Exiting Graduate Student Questionnaire
Congratulations upon your graduation! Now that you have completed your graduate study in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, we are anxious to have you provide us with "feedback" about your educational experience. This information will aid the Au.D. program in strengthening the training program for future students.
Please be completely candid in making your responses to the following questions. Use the back of sheets if you need additional room for answers or if you wish to comment on areas not covered. Do not sign this form. Your answers will be tabulated and the questionnaire destroyed to preserve your anonymity.
- Did you enter this graduate program holding a bachelors degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology?
- Prior to and following admission to the program, was the academic advising you received adequate and appropriate?
If not, what do you believe could be done to improve this situation?
3.Please list below the titles for those courses (excluding practicum) that you believe have made the most significant contribution to your overall professional training.
4.Please list below the titles for those courses (excluding practicum) that you believe have been the least beneficial in your overall professional training. Please give some brief indication of why you view them as you do in terms of any one or all of the following variables: (a) course objectives, (b) organization, (c) content, (d) instructor.
5.Do you believe the clinical preceptorswithin the program spent sufficient time observing and guiding your clinical practicum?
If not, what do you think accounted for their lack of availability?
6.Excluding your externship, please list below the practicum experiences that you feel have been most beneficial to your overall professional training.
7.Excluding your externship, please list below the practicum experiences which you believe have been least beneficial to your overall professional training and give some indication of why you view them as you do in terms of practice, patient flow and precepting.
8. Do you feel the audiology research project was a worthwhile learning experience?
If not, please state why you feel as you do.
9.Do you feel the comprehensive examinations adequately reflected your knowledge of the subject areas tested?
Were you able to understand the task and expectations required of you?
10.What do you consider to be major weaknesses in this program? What changes would you suggest to overcome them?
11.What do you consider to be major strengths in this program?
12.Would you recommend this program to other students?
If not, why not?
13. Have you secured employment yet?
If so, where?
If not, what type of setting will you apply for?
14.General Comments: