Date:Inspected By:
Department: Morgue / Comments and Specific Location if needed / Initial if OK1. Fire Prevention
Are staff aware of where extinguishers, hose cabinet, pull station alarms and fire blankets are?
Are staff aware of evacuation procedures in the event of a fire?
Are fire extinguishers maintained and tagged?
Do staff know how to correctly operate a fire extinguisher?
Are fire doors clear?
Are fire and disaster plans available to workers?
Are fire exits clearly marked?
2. Storage
Are heavy items stored in the safe lift zone?
Are stored chemicals tightly sealed?
Do cooler trays move smoothly? Are cooler trays in good repair?
3. General Housekeeping
Are all areas tidy and uncluttered?
Are spills wiped up immediately?
Are fume hoods and air filters cleaned on a regular schedule?
Is flooring in good repair?
Are all ventilation vents clean and in good order?
4. Waste Disposal
Is broken glass being disposed of appropriately?
Are infectious and non-infectious garbage disposals clearly marked?
Is refuse appropriately separated with no cross contamination?
5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Are staff aware of when PPE is required?
Is PPE readily available?
goggles, respiratory protection, hand protection, acid/base transport containers
Is PPE being used?
- 1 -August 2008
Health & Safety Inspection Checklist
Department: Morgue / Comments and Specific Location if needed / Initial if OK6. Equipment
Is the equipment and electrical cords in good repair?
Are staff instructed in the safe operation of equipment?
Are maintenance procedures in place for the repair of equipment?
Are guards, automatic shutoff and automatic locks in place and working on all equipment?
Are extension cords kept to a minimum?
Do autopsy tables, stretchers etc. adjust for good body mechanic movement when transferring bodies?
Are temperatures in all refrigerators checked routinely?
7. Safe Work Procedures
Are safe work procedures available for all hazardous functions?
Do staff follow them?
Is a copy of the current OH&S regulations available?
Do staff have proper training in Infection Control Routine Practices to deal with cadavers properly?
Are employees instructed in safe use of hazardous chemicals? Are current training roster available?
Are all products correctly labeled?
Are material safety data sheets (MSDSs) available in the areas where the chemical is used?
Do staff follow the instructions for safe use?
Are chemicals stored appropriately following MSDS instruction?
9. First Aid
Are eyewash stations and emergency showers readily available, if required?
Are staff trained in the use, maintenance and storage of eyewash stations?
When was the last time the emergency shower was tested?
Are first aid kits available and full?
Is the location of first aid equipment clearly marked?
August 2008
Health & Safety Inspection Checklist
Department: Morgue / Comments and Specific Location if needed / Initial if OK10. Sharps
Are approved sharps containers readily available?
Are capped needles and other sharps seen in the disposal units?
Do staff understand how to access post exposure assistance?
11. Biological/ infectious
Are in-house protocols followed for all biological and infectious biological waste?
Do staff have appropriate TDG training? If needed
Are copies of TDG certificates and shipping documents readily available for inspection?
Are packages used for transport appropriate and in good shape?
12. Working Alone/ Security
Do staff work alone on call? Are appropriate controls put in place for their protection?
Do staff work alone after hours? Are appropriate controls in place for their protection?
Do staff use the buddy system to exit the building at night?
13. Violence/ harassment
Are appropriate policies, training and procedures in place to protect employees against workplace violence/harassment?
Are current training rosters in place?
14. Ergonomics
Have staff been instructed in hazards and warning signs of Musculoskeletal Injuries identified in this department?
Do employees stand for long periods? If yes, is footwear or other anti-fatigue matting available?
Do staff know the protocol of getting ergonomic reviews done?
Have staff received training in object moving?
Are good lifting techniques observed during inspection?
15. Lighting
Is lighting in all storage rooms and hallways adequate and properly maintained?
Is emergency lighting adequate?
- 1 -August 2008