Notification calling for tenders and Request for Proposal (RFP)


Supply and maintenance of 54 Desktop computer, Dot-matrix printers and UPS for the use at the Wholesale points of the Karnataka Food and Civil Supplies Corporation across the state of Karnataka


Karnataka Food and Civil Supplies Corporation Limited,


(Government of Karnataka Undertaking)

Tel: 080-22096712/22096665




No.KFCSC/ITS/MFR-145/2012-13/ June 20, 2012.


Sub: Supply of Desktop computer, Dot matrix Printers and UPS

Tenders are invited under two cover systems from the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) or their authorized dealers, who have been short-listed by the Government in DPAR–E-Governance for the supply of computer hardware details mentioned below and for installation of the same in the 54Akshara Dasoha and Kerosenewholesale points all over Karnataka as per the terms and conditions contained in the Request for Proposal (RFP) annexed to this notification.

1.The bidder is required to integrate all the products supplied and install at all the locations indicated and make it operational as per the requirement of Karnataka Food & Civil Supplies Corporation Limited, Bangalore. The list of locations where the systems are to be installed is given in Annexure - I to the RFP. The eligibility criteria or the pre-qualification for the bidders is furnished in Part-II of the RFP. The technical specifications of the hardware required are furnished in Part- III of the RFP. The terms and conditions governing the tender process and the contract are given in Part-IV of the RFP. Stipulations relating to submissions of bids, evaluation, acceptance etc are given in Part-V of the RFP. The pre-qualification and the financial bids should be submitted in two separate sealed covers.

No / Descriptions of the items to be supplied as per the specifications given. / Numbers
1 / Desktop computer / 54
2 / Dot Matrix Printer / 54
3 / UPS / 54

2.The Pre-qualification bid should be in the format given in Part-VI of the RFP. The following documents should be enclosed to the pre-qualification bid, in support of the claims:

(a)Proof of ownership of the manufacturing facility or authorised dealership.

(b)VAT registration certificates.

(c)PAN registration certificate under the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961.

(d)Proof of annual turnover for the past 3 financial years.

(e)Proof to show that the bidder is in the business of manufacturing or dealing in computers and other accessories in the past 5 years.

(f)List of clients to whom the bidder has supplied similar hardware in the previous three years.

(j)An affidavit that the bidder has never been blacklisted by any government

Department / government undertaking / any other agency.

3.The pre-qualification bid should accompany an earnest money deposit of ` 1,00,000 (` one Lakh only) in the form of Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque. The sealed cover containing the Pre-qualification bidshould be superscribed with the words “Pre-qualification bid for supply of “Computer systems for the Akshara Dasoha and Kerosene wholesale points of KFCSC”.

4.Thefinancial bid should be in the format given in Part-VII (Form-1&II) and the sealed cover containing the financial bid should be superscribed with words “Financial bid for supply of “Computer Systems for the wholesale points of KFCSC”. The sealed covers containing Pre- qualification bid and the Financial bid should be placed in a larger cover, superscribed with the words “ Tender for supply of “Computer Systems for the Akshara Dasoha and Kerosene wholesale points of KFCSC”, sealed, addressed and delivered to, The Managing Director, KARNATAKA FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES CORPORATION LIMITED. No.16/I, MILLERS TANK BED AREA, VASANTHA NAGAR, BANGALORE-560 052.

5.The last date for submission of tender is 9thJuly 2012 up to 3.00 PM. The bids received after 3.00 PM on 9thJuly 2012 will be rejected. The Pre-qualification bid will be opened on 9thJuly 2012at 4.00 PMor at a later date to be decided by the Managing Director in the presence of bidders present at the above given address. However, no separate intimation in this regard will be sent to individual bidders. The financial bid cover of only those bidders, who satisfy Pre-qualification bid upon evaluation, will be opened at the above given address in the presence of the available bidders on a date that will be communicated on the day of opening of the pre-qualification bids.

The bid document can be had in person during working hours on any working day, between 10-00 am and 5-00 pm, on payment of Rs 100/- (non-refundable) by DD from the office of The Managing Director, KARNATAKA FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES CORPORATION LIMITED. No.16/I, MILLERS TANK BED AREA, VASANTHA NAGAR, BANGALORE-560 052. Or one who downloads from the website: the cost for the bid document of Rs.100/- DD has to be enclosed along with the EMD.

