Article1 – Name
TheName this organization shallbeknown as is the “ExeterFootball Parents
Club”or “EFPC”.
Article2 – Purpose andMission Statement
TheEFPC shallexist topromoteand supportfootballfor the teams of the
ExeterTownship School District. B. Mission Statement
TheMissionof the EFPC is to supportand enhance the quality of the Exeter Township School District’s football teams (grades 7-12),through volunteer assistance and fundraising programs.
We are hereto:
Provide organized supportand financialresourcesfor the football program
Create camaraderie andactas liaison among thefootballteams, parents, schooladministration, and the general public
Demonstrateourloyaltyand supportto ourchildren, their teammates,and the footballstaff
Contribute to a positive atmosphereto promote awinning environment
Assistinactivities for the benefitof the footballprogram
Article3 – Membership
Membership in EFPC is open to anyparent or guardian of a current member of an Exeter Township School District football team. Acurrent member of thefootball teamis defined as beingon the active roster during the season and throughout the current school year.
Amembermust attenda minimum of five general meetings within thepast
twelvemonth periodin order to become a Member in Good Standing andhave the rightto voteon issues brought to a general vote.
Article4 – FiscalYear
Thefiscal year of EFPC shallbe January 1 of said yearto December 31 ofsaid year.
Article5 – Boardof Directors
“Boardof Directors” or“Board” means the governing body of the EFPC, which has the authorityand responsibility ofconducting,managing, and directing the business andaffairs of the EFPC.
A.Board of Directors
TheExecutive Board of Directors shallconsist of the President, Vice President, Secretary andTreasurer. The othermembers of the Board of Directors shallconsist of the chairperson of the following committees: Fundraising, Concessions, Banquet, SpiritWear, Webmaster and Program.
B. ExecutiveBoard Member Duties
Thegeneralduties of each Executive memberof the Board of Directors are summarizedbelow but are not limited to these duties.It is eachmember’s responsibility to help promote and make the EFPC successful.
President –The President shall be atleast 18 years of age, andmust bea Member in Good Standing. The President shallpreside at all Board and general membership meetings. ThePresident shallberesponsible forthe day- to-day operations of the EFPC, during his/her termof office.The President shall oversee theworkingsof all committees and shall be amember ex-officio of all committees.
Vice President– The Vice Presidentwill assist the President and assumethe position of “Acting President”if thePresident resigns or isremoved from office. The Vice President must bea Member in Good Standing.
Secretary –The Secretary’s responsibilities include thekeeping and tracking of the meetingminutes and handlingthe officialcorrespondence of the Association. The Secretary must bea Member in Good Standing.
Treasurer –The Treasurer shall be responsible to keep correct and accurate account of allfunds. Thetreasurer shallberesponsible for creating and maintainingproper procedures for receiving, disbursing and accounting for such funds includingthe preparationof amonthly written financialreport which shallbe made available whenrequested. The Treasurer must bea Member in Good Standing.
C. Elections
The Executive Board of Directors will serve 2 consecutive years alternating each year with President/Treasurer and Vice President/Secretary.
TheExecutive Board of Directors shallbe nominated at the November meeting, voted on attheDecembermeeting and take office beginning January
1.All existing board members shallrelinquish any and all pertinentitems to the newly elected boardmembers by January 1.
Theoffice of Presidentshallbeelected first, followed by VicePresident, Treasurer and Secretary.A showof hands will beused for electing all positions, majority wins. Only Membersin GoodStanding may vote.
Ifa vacancyshould occur on the Board,the President shall appointa replacement to servethe balance of the termfor the fiscal year only with approval of the remainingmembers of the Board.
AnyBoard membermay be removed by a two-thirds (2/3)vote of allBoard of
Directorswhen said Boardmember’s participation is deemed detrimental to
Article6 – Meetings
Meetingsshallbe held on the secondTuesday of each month beginningin January. Ameeting notice as well as the minutes fromthe previousmeeting shall be sent via emailtothe general membership bythe Secretary.EFPC meetings are advertisedinthe ExeterTownship School District calendar.No other meeting notices will be given or advertised.
TheJanuary meeting shallbe consideredthe Annual Meeting.Emergency meetingsmay be called at the discretion ofthe Board.
Allmeetings shallbe run in accordance to the By-Laws or ina case of adispute to
order,“RobertRules of Order” shall be referenced.
Article7 – Committees
ThePresident shall seek volunteersfor the following committees. TheExecutive Board of Directors will approve the chairperson for each committeeat theJanuary meeting.The President also has the authority to appointany othercommittees deemed necessary:
Banquet Concessions Fundraising Program SpiritWear
Finance/ AuditCommittee
Pre-Game Dinners
TheFinance / Audit Committeewillaudit theEFPCfinancial books forthe fiscal yearand present their report at the February meeting each year. The Treasurercan not be a member of the Finance /AuditCommittee.
ThePresident is a member ex-officio ofallcommittees andshould be notified of allcommittee meetings.
TheTreasurer shall present abudgetat the February meeting each year.
