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Thinking with Technology Course

Unit Plan Template

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Unit Author
First and Last Name / Stacy Dawson
School District / Jackson Public Schools
School Name / John Hopkins Elementary
School City, State / Jackson, Mississippi
Unit Overview
Unit Title
Mississippi First Inhabitants
Unit Summary
In this unit, students will explore the history of the first people to live in Mississippi. Also, the students will identify the role the Native Americans played in the development of the Mississippi waterways that helped forged its unique identity. Students will work in three groups to research and use word processing software to key in reports in skit form. Students will use visual mapping software to create graphic organizers to compare the three major tribes. Students will research and compare the following: agriculture, home life, hunting, legends, music, etc
Subject Area
Mississippi History
Grade Level
Fourth Grade
Approximate Time Needed
8 50 minutes class periods
Unit Foundation
Habits of Learning Taxonomy
Gathering Data Through all Senses 10
Learning Continuously 16
Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks
1.   Develop an understanding of the state in relationship to the expanding horizon theme.
(C, H, G, E)
a. Describe the history of people who first lived in Mississippi.
b. Assess the impact of the first European explorers in Mississippi.
c. Evaluate the impact and interactions among all groups throughout the history of Mississippi (e.g., European, African, Asian, Native Americans, etc.).
d. Identify the ideas and individuals that were significant in the development of Mississippi and that helped to forge its unique identity (e.g., cotton as king, Mississippi waterways, music, literature, etc.).
e. Explain the connections between Mississippi and other states (e.g., economic, political borders, etc.).
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes
The student will describe the history of people who first lived in Mississippi.
The student will identify the ideas and individuals that were significant in the development of Mississippi waterways.
Curriculum-Framing Questions
Essential Question / How has human experiences changed over time?
Unit Questions / How has the lives of the first Native Americans in Mississippi Changed?
Content Questions / What is the Indian Removal Act?
What role did the Native Americans play in the development of to the Mississippi waterways?
Assessment Plan
Assessment Timeline
Before project work begins / Students work on projects and complete tasks / After project work is completed
·  Questioning
·  Verbal discussion
·  Learning Log / ·  Questioning
·  K-W-L Chart
·  Peer Feedback
·  Report Rubric
·  Learning Log
·  Graphic Organizer
·  Verbal Discussions / ·  K-W-L Chart
·  Questioning
·  Report/Skit presentation
·  Learning log
Assessment Summary
The teacher will use a K-W-L chart to guage readiness and interest in the topic. The K-W-L charts will allow the students to make personal connections before the unit and give them the opportunity to record what has been learned and what is yet to be learned. Students will use learning logs to record notes, review progress, reflect, and adjust their work. Students will use a graphic organizer to compare the lives of the first Mississippi inhabitants.
Visual Ranking Elements (Complete this section if this tool will be used in the unit)
Visual Ranking Project Name (For the Visual Ranking workspace)
Mississippi First Inhabitants
Project Description (For the Visual Ranking workspace)
Based on the research data you have collected, use Visual Ranking to arrange the factors that influenced the lives of Mississippi first inhabitants. Use the comment feature for each item to explain your reasoning on why you ranked the item where you did. Later, in this project your group or team will be assigned a tribe to discuss the factors that influenced the lives of the tribe you were assigned. You will use the information from your ranking along with additional research to create a presentation to present to the class.
Prompt (For the Visual Ranking workspace)
What factors influenced the lives of Mississippi first habitants? Rank factors from the most important to the least important.
Sorting List (For the Visual Ranking workspace)
Life Changes
Home Life
Practice Ranking (For your future quick reference)
Teacher ID: / Password:
Practice Team ID 1: / Password:
Practice Team ID 2: / Password:
Seeing Reason Elements (Complete this section if this tool will be used in the unit)
Seeing Reason Project Name (For the Seeing Reason workspace)
Native Americans in Mississippi
Project Description (For the Seeing Reason workspace)
The student will focus on the factors that influenced the survival of Mississippi American Indians.
Research Question (For the Seeing Reason workspace)
What influenced the survival of Mississippi American Indians?
Practice Map (For your future quick reference)
Practice Team ID: / Password:
Showing Evidence Elements (Complete this section if this tool will be used in the unit)
Showing Evidence Project Name (For the Showing Evidence workspace)
Project Description (For the Showing Evidence workspace)
Prompt (For the Showing Evidence workspace)
Practice Case (For your future quick reference)
Practice Team ID: / Password:
Reviewing Team ID: / Password:
Unit Details
Prerequisite Skills
Instructional Procedures
The teacher will set up a research area with relevant books, magazines, photographs, posters, newspaper articles, maps and artifacts. This area will be called the “infodesk”. Place a chart next to the “infodesk”. The students will list any information they would like to be able to find at a quick glance. The students will fill the chart up as the unit progress. The Teacher will introduce the Unit by activating prior knowledge using a K-W-L chart about the first inhabitants of Mississippi. The student will create a unit portfolio to keep their notes and completed projects in. They will include the date they begin and complete the unit. The students will be divided into three tribal groups. The teacher and students will brainstorm guide questions they can use to guide their research:
·  Who were the first inhabitants of Mississippi?
·  Discuss and Explain the history of the First inhabitants of Mississippi.
·  As European settlers arrived in the Mississippi, what happened to the Native American Population?
·  Describe the life of the Native Americans in Mississippi today?
·  What problems do the Native Americans face today?
·  What was the Indian Removal Act?
·  How has human experiences changed over time?
·  What role did the Native Americans play in the development of to the Mississippi waterways?
The teacher will ask the students to gather as much information on the Native American tribe they were assigned as possible.
The teacher will model and explain each phase of the project. The teacher will allow the students the opportunity to discuss and ask questions about the phases. The teacher will guide the students through each phase of the project. The student will use the Visual Ranking Tool to analyze and evaluate what factors influenced the lives of Mississippi first habitants. The student will rank the list from the most important to least important. The student will use the Seeing and Reasoning Tool to determine the cause and effect factors that influenced the survival of Mississippi first American Indians.
Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction
Resource Student / ·  Allow extra time to complete activities
·  Adjust activities according to students learning abilities
·  Modify assignment as needed
Nonnative English Speaker / ·  Peer tutoring from a bilingual student more fluent in English
·  Graphic organizers
·  Oral responses instead of written responses
·  Oral test instead of written test
Gifted Student / ·  Write and perform a skit re-enacting the trading between Mississippi American Indians.
·  Collect Indian artifacts created by the student
·  Construct a shoe box diorama
Materials and Resources Required For Unit
Printed Materials / Mississippi – Adventures in Time and Place, JPS Social Studies Curriculum
Supplies / Anchor Charts
Technology -Hardware / Computers for research
Technology -Software / Word Processing Software
Internet Resources / New World Explorers
Other Resources / Field trip to the Mississippi Museum of History and Archives

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