Managing Director,


Annexure to Notification No. KFCSC/IT/MFR-145/2012-13 dated June 20, 2012

Request for proposal (RFP) for Supply and maintenance of “Desktop computer, Dot Matrix printers and UPS for the various Akshara Dasoha and Kerosene Whole sale points of KFCSC located in the state of Karnataka.”


Table of Contents

Sl.No. / Contents / Page No.
I / Disclaimer / 5
II / List of abbreviations used in the RFP / 6
III-1 / Introduction / 7
Scope of work / 7
Eligibility criteria / 8-9
Technical specifications and Functional requirements / 9
Terms and Conditions about selection of least bidders, entrustment of work and execution of work. / 10-11
Submission of bids / 12
Bid opening process / 13
Furnishing of information / 13
Format and signing of bids / 14
Authentication of erasures / overwriting etc. / 14
Amendments to terms and condition of RFP / 14
Prices and Taxes / 14
Evaluation of bids and awarding the contract / 15
Determination of L1 bidder and awarding of contract / 15
Clarifications / 16
Errors and their rectification / 16
Contacting Managing Director, KFCSC Ltd. / 16
Managing Director right to accept or reject any or all bids / 16
Notification of award of contract / 16
Signing of the contract agreement / 17
Contract period / 17
Assignment / 17
Termination for default / 17
Termination for insolvency / 18
Force Majeure / 18
Insurance / 18
Payment terms. / 18
Penalty for delayed commissioning of the project / 19
Resolution of disputes / 19
Technical / Pre-Qualification Bid / 20-22
Financial Bid / 23
Annexure- I / 24-26

(To be signed and placed in Technical Bid)

  1. Disclaimer

The information contained in this tender document or subsequently provided to Tenderer(s) whether verbally or in documentary form by or on behalf of the Karnataka Food & Civil Supplies Corporation Limited is provided to the Tenderer (s) on terms and conditions set out in this tender document and all other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided.

The purpose of these tender documents is to provide the Tenderer(s) with information to assist the formulation of their proposals. This tender document does not purport to contain all the information that each Tenderer may require. This tender document may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for Managing Director, Karnataka Food & Civil Supplies Corporation Limited to consider the investment objectives, financial situations and particular needs of each Tenderer who reads or uses this tender document and wherever necessary, obtain independent advice from appropriate sources. Managing Director, Karnataka Food & Civil Supplies Corporation Limited makes no representation or warranty and shall incur no liability under any law, statute, rules or regulations as the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the tender document.

Managing Director, Karnataka Food & Civil Supplies Corporation Limited may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information contained in this tender document.


List of abbreviations used in the RFP

1 / AMC / Annual Maintenance Contract
2 / EMD / Earnest Money Deposit
3 / KFCSC / Karnataka Food and Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd.
4 / LCD / Liquid Crystal Display
5 / MB / Mega Byte
6 / MD / Managing Director of the Corporation Kfcsc
7 / MIS / Management Information System
8 / NIC / National Informatics Centre
9 / OEM / Original Equipment Manufacturer
10 / PAN / Permanent Account Number
11 / PBC / Performance Bank Guarantee
12 / PC / Personal Computer
13 / PMC / Post Maintenance Contract
14 / RFP / Request for Proposal
15 / SMS / Short Messaging Service
16 / VAT / Value added tax



For Supply and maintenance of “Desktop computer, Printers and UPS” in 54Akshara dasoha and Kerosene Whole Sale points of KFCSC Ltd., all over Karnataka.



Karnataka Food and Civil Supplies Corporation Limited is a Government of Karnataka Undertaking established under the Companies Act on September 1973 with the primary objective of procurement, lifting and distributing foodgrains under the Public Distribution System (PDS) and implementing various other schemes of the Government. Karnataka Food and Civil Supplies Corporation Limited as per the policy of the Government of Karnataka and Government of India plays it role as a marketing stabiliser by purchasing paddy and other coarse grains from the growers under the Minimum Support Price Operation (MSP).

The Registered Office of the Organisation is situated at Bangalore. It has 28 district offices throughout Karnataka. In all the Districts the Corporation has a chain of 193 wholesale depots and 194 retail depots through which foodgrains are being supplied to FPD and cardholders under Public Distribution System. As a wholesale nominee of the State Government the KFCSC transacts about 65% of the wholesale business under PDS. In addition to these Wholesale points there are 54 Akshara Dasoha andkerosene Wholesale points of the Corporation spread across the state. The 193 Wholesale points of the corporation have already been computerised, now it is proposed to computerise the Akshara Dasoha and kerosene Wholesale points

With a view to have effective control over the transactions carried out in its godowns, it is proposed to install computers in all the godowns to monitor the arrivals and sales at each of the godowns, by establishing a network (through the data cards) to ensure easy and effective accessibility of information at the Head Office.

