Sustainability Advisory Committee (SAC)
Meeting Date: May 11, 2017
Junior Donald Ramsoram (JR),
Paulina Rodriguez (PR),
Cheryl Tansony (CT),
Mathew Thijssen (MT),
Councillor Mark Whaley, (MW)
Tova Davidson, (TD)
Joseph Kangmennaang, (JK)
Sandra Biskupovic (SB) – non-voting student member
Anna Marie Cipriani (AMC) – non-voting staff liaise
Susie Turner (ST) – non-voting student member
Tom Schell (TS)
Maria Nestorovska (MN) – non-voting student member
Meeting Chair: MT
DisclosureofpecuniaryinterestwasdeclaredbyTD (in regards to agenda item 3 – delegation presentation)
Thatthe minutes oftheCommitteemeetingheldonMarch 9, 2017beapprovedasprinted
That the notes from the Committee meeting held on April 13, 2017 beapprovedasprinted
Carried Unanimously
Presentation by Danielle Laperriere – Plan Manager CAWR
The formal presentation included:
- Our Progress, Our Path: An Update on Waterloo Region’s Community Carbon Footprint
- Overview of community wide GHG emissions 2010-2015
- Overview of Waterloo specific results GHG emissions 2010-2015
- Identification of areas for SAC support regarding Climate ActionPlan, current/future targets
- SAC opportunities for support moving forward
JK left at 9:15 am
Committee discussed delegate’s presentation and questions handled by DanielleLaperriere
ACTION:A motion was tabled that SAC establish 2sub-committees:
1) ClimateAction WR – 2017 Report
2) Zoning (2nd draft) By-law Review
and that sub-committee chairs can speak on behalf of SACregarding
sub-committee work
Moved by MT, seconded by TD
Carried Unanimously
ACTION:The ClimateAction WR sub-committee will bring a presentation toCouncil
onMay 29,2017 and will bring a report if time permits
(ClimateAction WR sub-committee members are: ST, CT, SB and MT)
ACTION:The Zoning (2nd draft) By-law Review Committee will review in some detail,
the 2nd draft of the Zoning by-law and will bring a presentation and/or report forward
(Zoning (2nd draft) By-law Review sub-committee members are: JDR, CT, TD)
ACTION:AMC to send Zoning (2nd draft) By-law review link to the sub-committee
- AMC introduced Rebecca Hudson and Joseph Kangmennaang to SAC and each of the SAC members introduced themselves to RH & JK
- PR will move forward with chair training
- AMC confirmed her request to clerks to contact JK
- There was a discussion on changing SAC’s meeting times and duration. AMC gave some historical background on current practice
ACTION:TD moved to change our meeting times to 8:30 – 10:45 am, beginning June
movingforward, JDR seconded
Motion vote - not unanimous
- Committee discussed Zoning By-law review as noted above
ACTION:AMC to request midterm recruitment
Motion to adjourn by MT, seconded by JR
Meetingadjourned at 10:16 am