Course Syllabus 2016-2017

Español II

Mustang High School

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Spanish II builds greater proficiency in communication through reading, writing, speaking and listening in Spanish. Course is conducted largely in Spanish with English used to clarify content and instructions. Grammar concepts may be more challenging than Level 1. Participation in class is a requirement for success. A significant part of the student’s grade will be based on his or her participation including speaking out loud. Minimum grade of “C” in Spanish I recommended.

Course No. 0181

Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 Length of Course: Year

Pre-requisite: Spanish I Program Eligibility: Oklahoma’s Promise; NCAA

COURSE OBJECTIVES: The objectives of Spanish II correlate with the Oklahoma State Department of Education Priority Academic Student Skills (PASS). There are five overarching goals in Oklahoma’s rigorous curriculum framework: The students will communicate in Spanish, gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures, connect with other disciplines, develop insight into the nature of language and cultures by making comparisons, and participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world. The goal of Spanish II students should be to achieve an Intermediate level of proficiency.

Here’s what you need to know about Spanish II…

  • In order to take this class, you should have successfully completed Spanish I. If you received an “NC” or “F” in either semester of Spanish I, you cannot take Spanish II and you need to see your counselor immediately.A grade of “C” or higher in Spanish I is recommended in order to move on to Spanish II.
  • We will review vocabulary and grammar concepts from Spanish I, but most of the material introduced this year will be new. Spanish II is more grammarintensive than Spanish I.


-¡Avancemos! Textbook (provided and kept at home)

Classroom supplies: One 3 ring binder, notebook paper and pencils.

GRADES:Grades come from a lot of in-class work and homework, quizzes, tests, oral participation/speaking Spanish in class and projects. Studying time at home is highly recommended since we will be moving at a much faster pace due to the required amount of material we need to cover. Daily participation grades will be taken based on speaking Spanish

GRADING POLICY: Grades will be averaged based on a “total point” system. Generally, assignment have approximately the following value:

Daily Papers/Homework 20-35 points

Quizzes30-50 points

Projects100 points

Tests100 points

GOOGLE CLASSROOM: Many of the daily assignments, specially projects will be accessible in Google Classroom. I will show you how to use the site/program. Not knowing how to use it, will not be a good excuse not to do the homework assignments provided there. You should talk to me about getting extra help before or after school if needed.


All students will have access to viewing their grades online at any time by logging into the Mustang Public Schools website and entering their user information.


Keep phones put away, NOT on desk. Cell phones usage is not allowed at ALL..



-Be in your seat with all your materials when the bell rings

-Turn in neat, legible assignments when they are due.

-No lining up at the door before the bell rings.

-LATE WORK IS ACCEPTED as follows: You will receive 2 “Late Homework Passes” per semester. They may be used for full credit, but after these are used, I will not accept late work; you will receive a zero. Bonus will be given at end of semester for unused passes.

-Make-up work for excused absences is completely your responsibility. Each day’s assignment can be found in the shelf (label by day) on the table in the front of the room. I also keep my lesson plan written on the board for the current week.

Make up quizzes/tests:Students will be able to make-up quizzes/tests up to one week after the date missed. Please make sure that you make an appointment with me to make it up!

-Passing time between classes is 5 minutes. This is plenty of time to use the bathroom and still arrive to class on time. Students are encouraged to use the bathroom in between class periods. If a student is tardy three times, a detention will be issued.

Academic Tutoring:You may talk to me about how you can get free tutoring during lunch or before/after school.Upper level Spanish students will be available for free tutoring upon request. We will accommodate your schedule.

Parent/Teacher conferences are held once per semester. Parents are encouraged to attend. The conference dates for 2016-2017 are: September and 13 and 15th and February 21st and 23rd.


Sra Glyckherr