Scope of Work

The scope of work involves supply of 54Desktop computers as per the technical specification given in Part III Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of the same for the next 5 years.

The contract involves supply of Desktop computer, dot matrix printers and UPS as per the technical and functional specifications prescribed in Part-III of this RFP, in which the software developed by NIC would be installed in these54 wholesale points (Akshara dasoha and keroseneWholesale points) of Karnataka Food and civil supplies Corporation situated all over Karnataka and maintenance of the same. The particulars of the 54 location are given in Annexure-I to this RFP.



2. Eligibility criteria or pre-qualification for the bidders:

  1. Bidder's qualifications to perform the contract, if its offer is accepted, should be established by relevant documentary evidences by the bidder to the satisfaction of department. Bidders should meet all the eligibility criteria prescribed in this RFP. Technical or Financial bids which are not compliant with the said criteria will not be evaluated.
  2. The bidder should be an original equipment manufacturer or an authorised dealer of original equipment manufacturer. If the bidder is a manufacturer of the hardware that is sought to be supplied as per this tender process, then the average annual turnover of the bidder in the last three financial years (2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11) shall not be less than Rs.500 Crores ( Rupees Five hundred Crores) and if the bidder is an authorised dealer of the manufacturer of the hardware that is sought to be supplied, then the average annual turnover of such a hardware manufacturer shall not be less than Rs.500 Crores ( Rupees Five hundred Crores). Proof of the same should be furnished.
  3. If the bidder is an authorised dealer, then the dealer should have achieved cumulative sales turnover of not less than Rs. 3 Crores (Rupees Three crores) in dealing electronic goods in the past 3 years and proof of the same should be submitted.
  4. If the bidder is an authorised dealer, then the bidder should have been the authorised dealer for the said OEM at least for the previous three years.
  5. The successful bidder shall not sublet or assign or franchise the responsibility to any other agency either in whole or in part.
  6. The successful bidder should be solely responsible for all acts of omission and commission occasioned by his personnel in carrying out the terms of the tender.
  7. If the bidder is an authorised dealer, then the bidder should have a minimum of 5 years experience in the field of supply, servicing, and maintenance of Computer systems, printers and UPS.
  8. The manufacturer of the hardware sought to be supplied should have the experience of at least 5 years of manufacturing of Computer systems, printers and UPS. Proof for the same should be furnished.
  9. Turnover of the bidder shall be certified by a chartered accountant. Turnover certificate shall be based on the audited accounts of the bidders or based on the returns filed with the Income Tax authorities or the commercial tax authorities.
  10. The bidder blacklisted by any government department or by any other agency shall not be eligible for bidding. Every bidder would be required to submit an affidavit that the bidder has never been blacklisted by any government department / government undertaking / any other agency.
  11. The bidder is under obligation to pay all the dues of the workers as per law and pay all legal charges / contributions to statutory authorities.


  1. The bidder must have been following the labour laws. The bidder shall submit a certificate on his letter head duly signed with stamp that he is maintaining labour laws.
  2. The bidder shall be a Single Vendor to supply Desktop computer, Dot matrix printers and UPS.


3. Technical specifications and Functional requirements of Desktop, Dot Matrix Printer and UPS with Batteries

  1. Desktop computer

a. / CPU / Latest generation X86 Dual core processor with 3.30GHZ, 3MB L3Cache or higher
b. / Chipset/ Motherboard / OEM mother board supporting above mentioned processor
c. / Memory / 4 GB DDR3(1333 MHz or higher) non ECC Expandable to 8GB
d. / Hard Disk Drive & Controller / 500 GB SATA 3.0Gb/S Hard Drive, 7200 RPM with free failure Alerts
e. / Optical drive / DVD Writer
f. / Graphics: / Intel( R) HD Graphics or AMD any equivalent integrated graphics
g. / Ethernet / Integrated Gigabit Network Connection
h. / Bays: / 5 Bays: 2X5.25 external, 2X3.5 external, , 1X3.5 internal
i. / Slots / Minimum 4 PCI Slots
j. / Ports: / 6 USB(4 rear + 2 front), 2 PS/2 ports, 1 RJ-45, 1 VGA, 1 Audio in/out.
k. / Form Factor Power Supply / Micro ATX Tower
Minimum 250- watt power supply
l. / Monitor: / 18.5” Led monitor
m. / Keyboard / PS/2 or USB104/107 keys mechanical keyboard
n. / Mouse: / PS/2 or USB 2 buttons optical scroll mouse
o. / Software / Remote diagnostics,Backup and recovery software Nudi 4.0 kannada software to be preloaded before delivery.
p. / Operating System / Windows 7 Professional preloaded with recovery media. Certificate of authenticity. Option for downgrading to Win XP
q. / Security /
  1. Removable media boot controller
  2. Serial, Parallel and USB interface control
  3. Power- on Password
  4. Setup Password

