Application Form for Isao Okawa Memorial Achievement Award, Waseda University

GraduateSchool / Department
Field of specialization
Year of doctoral program
Supervisor / Supervisor’s extension No.
Student No. / - / Gender / Male/Female
E-mail / @
Name in katakana
Name in English characters
Applicant’s present address
TEL ( )
Article title
Japanese title
*If the article title is in a European language, write the Japanese title if available.

*1Attach this application form to the work that you will submit.

*2Be sure to write your full name and the official name of your department, etc.

*3 Put a cover page on your article and abstract (see the cover page examples).

*4 Put the page number at the center bottom of each page of your article and abstract.

Letter of Recommendation from the Supervisor or an Expert in the Field of the Submitted Work

GraduateSchool / Department
Field of specialization
Year of doctoral program
Student No. / -
Name in katakana
Name in English characters
Article title
Comments by the supervisor or expert
Name of the supervisor or expert

(Cover page example for your article)

Article Submitted for Isao Okawa Memorial Achievement Award, WasedaUniversity

Article Title

(Given Name) (Family Name)

First Year of Doctoral Program

Department of ______

GraduateSchool of ______Science and Engineering

(Cover page example for your abstract)

Abstract of ArticleSubmitted for Isao Okawa Memorial Achievement Award, WasedaUniversity

Article Title

(Given Name) (Family Name)

First Year of Doctoral Program

Department of ______

GraduateSchool of ______Science and Engineering

(There are two different application forms. Use whichever is easiest for you.)

Name No.

List of Published Research
[List your master’s thesis, doctoral dissertation, books, articles, academic conference presentationsand other achievements in this order.]
Master’s thesis, doctoral dissertation, books, articles,academic conference presentations, etc. / Title / Year and month of publication or presentation / Wherepublished or presented / Name of publishing journal

(There are two different application forms. Use whichever is easiest for you.)

Name No.

Master’s thesis, doctoral dissertation, books, articles, academic conference presentations, etc. / List of Published Research
[List your master’s thesis, doctoral dissertation, books, articles, academic conference presentations and other achievements in this order. For each, also write the title, year and month of publication, place published, name of publishing journal, etc.]