Complete the sentence: “The river is polluted.” – They say the river … .

was polluted

would be polluted

will be polluted

has been polluted

is polluted

Complete the sentence: “You must come at 5.” – She told me that … at 5.

she must come

you must come

I would come

I came

I must come

Complete the sentence: “I have been traveling a lot lately.” – He said … a lot lately.

I have been traveling

he was traveling

he had been traveling

he traveled

he had been traveling

Complete the sentence: “Don’t go out.” – He told her …out .

don’t go

not go

go not

didn’t go

not to go

Complete the sentence: “I have earned a lot of money.” – He said that … a lot of money.

he had earned

he earns

he earned

he would earn

he has earned

Complete the sentence: “Why didn’t you come to the party last night?” – He asked her why …to the party.

didn’t you come

you didn’t come

hadn’t she come

she hadn’t come

haven’t you come

Complete the sentence: “We will be on time.” – They told us … on time.

we were

they will be

they would be

they were

we will be

Complete the sentence: “I should give up smoking.” – He said …smoking.

he shall give up

he gave up

he should give up

he has given up

he would give up

Complete the sentence: “Do I need to a visa to go to Egypt?” – I wonder … a visa to go to Egypt?

if do I need

did I need

if did I need

if I need

do I need

Complete the sentence: “Open the window, please.” She asked me … the window.

to open


have opened

would open


Complete the sentence: “When did Kate arrive?” – Do you know … ?

when did Kate arrive

when has Kate arrived

when arrived Kate

when Kate arrived

when Kate arrives

Complete the sentence: “Don’t tell her about it.” – He told me … her about it.

no tell

didn’t tell

not tell

don’t tell

not to tell

Complete the sentence: “I work for a foreign company.” – He says that …for a foreign company.

he worked

I work

he is working

he works

he had worked

Complete the sentence: “Where is the nearest bank?” – The man asked where … .

the nearest bank was

is the nearest bank

the nearest bank is

the nearest bank

was the nearest bank

Complete the sentence: “Is he still working?” – The boy asked ….

is he still working

was he still working

if he worked

if he is still working

if he was still working

Complete the sentence: “The train came on time yesterday.” – They said the train …on time the day before.

has come


will come

would come

had come

Complete the sentence: “Drive the car carefully, please.” – He asked me … the car carefully.

to drive please


to drive


would drive

Complete the sentence: “Don’t be angry with her.” – He asked me … with her.

not to be

no be

didn’t be

don’t be

not be

Complete the sentence: “I can’t play chess.” – She said that … chess.

she couldn’t play

I couldn’t play

I can’t play

she could

she can’t play

Complete the sentence: “Leave the room immediately.” – He told them …the room immediately .

to leave

not to leave



not leave

Complete the sentence: “We will meet next Sunday.” – He said … .

they will meet next Sunday

they would meet next Sunday

we will meet next Sunday

we would meet next Sunday

they would meet the following Sunday

Complete the sentence: He said, “ I’ll see you tomorrow.”- He said he would see me ….

that day


the next day


the day after tomorrow

Complete the sentence: Ann says, “I am hungry.” – Ann says that … .

she had been hungry

she is hungry

she was hungry

I am hungry

I was hungry

Complete the sentence: He said, “I must go home.” – He said … go home.

I must

he had

he must

he was

he could

Complete the sentence: The policeman asked, “What are you doing?” – The policeman asked the men … .

what you are doing

if what they were doing

what they were doing

what were they doing

what are you doing

Complete the sentence: He told me that he … two foreign languages.


is knowing

will know



Complete the sentence: They said, “We will be at home.” – They said that … at home.

we will be

they will be

they were

we would be

they would be

Complete the sentence: Mother said, “Be careful.” – Mother asked her son … careful.



to be


will be

Complete the sentence: Tom said, “I was in Canberra last year.” Tom said that he had been in Canberra … .

next year

the year before

the following year

a year ago

last year

Complete the sentence: “Stay away from me.” – He warned them … away from him.

to stay


not to stay

would stay


Complete the sentence: The young man said, ” I was at the bank yesterday.” – The young man said that he was at the bank … .



the day before


the next day

Complete the sentence: He told me that he … her the year before in Paris.

had met

has met



have met

Complete the sentence: “I passed my exam in French.” – He said that … his exam in French.

