traditional provider agreement with Lanecha Chatman. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.

Term: January 1, 2012 – August 31, 2012.

Service Area: IDD Services. County of Service: Galveston

Reimbursement Rate: Standard base level = $10/hr: Medical/Behavioral need = $15/hr.

Description: The Non-Traditional Providers (NTP) are part of the Open Enrollment Network for IDD Services. NTP is made up of individual family members, friends, neighbors and others who provide respite and/or community support services (this is new to the agreement) for families or consumers.

j.  Consider the ratification of the new non-traditional provider agreement with Ulynda Davison for the provision of respite and/or community support services.

On motion by Jamie Travis, seconded by Mary Lou Flynn-Dupart, the board voted to approve the ratification of the new non-traditional provider agreement with Ulynda Davison. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.

Term: January 6, 2012 – August 31, 2012.

Service Area: IDD Services. County of Service: Galveston

Reimbursement Rate: Standard base level = $10/hr: Medical/Behavioral need = $15/hr.

Description: The Non-Traditional Providers (NTP) are part of the Open Enrollment Network for IDD Services. NTP is made up of individual family members, friends, neighbors and others who provide respite and/or community support services (this is new to the agreement) for families or consumers.

k.  Consider the ratification of the new non-traditional provider agreement with Patrice Harris for the provision of respite and/or community support services.

On motion by Jamie Travis, seconded by Mary Lou Flynn-Dupart, the board voted to approve the ratification of the new non-traditional provider agreement with Patrice Harris. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.

Term: January 7, 2012 – August 31, 2012.

Service Area: IDD Services. County of Service: Galveston

Reimbursement Rate: Standard base level = $10/hr: Medical/Behavioral need = $15/hr.

Description: The Non-Traditional Providers (NTP) are part of the Open Enrollment Network for IDD Services. NTP is made up of individual family members, friends, neighbors and others who provide respite and/or community support services (this is new to the agreement) for families or consumers.


l.  Consider approval of the 1st Amendment to the agreement between the Center and The Goodman Corporation for professional services related to development of Transit Access Improvement Master Plan and ADA Complementary Para-Transit and Demand Response Service Plan and Taxi Voucher Program Oversight.

On motion by Mary Lou Flynn-Dupart, seconded by Karen DeJean, the board voted to approve the 1st Amendment to the agreement between the Center and The Goodman Corporation for professional services related to development of Transit Access Improvement Master Plan and ADA Complementary Para-Transit and Demand Response Service Plan and Taxi Voucher Program Oversight. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.

Term: September 1, 2011 – August 31, 2012.

Service Area: Connect County of Service: Primarily Galveston.

Amount to be reimbursed: $315,000 (increase of $125,000)

Description: This agreement is being amended to account for additional scope of work activities and associated increased costs not covered by the original agreement.

m.  Consider approval of the agreement with The Goodman Corporation for professional services related to Pedestrian/Transit Master Plan (City of Dickinson).

On motion by Mary Lou Flynn-Dupart, seconded by Caroline Rickaway, the board voted to approve the agreement with the Goodman Corporation for professional services related to Pedestrian/Transit Master Plan (City of Dickinson). The motion carried with all members voting in favor.

Term: September 1, 2011 – August 31, 2012.

Service Area: Connect County of Service: Primarily Galveston.

Amount to be reimbursed: $124,000

Description: This agreement is for the consultant and professional services being provided by The Goodman Corporation related to the City of Dickinson Pedestrian/Transit Master Plan including existing conditions inventory, costing, benefits analysis, categorical exclusion and LNOP requests, intergovernmental assistance and economic development framework.


Pending action items are those items which were on a prior board agenda but not completely resolved. The items may be listed for update or final action by the Board.

There were no pending action items.


a.  Review of the financial report.

G. Michael Winburn, Executive Director – Gulf Coast Center, reported that for the month of December 2011 the Center recognized operating expenses of $2,087,784 and operating revenues of $2,084,184 for a variance (revenues less expenses) of ($3,599). Year to date, the variance position for both operational and non-operational expenses and revenues is (revenues less expenses) $33,849.70. Additionally, through December 2011, the Center has recorded $280,271.80 in fund balance expenses related to Board approved Committed Use funds. Mr. Winburn also reported that as previously indicated this is a challenging financial year. Currently management staff are reviewing budgets and operations, and within the next meeting or so will be presenting budget revisions for the Board’s approval. No action required.

b.  Grant activity update.

Mike Winburn presented a brief update on grant activity. Gerald Mitchell, Chairperson, requested that a monthly update or status report be provided by Connect Transit on its multiple grants, expansion, and activities. Rick Elizondo, CFO, stated he would have this added as a standing agenda item under the Executive Director’s Calendar starting with the next Board meeting. No action required.

c.  Presentation and review of State Comparative Reports.

Nothing to report. No action required

d.  Review and discussion of ETBHN activities and updates.

The ETBHN activities and updates were reviewed and discussed. No action required.

e.  Review of Texas Council Community MHMR Center activities and updates.

Nothing to report. No action required.

f.  TCRMF Board of Directors Quarterly Update.

Nothing to report. No action required.

g.  FY12 1st Quarter Board Review Reports.

Carolyn Rose presented the FY12 1st Quarter Board Review Reports. No action required.

h.  Presentation of calendar of upcoming events.

Mike Winburn presented the calendar of upcoming events. No action required.

·  NAMI Walks – April 14, 2012; Alvin Community College.

8.  ADJOURN: There being no further business to bring before the Board of Trustees the meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m.

Respectfully, Approved as to Content and Form,


Ronda Wilson Gerald Mitchell

Secretary to the Board of Trustees Board Chair