Sacred Heart Catholic Church Week of May 11, 2014

Masses/ Misas de Esta Semana

Saturday May 10th

5:00 pm

Daisee Barrientos (birthday) by Grandparents (Escalon)

Bill Barnes by Pam Freeman

Sunday May 11th

7:30 am

W Manuelita Beltran & WPetra Lara by the Escalón &
Lara Families

W Arturo Alfredo Ornelas by Sra. Ornelas

9:30 am

W Demetria Castillo by the Castillo Family

11:30 am

W Jose Angel Navejas by the Navejas Family

1:30 pm

W Mother’s Day Novena

Monday May 12th

8:00 am

Mother’s Day Novena

Tuesday May 13th


Wednesday May 14th

6:00 pm

Mother’s Day Novena

Thursday May 15th

8:00 am

Mother’s Day Novena

Friday May 16th

8:00 am

Mother’s Day Novena

Saturday May 17th

5:00 pm

W Walter Randig by Frances Steffek & Family

Mother’s Day Novena


Sanctuary lamp by Amy Hamilton

for Family Intentions

Altar Server Schedule

May 17th 5:00 pm

Oscar & Erick Carlos, Madissen Lawhon

May 18th 7:30 am

Omar, Elsa, & Victoria Mendoza

May 18th 9:30 am

Emilio Renteria, Cenovio, Aron & Adriano Vasquez

May 18th 11:30 am

Jasmine, Jennifer & Justin Leon

May 18th 1:30 pm

Noah, Eli, Gabe & Josh Gonzales

Regular Collection Sunday May 4th $ 6,283.95

Youth Collection $ 90.00

Building Fund $ 2,145.00

Thank you for your donation/Gracias por su donación

Those donating to the $20 Club Fund, please indicate on your check menu line “$20 Club”. If you are donating cash, please indicate on an envelope your name or weekly contribution envelope number.

$20 Club May 4th $ 600.00

Calendar of Events for the week of May 11th


12:00pm CCD (6-9)

2:30 pm High School Youth Group


7:15 pm Clase Básico de Biblia en Español, RE Salón #2


6:30 pm CCD Classes

6:30 pm Middle School Youth Group Meeting


10:00 am Bible Study

1:00 pm Sew & So


8:30 am Adoration in Queen of Peace Chapel All Day


3:00 pm Adoration in Queen of Peace Chapel Ends

3:30-4:45 pm Confession in the church

4:30 pm Rosary (church)

Prayer for the Sick

Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep.
Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ. Rest your weary ones. Bless your dying ones. Soothe your suffering ones.
Pity your afflicted ones. Shield your joyous ones.
And for all your love's sake. Amen.

George Alba, Aaron Lopez Arce, Richard Beltran,
Jim Burns, Timmie Cherry, Margaret Clark, Lucy Cruz, Raquel Esquivel, Danny Estes, Sr., Ernestine Gonzales, Stephen Gonzales, Bill Graham, Joyce Johnson,
Jim Jurek, Julie Klein, Jeff Lovett, Miguel Magallanes, Eric Martinez, Dina Meador, Marcela Mondragon,
Charlie Navejas, Paul Oncken, Ann Pease, Ignacio Perez Georgia Pyeatt, Ivannia Pyeatt, Edward Rhodes,
Luis Rodriguez, Devin Soto, Wes Stanton,
Elizabeth Verastegui and Mike Young

The winner of the pink blanket raffled by the Sew and So Group was won by Olga Colmanero. Congratulations to Olga!

The Sew and So Group also donated their proceeds from the raffle to the building fund- $150.00. Thank you!

The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a Ladies Appreciation Dinner on Tuesday, May 13th from 6:30pm - 8:30pm. All the ladies of the parish are invited to come and enjoy dinner.

Thanks to all who purchased tickets for the spring festival raffle. A total of $412.00 was raised and donated to the renovation of our church!!! Winners were: (see below)

Gracias a todos los que compraron boletos para la rifa del festival de primavera. Se recaudaron $412.00 y fueron donados para la renovación de nuestra iglesia! Los ganadores fueron:

Cross donated by Fr. George Geno Perez

Our Lady of Guadalupe Shawl Gabriela Vargas

Austin Cake Ball Pastries Robert Piña

Spiritual Picture Antiioquia Padron

Banana Nut Cake Marco Gorostieta

May, Month of the Rosary

We invite the children to bring a flower to Our Lady at every Sunday Mass in the month of May.

Please join the Guadalupanas in praying the Rosary; each day during the Month of May:

·  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday in the Chapel at 6 pm (Wednesdays after 6 pm Mass)

·  Friday 6 pm in the Church

·  Saturdays after Mass--Church

  • May 14th, 7:30 pm, Chapel

Austin Diocesan Activities

St. Anthony Marie de Claret Parish in Kyle is hosting a Prayer Vigil for Life on May 17th, with a 7:00am Mass, prayer at the Austin Women’s Health Center and Benediction in the church at 10:00am. Please call Paul Kroschewsky at 512-799-3073 for more information.

Dolores Parish in Austin will host its annual Jamaica May 18th @ 1:00pm to 10:00pm. on the parish grounds. Activities will include live music, food booths, games for all ages and loteria. Parking and admission are free.

Iglesia Nuestra Señora de los Dolores tendrá su Jamaica Anual el 18 de Mayo de la 1:00 hasta las 10:00 en el terreno de la parroquia. Las actividades incluyen puestos de comida, pan dulce, juegos para todas las edades, premios para los jugadores, la tiendita, una rifa y música. Estacionamiento y admisión son gratis.

Mandatory Parish Group Leader Meeting
May 19th in Room 2 of the RE Building at 7 pm.

Thanks from the Guadalupanas for supporting their breakfast and bake sale this past Sunday. A total of $1,165.11 was donated to the Fiesta Operating Fund Startup.

Los Caballeros de Colón están patrocinando una Cena de Agradecimiento para todas las Señoras el Martes 13 de Mayo de 6:30 – 8:30 pm en el salon parroquial. Se invita a todas las señoras de la parroquia venir y disfrutar de la cena.

Mayo, Mes del Rosario

Por favor únase a las Guadalupanas para rezar el rosario; cada día durante el mes de Mayo:

·  Lunes, Martes, y Jueves en la Capilla a las
6 pm (Miércoles después de misa de 6 pm)

·  Viernes a las 6 pm en la Iglesia

·  Sábados después de Misa de 5 pm en la Iglesia

·  14 de Mayo, 7:30 pm en la Capilla

St. Vincent de Paul

April 2014 Report

/ 0
Rent / 2
Medical / 1
Families Helped / 34 (129 People)
Food / 29 Families
Furniture / 1

April Collection

/ $821.16
Please call the Church Office if you would like to know more about or join the St. Vincent de Paul Society.

Special June Collection Reminder

June 21st & 22nd second collection–St. Vincent de Paul Society. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

Bake Sale for Queen Court Candidate
Natalia Gaspar after all Masses this weekend. Please support Natalia in meeting her $500 goal.

With praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God, the Diocese of Austin joyfully announces and invites you to attend the ordination of Darrel Lynn Kostiha to the Sacred Order of Deacon through the imposition of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit by The Most Reverend Joe S. Vasquez, Bishop of Austin, on Saturday, May 17th at 10:30am at Saint William Catholic Church, 620 Round Rock West Drive, Round Rock. Reception to follow in the activity center.

Email address for Bulletin and Announcements: Bulletin deadline is Thursday by 12:00 pm

Webmaster: Veronica Barnes