I had passed

he has passed

he passed

I passed

he had passed

Complete the sentence: “The papers were delivered yesterday.” – They said the papers …

were delivered yesterday

had been delivered the day before

have been delivered yesterday

would be delivered the next day

were delivered the day before

Complete the sentence: “I lost my key two days ago.” – She told she had lost her key … .

since two days

for two days

two days ago

two days before

the day before yesterday

They were glad that they … a good time in summer.

was having




has had

Complete the sentence: He told me that he … two foreign languages.


is knowing

will know



Complete the sentence: “I passed my driving test last year,” he told. –He told his boss that he … his driving the year before.


would pass

had passed

have passed


Complete the sentence: He said, “ I’ll see you tomorrow.”- He said he would see me ….

the day after tomorrow

the next day


that day


Complete the sentence: “Have you ever been to Africa?” – She asked him …to Africa.

have you ever been

if he has ever been

if he ever had been

had he ever been

that he had ever been

Complete the sentence: Alice says, “These cities are very big.” – Alice says that … very big.

this cities are

those cities were

those cities are

these cities were

these cities are

Complete the sentence: “I can’t swim well,” she said. – She said that she … well.

can swim

didn’t swim

can’t swim

could swim

must swim

Complete the sentence: I asked, “Are you cold?”- I asked him … .

if he was cold

if was he cold

was he cold

he was cold

is he cold

Complete the sentence: The official asked, “What do you want?” – The official asked the passenger … .

what did he want

what he wants

what he wanted

what do you want

what you wanted

Complete the sentence: “Leave me alone.” – She told me … alone.

leave her

leave me

left her

to leave her

to leave me

Complete the sentence: “Switch off the TV.” – She told me …off the TV.


to switch

if I switched


that I switch

Complete the sentence: “Mr. Mason has gone out.” – The secretary told me that Mr. Mason … out.

would go



has gone

had gone

Complete the sentence: “I don’t want to go swimming.” – He says that …to go swimming.

I don’t want

he didn’t want

he wanted

he wants

he doesn’t want

Complete the sentence: He said, “I’m here on holiday.”- He said that he …on holiday

am here

was here

is here

is there

was there

Complete the sentence: I said, “Don’t touch my camera.” – I … .

told to them not to touch my camera

told them not to touch my camera

told them don’t touch my camera

said them not to touch my camera

told them not touch my camera

Complete the sentence: Tom said, “I was in Canberra last year.” Tom said that he had been in Canberra … .

the following year

next year

a year ago

the year before

last year

Complete the sentence: I was sure that our team … the game.


shall win

have won

will win

would win

Complete the sentence: “I can’t swim well,” she said. – She said that she … well.

must swim

can’t swim

can swim

could swim

didn’t swim

Complete the sentence: The policeman said, “Don’t park the car here.” – The policeman told the man …the car there

not park

didn’t park

won’t park

not to park

don’t park

Complete the sentence: “We will visit you on Monday.” – They told us that … on Monday.

they visit us

they visited us

they would visit us

they will visit us

they had visited us

Complete the sentence: “What time does the plane arrive?”- We asked the clerk … .

what time the plane arrives

what time the plane arrived

what time does the plane arrive

what time the plane arrive

what time did the plane arrive

Complete the sentence: “Don’t leave the door unlocked.” – Mother told the children … the door unlocked.

won’t leave

not leave

not to leave

didn’t leave

don’t leave

Complete the sentence: ”I learn two languages.” – She says … two languages.

she had learned

she learns

she is learning

she learned

I learn

Complete the sentence: “Is she learning Chinese?” – He asked me … Chinese.

if is she learning

that she was learning

that she is learning

if she is learning

if she was learning

Complete the sentence: She said, “Get out of my room.” – She told the man …of her room.

to get out

got out

gets out

get out

not to get out

Complete the sentence: “I passed my driving test last year,” he told. –He told his boss that he … his driving the year before.

have passed

had passed

would pass



Complete the sentence: Ann says, “I am hungry.” – Ann says that … .

she was hungry

she had been hungry

I am hungry

she is hungry

I was hungry

Complete the sentence: They asked , ” Have you taken photos of the sight?” –They asked him if he … photos of the sight.

has taken


have taken

had taken

was taking

Complete the sentence: She says, “I live in Brighton.” – She says that … in Brighton.

she live

I lived

she lived

she lives

I live

Complete the sentence: “We’re going downtown.” –They said that … downtown.

