Mesa Community College

Mat 150 College Algebra

Section #18269

Summer, 2010

Instructor: Mr. David Schultz

Office: MC 187 message 480-461-7847

Office Hours: MTWR 11:10 – 12:10

Location: MS 101

Days/Time MTWR 9:10 – 11:10

Start Date: 6/1

End Date: 7/22

Required Text: College Algbra: Concepts Through Functions, Custom MCC edition, by Michael Sullivan: ISBN#: 0-536-31709-7

Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in MAT 120, 122, or satisfactory score on placement exam. Graphing Calculator is required.

Attendance: Any student who misses (3) or more class periods will be withdrawn from the class and will earn a grade of W, Y, or F. If you must miss a class, make sure you leave a message for me at the number or email listed above. All absences that are not official absences as defined in the Student Handbook will be considered “unexcused”. No exceptions.

Tardies: I expect you to be on time with all necessary supplies (book, pencil, paper, and calculator). Attendance will be taken in the first 5 minutes of every class. Two tardies constitute an absence due to their disruptive nature and the amount of material missed. Leaving the class early will be considered a tardy.

Homework: Homework will be assigned daily but not graded. It is STRONGLY suggested that you due all the assigned problems for understanding.

Cell phones are strictly prohibited. We will have a 7 minute break at 10:00 each day.

Tests: There are 6 exams plus a Final exam. Make-ups are granted only in extreme cases for official absences only. No exceptions!

Dishonesty: Dishonesty of any kind will result in no credit given for the work and you will be subject to any school policies as outlined in the student handbook.

Semester Exam: The semester exam is cumulative in nature and it must be taken at the assigned time.

Grading Scale: Grading Weights:

100% - 90% A

89% - 80% B

79% - 70% C 6 Chapter Tests 85%

69% - 60% D Semester Exam 15%

59% - 0% F

Note: Refer to the student handbook for other grading options.

Special Needs Students: Any student who has been identified as requiring special assistance must have the appropriate forms on record at student services and must notify me as soon as possible so that I may best help you to be successful in this class.

My Expectations of You: College Algebra requires both dedication to the learning of the topics and a strong desire to know not only the how but also the why. It is a challenging topic and in order to improve your chances of success I suggest the following:

  1. Read each section ahead of time.
  2. Complete all the assigned homework problems to the best of your ability.

You should count on 2 hours out of class each day.

  1. Get help on those problems you do not understand!
  2. Take good notes (they’ll come in handy in the future).
  3. Be on time and come with an attitude of curiosity and scholarship.
  4. Use technology as an aid for deeper exploration but expect to be able to defend all conclusions through algebraic methods.
  5. Out of courtesy to both the instructor and your peers please turn off all pagers and cell phones.

My Commitment to You: I will provide timely feedback on your assignments and tests. I will also present the various topics using differing delivery modes and will challenge you to utilize the most current and sophisticated technology.

Required Supplies: You must have a graphing calculator. You will also use some free graphing software. I also require work to be done in pencil not pen and turned in using the proper format.