Article8 – Accounting Procedures
TheTreasurer isresponsible for theday-to-day accountingrequirementsfor the EFPC. The treasurer shall review andrevise the following proceduresas necessary and present any changestothe Board for approval.
Thereshall always betwo signatures requiredon any out-going checks. These signaturesshallbethoseof the Treasurer and one other person as authorized on the signature card atthe Clubs official bankingorganization.
B. Record Keeping – All records will be kept for only a period of 4 years. At
which point all old records need to be shreaded.
C. Event ProcedureGuideline:
Thisis a guidelineand canbe changed as neededand agreedto by the treasurer, concession chairperson andspirit wearchairperson.)
Personalmoney isnottobe used for any transaction done atanEFPC
ConcessionStand– Start-up money will be as follows:
SeventyFive (75) one dollar ($1) bills= $75
Twenty(20) five dollar ($5) bills= $100
Ten(10) tendollar ($10)bills = $100
Five(5)rolls of nickels($2)= $10
Five(5)rollof dimes ($5)= $25
Five(5) rolls ofquarters($10) = $50
Total= $360
TheTreasurer shall givethemoney to theConcession Chairperson. When amount ofmoney in tillis getting high and moneymust be
removed thefollowing procedures apply:
1.Musthave two (2) people count money.
2.The money which has been counted shall be placed in an envelopeand initialed byboth people with the amountclearlyshown on the envelope.
3.The envelope will then be placedinthe bank pouch that willbelocated in the concession stand.
4.At the end of the event the money will be countedby theConcession Chairpersonand theTreasurer or other two people responsible as noted by the board witha witness present. The witnesscannot be related toeither of the other two individuals.
SpiritWear Stand – Start-up money will be as follows: Fifty (50) one dollar ($1) bills = $50
Ten(10) five dollar ($5) bills = $50
Five(5)ten dollar ($10) bills = $50
Total= $150
TheTreasurer shall givethemoney to theSpirit WearChairperson.
1.Checks willbe accepted at the Spirit WearStand only. Itis the Spirit WearChairperson’s responsibilitytoreview eachcheck for the proper amount, date and signature prior toacceptingthe check.
2.If change is neededit is to be received fromthe Concession Stand.
3.At the end of the event the money will be counted by theSpiritWear Chairpersonand theTreasurer witha witnesspresent. The witnesscan not be relatedtoeither of the other two individuals.
Article9 – Scholarship
TheEFPCwould liketo recognizethe ongoingcommitmentof two senior student/athletes that excelled onthe football fieldand in theclassroomwho areattending college/technicalschool by awardingthema scholarship.
TheEFPC willawardtwo scholarships once a year at the football banquet totwo student/athletes.One willbe an academic scholarship and onewillbe anathletic scholarship.
Theinitial budgeted scholarship amount will be$1000 which will be split equally. The scholarshipamountmaychange fromyearto year ifsponsors are found to increase the funds available for this purpose.
Requirementsfor Eligibility:
Thereare two generalrequirementsfor either scholarship and specific requirementsas outlined belowfor the individual scholarships:
1. The student mustbe a senior football player whohasplayedthreeyears of high schoolfootball.
2. The student must havebeen in the Exeter programfor two years.
Theacademic scholarshipwillbe awarded to thestudent/athlete withthe highest class rank at the end oftheir junior year. This willbebased on thepercentage of theirrank in theirrespective schools.
Theathleticscholarshipwillbe awarded to thestudent withthe highest pointtotal in the athletic requirements.
Pointswill be accumulated for the following accomplishments:
1stTeamAll-County = 15 points
2ndTeamAll-County =10 points
HonorableMention All-County = 5points
AllAcademic Team= 10 points
Varsity Letter/s = 5 points for each yeara playerletteredin football
Ifthere is a tie, class rank willbe used to determine awinner.
Article10 – Non-Profit Status
TheEFPC has been incorporated as a Pennsylvania Not-For-Profit charitable organization. This designationis forthe purposeof conducting businessinthe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
TheEFPC shallprovideno compensation, monetary orotherwise, to any individual providing serviceas a member of theBoard or volunteer.
Anyservicethat is rendered by an officeror memberof the organization that willbe reimbursed must be accompanied by a receipt showing thedeterminingfactor for service, i.e. fair market value.
Article11- Dissolution
Ifat any time the EFPC becomes a non-viable entitythe Board will, uponpayment ofall outstandingdebts, distribute any andall remaining assetsof the organization to an organization with a mission and vision similar to that of the EFPCwithin the Exeter Township School District if possible.
Article12 – Changes to the By-Laws
TheseBy-Laws shall replaceany previous By-Laws in existence priortothis date. The By-Lawsmay be amended atanytime by a two-third (2/3)affirmative voteof the Board of Directorsat any notified meeting where one-half (1/2) of the voting eligible Board members are present. Notification must begiven in writingwith the proposed change so stated overthe signatureof the Secretary prior tothe meeting. The undersigned officers, attest that these By-Laws have been duly discussed and approved by theBoard and are effective asof the signature date.
Vice President
(PrintedName)(Printed Name)
Treasurer (Signature)(Signature)
(PrintedName)(Printed Name)