International Seminar for Judges:

The Critical Role of the Judiciary in Combating Trafficking in Human Beings

6-10 November 2016


Questionnairefor Participants

This questionnaire was developed in order to assess the capacity and experience of potential participants and to help inform the proposed agenda. The questions relate to professional background and experience, including experience with judicial training activities and experience in hearing criminal cases, and in particular, any experience hearing cases of trafficking in human beings.

1. General Information

1.1Personal Data:

Title______Surname______Given Names ______Country______Citizenship ______

Passport No. ______Date of Birth______




Telephone (country code______) (area code______) Number ______

Cell phone (country code______) (area code______) Number ______

E-mail ______

1.2Knowledge of languages:

Mother Tongue______

Language / Reading / Speaking / Writing
Fair / Good / V. Good / Fair / Good / V. Good / Fair / Good / V. Good


a. Full Name of Institution______

b. Position______

c. What is your area of work?

Criminal Law (please specify court and whether trial or appellate level)______

Civil Law (please specify court and trial or appellate level) ______

Judicial training institute (please provide details)______

Other ( please specify) ______

d. In your country, which courts deal with THB cases?


1.4. Number of years in this position




More than 5

2. Professional Background

2.1 If you are an active judge dealing with criminal matters, please describe the type of cases most frequently heard, including the kinds of crimes heard.




2.2 If you are a judge with experience in hearing cases of trafficking in human beings, please describe the frequency and kinds of cases heard (forms of trafficking).




2.3 If you are involved with judicial training activities, please describe your role in the activity, the frequency of the activities and if they include ongoing training in certain subjects.




2.4 How would you assess your expertise in trafficking in human beings related issues?

Insufficient knowledge

Basic knowledge

Satisfactory knowledge

Thorough knowledge

2.5 Do you have experience in national (with judiciary, law enforcement, NGOs) and/or international cooperation in the area of trafficking in human beings in your field of work? (Yes/No)

If yes, how would you rate this cooperation: satisfactory – unsatisfactory? Please explain your answer:______

3. Expectations regarding your participation in the seminar

3.1 Have you ever participated in a training/study visit on trafficking in human beings before?

Subject of training / Country / Organized by / Duration of studies / Year

3.2 What knowledge regarding trafficking in human beings do you require for your occupation? (Multiple answers possible)

General information – overview

Policy framework (International, European, National)

Legal framework (International, European, National) including key concepts, indicators, principles of interpretation.

Examples of successful cooperation

Contact details of relevant counterparts (international, European, national)

Case studies of trafficking in human beings

Victim identification criteria

Good practices/procedures from other countries

Other (please specify) ______

3.3 What are your general expectations of the seminar? (Multiple answers possible)

Gain knowledge about good counter-trafficking practices

Improve the cooperation and knowledge dissemination among judges in different countries

Understand principles and procedures involved in adequate victim identification.

Increase your personal capacity to address trafficking related issues

Increase your organization’s capacity to address trafficking related issues

Raise awareness and disseminate knowledge among your colleagues

Improve the understanding of the cultural dimension and the root causes of Trafficking, including push and pull factors

Other (please specify) ______

3.4 How will you use the tools and knowledge gained in the seminar in your work? (i.e. follow-up peer workshop, dissemination of information with colleagues informally or formally, participation in the design of curriculum at judicial training institute, use of knowledge in actual criminal cases involving alleged trafficking, other etc.). Please elaborate: ______



3.5 How will you use the contacts/network created during the seminar and promote it further? Please elaborate: ______


3.6 Provide any other comments as you deem appropriate: ______

4. Medical Declaration

Please provide a signed letter from your doctor confirming your fitness to attend the seminar.

Thank you for your cooperation!