r. / Compliance & Certification / For OEM: ISO 9001-2008
For PC: Windows 7/Win XP/DMI/Red hat certification. Energy Star 5.0
For Monitor: TCO 05
s. / Warranty / 5 years Comprehensive on site
  1. Dot Matrix PrinterPin: 24, Columns: 136, CPS at 10 cpi: 300, Port: One Parallel English and Devanagari script in built
  2. Specification for 1 KVA online UPS

SNo / Items / Specification
1 / Type / Online
2 / Capacity / 1.0 KVA
3 / Backup time / 2.0Hrs
4 / Input Frequency / 50 Hz +/-5%
5 / Input Voltage / 160 V – 270 V
6 / Output Voltage / 230 V +/- 1% V
7 / Output Frequency / 50 Hz +/- 0.2 Hz
8 / Input Power Factor / >0.9
9 / Output Power Factor / 0.8 lag to unity PF
10 / Waveform / Pure Sine Wave
11 / Alarm / On Battery, Low Battery, UPS Over Load
12 / Technology / IGBT based PWM technology with isolation transformer
13 / Computer Interface / Software with communication interface for monitoring the health of the UPS. Automatic shutdown under windows 2000, Windows 98/XP (Prof) & Diagnostics.
14 / Battery Type / Tubular – C-10 rating only
15 / Battery AH
16 / No. of Batteries
17 / DC Voltage(input)
18 / VAH / >3072 VAH
19 / Over load Capacity / 150% for 1 mintue, 125% for 10 mintues
20 / Inverter Efficiency / 90%
21 / Overall Efficiency / 85%
22 / Crest Factor / 3:5:1
23 / Regulation / +/- 1%
24 / Switching Frequency / Above 20 KHz
25 / Warranty / 5years on site comprehensive including batteries
26 / Protection / Automatic discharge protection with self test Features, over load, surge protection, input fault, Cold start, low battery, Battery over charge output short circuit, charging current circuit inverter over temperature
27 / LCD display / Output voltage,Output current, Output frequency, Input voltage, battery voltage,
28 / Load test / AT 100% LOAD ON resistive LOAD
29 / THD / <3% for linear, <5% Non linear load
30 / Certification / ISO 9001:2000 & ETDC/CPRI test report



  1. Terms and Conditions about selection of least bidders, entrustment of work and Execution of work.
  2. The bidder who has qualified in the pre-qualification bid and who has quoted the least rate for executing a work package in the financial bid is entitled to be assigned with that work, subject to the conditions in clauses 2 to 7 below.
  3. The successful bidder shall supply the Desktop computer, printers and UPS within 30 days of issuing of the supply order.
  4. The deployment and maintenance of the system shall be managed by the vendor at the field level.
  5. The bids should be unconditional and conditional bids will be summarily rejected.
  6. The successful bidder shall be responsible for maintaining the computer systems, printers and UPS supplied by him for the next five years
  7. The successful bidder shall provide five year comprehensive warranty for the computer systems, printers and UPS. After the 5 years period the devices would be covered under yearly AMC with PMC clause.
  8. The successful bidder shall have and if not already have shall opens at least one service centers in Bangalore, Mysore, Mangalore, Davanagere, Hubli, Bellary and Gulbarga in Karnataka. The service personnel shall respond to any request or complaint within one hour and shall carry out the repair and set right the computer systems, printers and UPS within the next 24 hours.
  9. The successful bidder shall provide telephones at the service centers and mobile phones to the service personnel.
  10. The Software provided by NIC will have to be installed in all the systems.
  11. Performance Bank Guarantee :

i)The successful bidder should, at its own expense deposit with theManaging Director, KFCSC, within 10 working days from the date of award of the contract or prior to signing of the contract whichever is earlier, an unconditional and irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) from a nationalized bank payable on demand, for the due performance and fulfillment of the contract by the bidder.