Acceptable Use Policy
ElmhurstJuniorSchool recognises its role in ensuring all users are protected from abuse via ICT both in and out of school through education and protocols.
All users will be informed of safe practices and of sanctions that will be applied if these protocols are ignored. The following agreements set out sanctions and each transgression will be investigated and dealt with accordingly. The school reserves the right to alter sanctions as appropriate according to the individual situation.
An e-safety curriculum supports these sanctions.
Chair of Governors
This policy was agreed by the Governing Body: February 2011
Date of next review: February 2012
ICT User Actions
Users shall not visit internet sites, make, post, download, upload, data transfer, communicate or pass on material, remarks, proposals or comments that contain or relate to:
All Fronter use is monitored by the school.All Internet use is monitored by SWGFL. / Acceptable / Acceptable at certain times / Acceptable for nominated users / Unacceptable / Unacceptable and illegal / Acceptable Off-site only
Child sexual abuse images /
Promotion or conduct of illegal acts, e. under the child protection, obscenity, computer misuse and fraud legislation /
Adult material that potentially breaches the Obscene Publications Act in the UK /
Criminally racist material in the UK /
Pornography /
Promotion of any kind of discrimination /
Promotion of racial or religious hatred /
Threatening behaviour, including promotion of physical violence or mental harm /
Any other information which may be offensive to colleagues or breaches the integrity of the ethos of the school or brings the school into disrepute /
Using school systems to run a private business /
Use systems, applications, websites or other mechanisms that bypass the filtering or other safeguards employed by SWGFL and/of the school /
Uploading, downloading or transmitting commercial software or any copyrighted materials belonging to third parties, without the necessary licensing permissions /
Revealing or publicising confidential or proprietary information (eg financial information, databases, computer/network access codes and passwords) /
Creating or propagating computer viruses or other harmful files /
Carrying out sustained or instantaneous high volume network traffic (downloading/uploading files) that causes network congestion and hinders others in their use of the internet/network /
Online gambling /
Online shopping/commerce /
File sharing /
Use of social networking sites /
Use of video broadcasting eg You Tube /
Recording/videoing images of pupils or staff off site on personal equipment. /
Personal use of school laptop/equipment (on and off the school premises) that is in breach of any of the above on and off site. /
I have read and understand the above and agree to use the school ICT systems and my own devices, in school, within these guidelines.
Staff/volunteer name ______
Signed ______
Date ______
Adults Communications Technologies
All email communications are monitored by SWGFL.
Staff and Other AdultsAllowed / Allowed at certain times / Allowed for selected staff / Not allowed
Mobile phones may be brought into school /
Use of mobile phones in lessons /
Use of mobile phones in social time /
Taking photos on mobile phones /
Use of hand held devices eg PDA’s /
Use of personal email addresses in school or on school network /
Use of school email for personal emails /
Use of chat rooms/facilities (not Fronter or other VLE authorised by the school) /
Use of instant messaging /
Use of social networking sites /
Use of blogs /
I have read and understand the above and agree to use the school ICT systems (both in and out of school) and my own devices (in and when carrying communications related to the school) within these guidelines.
Staff/Volunteer Name ______
Signed ______
Date ______
Pupils Communications Technologies
All Fronter emails and stickies are monitored by the school
Students/PupilsAllowed / Allowed at certain times / Allowed with permission of straff / Not allowed
Mobile phones may be brought into school. They must be named and delivered to a member of staff at the start of the school day /
Use of mobile phones in lessons /
Use of mobile phones in social time /
Taking photos on mobile phones /
Use of hand held devices eg PDA’s, PSP’s /
Use of personal email addresses in school or on school network /
Use of school email for personal emails /
Use of chat rooms (not Fronter) /
Use of instant messaging /
Use of social networking sites (not Fronter) /
Use of social networking sites (Fronter or other VLE authorised by the school) /
Use of blogs /
I have read and understand the above and agree to use the school ICT systems (both in and out of school) and my own devices (in and when carrying communications related to the school) within these guidelines.
