Implementation of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (RtI) for District and Building Teams

Sponsored by:

Center for Student Success

UC School Psychology Program

June 16, 2011

Oasis Conference Center

902 Loveland-Miamiville Road

Loveland, OH 45140


About the Center:
The Center for Student Success is affiliated with the School Psychology Program at the University of Cincinnati. The Program has been recognized for linking research and practice, training in innovative approaches, and supporting schools and educational agencies in implementation of effective practices.
The mission of the Center is to provide support and resources for schools, educators, and families for effective, research-based practices to promote positive outcomes for all students. A specific focus of the Center is supporting learning and implementation of effective, comprehensive systems of instruction and intervention (within a response to intervention framework).

Center Goals:

·  Provide learning opportunities and professional development on effective, research-based practices

·  Serve as a resource for schools, educators, and educational agencies, by providing resource materials, tools for implementation, and research-based strategies

·  Provide technical assistance for implementation

·  Conduct research on effective practices and provide evaluation expertise on methods to evaluate school-level practices and impact

·  Provide opportunities for networking and sharing of exemplars of effective practices

Center Personnel:

Dr. Janet Graden, Co-Director, Professor, School Psychology

Dr. Rita Poth, Co-Director, Academic Director

Dr. David Barnett, Professor, School Psychology

Dr. Renee Hawkins, Assistant Professor, School Psychology

Dr. Ed Lentz, Professor, School Psychology

Dr. Julie Morrison, Assistant Professor, School Psychology
Dani Peterson, Associate Director, School of Human Services

Advisory Board:

Ken Baker / Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators
David Barnett / University of Cincinnati
Anne Bauer / University of Cincinnati
Susan Bunte / Cincinnati Public Schools
Renee Hawkins / University of Cincinnati
Tanya Ihlo / Nebraska Center on Research on Youth, Families & Schools - University of Nebraska
Alicia Lateer-Huhn / Hamilton County Educational Services Center
Ed Lentz / University of Cincinnati
Dana Marolt / North Olmstead City Schools
Margie McGlinchey / Michigan Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative
Julie Morrison / University of Cincinnati
Amy Murdoch / College of Mt. St. Joseph
Barbara Murphy / Ohio Department of Education
David Prasse / Loyola University, Chicago IL
John Rocchi / Muskingum Valley Educational Services Center, State Support Team Region 12
Helene Stacho / Education Service Center of Central Ohio
Stephanie Stollar / Dynamic Measurement Group
David Tilly / Heartland Area Education Agency, Des Moines, IA
Markay Winston / Cincinnati Public Schools
Matt Wissman / Fairfield Freshman School


District and building teams will:

·  initiate implementation of MTSS (RtI) components

·  design and implement a continued learning plan for the academic year 2011-12

·  establish membership in a regional collaborative with the Center for Student Success for networking, resource sharing and building an online learning community


Wendy Robinson, Assistant Director of Learning Development & Support, Heartland AEA, Des Moines, IA

Tanya Ihlo, PhD, Project Manager, Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families & Schools at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln


June 16, 2011
7:30 – 8:30 / Registration & Breakfast
8:30 – 9:15 / Keynote Presentations: Tanya Ihlo, Wendy Robinson, Janet Graden
9:15 – 9:45 / Guidelines for Team Activities: Rita Poth, Janet Graden
9:45 – 10:00 / Break - refreshments
10:00 – 11:00 / General Session: “Must-Have Fundamentals for MTSS (RtI)” - Tanya Ihlo
11:00 – 12:00 / Teams Working
12:00 – 1:00 / Lunch – Taco, Fajita & Ensalada Bar
1:00 – 2:00 / Topic Breakouts
2:00 – 2:45 / Teams Working
2:45 – 3:30 / Topic Breakouts
3:30 – 3:45 / Break - Gourmet Frangelica Berry & Turtle Cupcakes, cookies & refreshments
3:45 – 4:30 / General Session: Guide for Next Steps - Rita Poth, Janet Graden
4:30 / Institute Adjourned


8:30 – 9:15

Acacia Ballroom Keynote: MTSS (RtI): Where are we now, where are we going and why?
Tanya Ihlo, Wendy Robinson, Janet Graden

9:15 – 9:45

Acacia Ballroom Guidelines for Team Activities: Rita Poth, Janet Graden

10:00 – 11:00

Acacia Ballroom General Session: “Must-Have Fundamentals for MTSS (RtI)” - Tanya Ihlo

1:00 – 2:00

Sandalwood A Databased Decision Making/Collaborative Problem Solving – Alicia Lateer-Huhn

Sandalwood B Curriculum & Instruction Across the Tiers - Wendy Robinson

Sandalwood C Positive School Climate – Marie Kobayashi
Positive Behavior Supports – Karen Stine

2:45 – 3:30

Sandalwood A Leadership and Systems Problem Solving – Tanya Ihlo

Sandalwood B Literacy Across the Tiers – Wendy Robinson

Sandalwood C Coaches Breakout – Rita Poth, Janet Graden

3:45 – 4:30

Acacia Ballroom Putting It All Together, next steps and adjourn – Rita Poth, Janet Graden

Facilitators/Presenters / Agency/District / Title / Email
T.C. Chappelear / Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center / School Improvement Coordinator /
Holly Hall / Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center / SST EC Coordinator /
Tanya Ihlo / Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families & Schools at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln / Project Manager /
Marie Kobayashi / Cincinnati Public Schools / ESL/Foreign Language Manager /
Alicia Lateer-Huhn / Hamilton County Educational Service Center / SST Educational Consultant /
Caren McCoy / Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center / SST Special Ed Consultant /
Brad McFadden / Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center / Secondary Transition Specialist /
Wendy Robinson / Heartland AEA / Assistant Director of Learning Development & Support /
John Rocchi / Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center / SST Special ED Coordinator /
Karen Stine / Hamilton County Educational Service Center / SST Educational Consultant /


University of Cincinnati

Center for Student Success

Summer Institute