Student Senate meetings are open to all students, and everyone interested in studentissues and empowerment is encouraged to attend.

Student Senate Meeting Agenda – Friday, March 23, 2012

1:30 pm in the Boardroom (next to Bookstore & Ron's Cafe)

Administration Building, NNMC Espanola Campus

I. Meeting Called to Order @ _1:32 pm_

II. Roll Call and Introductions – Senators present: Jeff, Juan, Arturo, Kusum / Advisers present: Richard, Ana, Patricia / Students present: Elijah, Andrea, Allen, Alicia / Faculty present: Matt Martinez / Community present: Beata

III. Approval of March 23rdAgenda

IV. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes

V. Treasurer’s Report _Account balance: $25,254.65_ Juan reports our balance! $14,784 rolled over from 2009 … However while we are thrilled to finally know our account balance after months of waiting for an answer, Juan said there is risk that we could lose the money we don’t spend when the 2013 fiscal year begins in a few months. For several years, ASNNMC has been spending only 50 to 75 percent of our budget, and administrators are considering taking unspent funds instead of allowing it to roll over into the next fiscal year. Senators and advisers agree this would be unfair, since we have not been able to do serious financial planning all year as the result of not knowing our balance. If we are to begin providing stipends to senators and creating a more professional organization, etc. we need full access to our funds.

V. March 23rdAgenda

A)Discussion – Student Senate Organizational Development – April 2012 Election, Outreach and Recruitment, Regular Meeting Schedule, etc. (25 minutes)Special election committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 27, 2:30 pm. Idea of holding online vote proposed. Juan also requested that our next regular meeting be entirely dedicated to organizational development – this meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 2nd at 4 pm.

B)Report – 3/22 Board of Regents Meeting, including Proposal for Student Adviser on Board of Regents (10 minutes)BoR

C)Report – Student Club Outreach Days (March 20-21) and Underscore Orkestra Concert (5 minutes)Only one club (Phi Beta Kappa) participated on Tuesday, March 20 and student involvement overall was disappointing. However, the music was excellent, and many people enjoyed it. Lack of student senate engagementon Tuesday and the Wednesday tabling did not take place.

D)Update – Resolution for Filtered Water Station on Campus (5 minutes)Tabled

E)Request – Funding for Pueblo Indian Studies Students to Attend Academic Conference (10 minutes)Decision: Approved $2,604 for travel, food and lodging for two students to attend conference in Connecticut. The students agreed to provide a presen

F)Request – Emergency Funding for Student to Replace Textbooks after Housefire (10 minutes)Decision: Approved $378.70 for Camille Sena to replace four textbooks.

G)Planning – ASNNMC Trip to NM Highlands University Health Center on March 30 (10 minutes)

H)Discussion – Should ASNNMC lead a voter registration drive on campus to increase student participation in the 2012 primary (June 5th) and general (November 6th) elections? Should we host a candidate's forum for 2012 candidates? (15 minutes)

VI. Nominations for open Senate officer positions.

VII. Senate comments, announcements, and/or concerns.

1)Friday, March 23 (tonight!) New Mexico Film Premiere ofLand Water People TimeReception: 6 -- 6:30 p.m. / Film Showing: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m – Fine Arts Theater

2)The NNMC HEP and CAMP Programsand United Blood Services will be sponsoring theNational César E. Chávez Blood Drive: CAMPers/HEPers for Life!onTuesday, March 27 from 10am-2pmin the Joseph A.Montoya Administration Building's Commons Area.

VIII. Next Meeting Date –

IX. Meeting Adjourned –