we were going

they are going

they were going

we going

we are going

Complete the sentence: “We received the letter yesterday.” –They said that they had received the letter … .


the next day

the day before



Complete the sentence: I asked, “Will it take long to repair the car?” –I asked the mechanic … long to repair the car.

if it will take

it will take

if it takes

it would take

if it would take

Complete the sentence: I asked, “Are you cold?”- I asked him … .

is he cold

if was he cold

if he was cold

he was cold

was he cold

Complete the sentence: He said, “I must go home.” – He said … go home.

he could

he was

he must

he had

I must

Complete the sentence: “You should consult a doctor.” – He said that … a doctor

I should consult

I shall consult

to consult

I consulted

I consult

Complete the sentence: “Does your sister like to travel?” – He asked me …to travel.

if my sister likes

if my sister does like

if my sister liked

does my sister like

that my sister likes

Complete the sentence: “Do you like Benny Hill?” – He asked me …Benny Hill.

that I like

if I liked

did I like

that I liked

if I like

Complete the sentence: “Your skirt will be ready on Saturday.” – The woman said that … ready on Saturday.

your skirt would be

my skirt will be

your skirt will be

my skirt was

my skirt would be

Complete the sentence: “You should take the medicine two times a day.” – The doctor told her that …the medicine two times a day.

you should take

she should take

you take

she took

she takes

Complete the sentence: “I bought the car last year.” – He told his friend that …the car the year before.

he buys

he has bought

he had bought

he bought

I had bought

Complete the sentence: “It’s raining hard.” –They say that … hard.

it has rained

it rains

it will rain

it is raining

it was raining

Complete the sentence: I was sure that our team … the game.


shall win

would win

have won

will win

Complete the sentence: They said, “We will arrive late.” – They said that … late.

we would arrive

we will arrive

they arrived

they will arrive

they would arrive

Complete the sentence: I said, “Don’t touch my camera.” – I … .

told to them not to touch my camera

told them not touch my camera

told them not to touch my camera

told them don’t touch my camera

said them not to touch my camera

Complete the sentence: The young man said, ” I was at the bank yesterday.” – The young man said that he was at the bank … .



the day before


the next day

Complete the sentence: “What time is it?” – She asked me ….

what time was it

what time it is

what time it was

what time is it

what time was

Complete the sentence: “Our team will win the game.” – I was sure that … the game.

our team will win

our team had won

our team would win

our team won

our team wins

Complete the sentence: “We will have a very good time.”- They said that … a very good time.

we would have

they will have

they would have

we will have

they had

Complete the sentence: “You must get up early tomorrow.” – She told me that … early the next day.

you would get up

you get up

you must get up

I must get up

you got up

Complete the sentence: The policeman asked, “What are you doing?” – The policeman asked the men … .

what were they doing

if what they were doing

what they were doing

what you are doing

what are you doing

Complete the sentence: They said, “We will be at home.” – They said that … at home.

they were

they will be

we would be

they would be

we will be

Complete the sentence: He told me that he … her the year before in Paris.

have met

had met



has met

Complete the sentence: The man said, “You could be right.” – The man said that … right.

he can be

he could be

I can be

I could be

they could be

Complete the sentence: She says, “I live in Brighton.” – She says that … in Brighton.

I live

she lived

she live

she lives

I lived

Complete the sentence: “Can you speak German?” – They wanted to know … German.

I can speak

if I could speak

I could speak

that you can speak

if you could speak

Complete the sentence: He said, “I’m here on holiday.”- He said that he …on holiday

was here

is there

is here

am here

was there

Complete the sentence: “Are you English?” – He asked me … English.

if you are

were you

are you

am I

if I was

Complete the sentence: She said, “Get out of my room.” – She told the man …of her room.

to get out

got out

not to get out

gets out

get out

Complete the sentence: The official asked, “What do you want?” – The official asked the passenger … .

what did he want

what he wants

what you wanted

what he wanted

what do you want

Complete the sentence: The policeman said, “Don’t park the car here.” – The policeman told the man …the car there

don’t park

didn’t park

not to park

not park

won’t park

Complete the sentence: The man said, “You could be right.” – The man said that … right.

I can be

they could be

he could be

he can be

I could be

Complete the sentence: “I went to Berlin last month.” –He said that he had gone to Berlin … .

a month ago

last month

the month before

the next month

last year

Complete the sentence: “Could I speak to Tom?” – She asked … to Tom.