Student Name ______
Signed ______
Date ______
Pupil Sanctions
Refer to teacher / Refer to Senior Management Team / Refer to Head teacher / Refer to Police / Refer to ICT Coordinator / Inform parents/carer / Remove network/internet/device access rights / Warning / Further sanction – Eg exclusionDeliberately accessing or trying to access material that could be considered illegal / / / /
Use of non education sites during lessons without staff permission / / / /
Using a mobile phone, digital camera or other handheld device without staff permission / / / /
Using a social networking site, instant messaging or personal email / /
Putting any information on to a social networking site or similar, from outside of school, about the school or a member of staff / / / / /
Downloading or uploading files or software / / / /
Sharing your username or passwords / / / / /
Attempting to access Fronter using another pupils account / / / / / /
Attempting to access the network or Fronter using a staff account / / / / /
Messing with or deleting other users work / / /
Sending an email, instant message or text that is thought to be bullying, offending or scaring another person / / / /
Continuously breaking the rules on this page / /
Trying to bypass the school filtering system / /
Accidentally accessing offensive or pornographic material and not telling a member of staff / / / /
Deliberately accessing offensive or pornographic material / / / /
Taking photos or videos of pupils and staff without their permission / / /
Using ICT in any way to give the school or staff a bad name or image, inside and outside of school / / / /
Staff Sanctions
Refer to Line manager / Refer to Headteacher / Refer to LEA / Refer to Police / Refer to ICT coordinator / Warning / Suspension / Disciplinary actionDeliberately accessing or trying to access material that could be considered illegal * / / / /
Excessive or inappropriate use of the internet/social networking sites/instant messaging/personal emails / / / /
Unauthorised downloading or uploading of files / / / /
Allowing others to access the school network by sharing username and passwords or attempting to access or accessing the school network using another persons account ∆ / / /
Careless use of personal data eg holding or transferring data in an insecure manner / / / /
Deliberate actions to breach data protection or network security rules / / /
Corrupting or destroying the data of other users or causing deliberate damage to hardware or software / / / /
Sending an email, text, instant message that is regarded as offensive, harassment or of a bullying nature / / / /
Using personal email/social networking/instant messaging/text or carrying out digital communications with pupils / / / /
Actions which could compromise the staff member’s professional standing / / /
Actions which could bring the school into disrepute or breach the integrity or ethos of the school / / / / / /
Using proxy sites or other means to subvert the school’s filtering system ∆ / /
Accidentally accessing or trying to access offensive or pornographic material and failing to report the incident / / / /
Deliberately accessing or trying to access offensive or pornographic material / /
Breaching copyright or licensing regulations / /
Use of school ICT equipment, including school laptops, that is in breach of any of the above whether it be on or off the school premises. / / / /
Continued infringements of the above following previous warnings or sanctions / / / /
* See User Actions Acceptable use policy
∆ Unless you have specific authority Eg system administrator/ict coordiator
All internet use is monitored by SWGFL / Acceptable / Acceptable at certain times / Acceptable with staff permission / UnacceptableUsing the school ICT equipment /
Searching for adult material /
Bullying or being unkind to others /
Racial or religious hatred /
Threatening behaviour to other students or staff /
Any other information which may be offensive to other members of the school or give the school a bad name /
Using school ICT equipment for personal use /
Trying to bypass the school filtering system /
Uploading, downloading or transmitting any software or files without a teachers permission /
Use of social networking sites that is not Fronter or Club Penguin /
Use of Fronter /
Telling anyone else your passwords /
Online gaming (educational) /
Online gaming (non educational) /
Online gambling /
Online shopping /
File sharing /
Using chat rooms /
Using your own equipment like data sticks and mobile phones on the school computers /
Touching other pupils computer or work /
Putting personal details on the school computers /
Taking photos of pupils and staff without their permission /
I must turn the screen off and report to a teacher immediately if:
I am unsure about anything on the screen
If I see something I do not like or that makes me feel uncomfortable.
I have read and understand the above and agree to follow these rules when using the school ICT systems and my own devices, in school.
Pupil Name ______
Signed ______
Date ______
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