Waiting Room Survey Report 2014

Broadway Medical Centre


This survey was produced to help us improve our facilities within the waiting area. These results are based on a survey of 100 patients. The Survey was given out to patients that had attended the Surgery and been in the waiting room. The Survey was also given to the PPG members for completion.

The Survey was completed completely anonymously but we did ask for gender and age of each patient, to ensure that a fair amount of patients were asked from all genders and age ranges. This is shown in the below table.

Age Range

16-24 / 4
25-34 / 10
35-44 / 11
45-54 / 15
55-64 / 19
65-74 / 23
75+ / 18
Male / 39
Female / 61



1) How would you rate the cleanliness of the waiting room?

93% of the patients asked felt that our cleanliness was good or better.

2) Do you think there is enough available seating?

Nearly all patients felt that there is enough available seating. We feel that we do not need to provide any further seating given this result.

3) How would you rate the wheelchair access in the waiting room?

The majority of the patients asked felt that the wheelchair access was good or better. We had already made minor changes to the seating prior to this which may have helped.

4) Are you happy with the toilet facilities in the waiting room?

Only a very small amount of patients felt that they were not happy with the toilet facilities. Unfortunately no further comments were added to this, so we could not help improve these facilities for this small amount of patients. However overall we feel that no changes need to be made given that 96% of patients were happy.

5) How would you rate the confidentiality in the waiting area?

Over half of the patients asked felt that the confidentiality was less than good. We feel that this really needs to be looked into further, and we need to see what changes and improvements can be made to help improve this.

6) Are you happy with the health information and leaflets on display?

Only one patient felt that they were not happy with the health information in display. We feel that we do not need to improve this.

7) If you answered “No” to any of the questions, please provide further comments here:

  • The area where you talk to the Receptionist is too close to the chairs.
  • Do not like the seats joined together, all arm chairs would be better. Queue for the desk goes too close to the people seated and waiting.
  • Issues due to everything all being at one end of the room.

8) Summary of comments and suggestions made to for any improvements to the waiting room:

  • In view of the need for plenty of seating, I can’t see any way of improving the confidentiality, other than moving the Receptionist to the other end of the reception, and putting a smallish perspex screen out at the side of the desk.
  • You need to implement a way of receiving feedback about the receptionists to give them credit for their professionalism and care when dealing with patients.
  • At busy times you need an extra Receptionist coming through to the desk to cut down the waiting queue.
  • It is very easy to hear conversations between the Receptionist and patient.
  • There is no privacy.
  • The Reception area is very near to the seating area and this often gets quite congested, this is not suitable in respect of confidentiality.
  • You need a separate area with a booth for real confidentiality.
  • Patients stand straight behind you in the queue and can hear everything you are saying.
  • You can over hear discussions at the desk, this is very difficult to avoid though.
  • The “walk-through” corridor in front of the booking in screen and reception is quite narrow, could use a bit more space. There needs to be spaces next to the seating for wheelchairs/prams. The seating is too close to the reception counter as patients talking to the receptionists can easily be overheard. There needs to be a recognised queuing system.
  • The design of the desk does not allow any confidentiality. Receptionists are always polite and helpful.


In conclusion, we feel that we need to improve the confidentiality within in the waiting area. We are going to arrange a meeting with our Patient Participation Group to discuss all suggestions and comments. This will help us decide improvements and changes that can be made to help improve the areas that we feel need bettering.