New Bishop of Sheffield

Her Majesty the Queen has nominatedthe Very Revd Dr Pete Wilcox as the eighth Bishop of Sheffield. Dr Wilcox will be consecrated on Thursday 22 June 2017 at 11.00 am in York Minster.

Please hold our new Bishop in your prayers as he prepares for this occasion.


As you all will have, hopefully, noticed, we have new mugs in church.We have quite a number more than we need for church use so that we could give everyone an opportunity to buy their own to take home.

We are asking for £3 per mug which will buy you one mug but also will pay for one for church, if you buy 6 you can have them for £15.

If you're interested please talk to Roger or Kate.

Messy Church

Saturday 17th June 10-11:30am, Wesley Hall, Crookes.This month we will be hearing about the Adventures of Moses! Through craft, singing and drama we'll hear about how God worked with Moses to rescue His people, take them on a long journey and teach them how to live.

'Doug's Big Hitch'.

Jo Gosling's dad is hitchhiking from John O' Groats to Land's End to raise finds for MS if you would like to donate he has a Just Giving page.
If you go to the page and put in the search term 'Doug Gosling' you get taken to his page 'Doug's Big Hitch'. People can also sponsor him by texting JustTextGiving, texting to 70070 code - BIGH50 - and the amount they want to donate. If anyone wants to get money to him some other way, they can email r ring him on 07914 358775.

Dates for your diary

11th June Section 11 meeting for PCC members 8.00pm

15th June Central Prayer 7.00-8.00pm

18th June Gift Day

24th June Stacey & Chris's Wedding

25th June U5s Service 4.00pm

25th June Weekend Away booking forms available!!

Puppet Training Day

We will be hosting a ‘One way Uk’ puppet ministry training day on July 15th. Please watch this space for more details.

An afternoon of worship

Fee Ball is doing an afternoon of worship at Gleadless Methodist Church on Sat 17th June at 2.30 pm. Tickets will be £4 to raise money for the church. There will be an afternoon tea afterwards. If you are interested then please see Fee Ball who has tickets available. Contact her on 07910278411

Are you new to St Tims?

We welcome you to St. Timothy’s. We hope you have enjoyed your time here with us. We would like to keep in touch with you. Please leave your details (name, address, phone no. etc) with one of the sidespeople or in the church office just off the welcome area


If you feel you need prayer for any situation please approach somebody in the leadership team who will be able to direct you to someone who will pray with you. You can also write your request down and post it into the request box on the prayer board in the welcome area.


Welcome to

St Timothy’s Church


Passion for God – Compassion for People

Sunday 11th June, 2017

11.00 amFamily Service

Preacher Roger Makin

6.30 pm The Harbour


The Week Ahead

Mon 15th / 4.00 pm Monday club
7.00 pm Prayer meeting
Tues 16th / 9.30 am Tiddlers
11.00 am Tuesday Social club
2.00 pm Space4faith
5.30 pm Fusion
wed 17th / 11.00 am Café
12 noon Holy Communion
12.30pm Lunch club
7.30 pm Blueprint
Thur 18th / 9.45 am Sunbeams
9.30 am TSC volunteering club
10.00 am Gardening club
7.00 pm Central Prayer
7.30 pm Parenting Course
fri 19th / 9.30 am Mums small group
2.00 pm Friday Fellowship
3.00pm Friday Cafe
7.00 pm Junior choir
7.30 pm Choir practice
9.00pm Venue

Sunday 18th June 2017

9.30 am Holy communion

11.00 am Family Communion

6.30pm The Harbour

Today’s Readings

Am Acts 1 v. 1 -10

PmPhilippians 2 v. 19 -30

The Harbour

Please join us this evening for a time of worship and time with God. Hope to see you there

‘Come near to God and He will come near to you’ James 4:8

2nd Sunday Charity

Today our offering will be go to the Education Charity TLG.

The charity's vision is to transform the lives of children & Young Peoplewho are experiencing problems at home or at school.They do this through children's centres, clubsand individual support.

'Everyday there are children across the UK that are facingdifficult circumstances in their lives. We are passionate aboutbringing hope and a future to children and families with ourpartner churches across the UK.'Check out their website:


We need a few more people to join the Sunday kitchen rota.If you can help or would like to know more about it please catchme after the service.Pauline

Greetings from sunny Spain!

Dear Friends

I just wanted to say thanks so much for a great "send off" weekend that you all organised for Ranee and me - and for the wonderful gifts!

We were both thrilled and touched by every aspect of that wonderful weekend which is indelibly etched on my memory (helped by the videos you recorded for us!). We really appreciate all the planning and effort and teamwork that went into such a successful event. And for all or you who turned up to support us!

I have to say I was anticipating the weekend with very mixed emotions, and wondered how I would feel - but all I can see is that we both had a fantastic time, and were very humbled by all the love and affection shown to us, as well as all the kind words.

Thank you all so much, and for all your love and support over the years. Such love and community is not easily replaced.

We are relaxing in Spain for a couple of weeks before attempting the mammoth task of clearing out the Vicarage after 29 years junk accumulation!

No doubt I will see quite a few of you in the coming weeks - and of course we will only be living 1/2 mile a way in Walkley, so not moving very far! So you may well see us around.

Once again I want to say what a privilege it has been to serve St Tims for such a length of time and what a joy to see the church become such an amazing strong community, with a passion to serve God and see his Kingdom grow. I will continue to pray for you all, and for John as overall leader; praying particularly that 2017 will be an important year for St Tim's moving towards our 2020 Vision - which I am sure God has prepared us for, and wants us to achieve, by his grace, in his power, though prayer - to his Eternal Glory.

God bless, Phil
