HELD: / 03 September 2012
LOCATION: / Reading Room, Barrowby
PRESENT: / · Mr B Harper
· Mr D Markham
· Mr Phil Cupit
· Mr M Sutton / · Mr R Poore
· Mrs P Harrison
· Miss R McAuley
· Mrs P Bosworth
· Mrs B Silverwood
APOLOGIES: / · Mr B Inglis
· Mr R Cross
· Mrs V Cross
In the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, Council elected Mr P. Cupit as Chairman for the meeting.
Mr P. Cupit introduced himself and welcomed all to the September Parish Council Meeting.
Three members of the public attended the open session:
· Mrs Pauline Brownlow
· Mr Thomas Lee
· Mr Richard Ferens (Spokesperson on matters relating to Planning Application S12/1271)
1. Mr Ferens congratulated the Parish Council on floral arrangements around the village.
2. Mr Ferens pointed out that he is the President of British Legion. Mr Ferens suggested that the Parish Council should lead an initiative to raise capital from the sale of the Memorial Hall together with the Insurance money from The British Legion to invest in a brand new facility on the site of the British Legion which would contain a community facility as well as a British Legion club room. This new facility would commemorate the Diamond Jubilee.
3. Three members of the public expressed concerns in relation to Planning Application S12/1271
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Smith - S12/1271/FULL/PC1
Proposal: Change of use from field used for agricultural to storage of leisure vehicles touring vans
Location: Casthorpe House Farm, Denton Lane, Casthorpe, Barrowby, Grantham
Mr Ferens, the nominated spokesperson informed the council that the property is in actual fact a listed building. Mr Ferens advised the Council that the Lincolnshire Wildlife trust wants to look at the field as its written that it is a ridge and furrow.
Concerns have also been raised in relation to the view of the landscape from both Pancake Hill and the Viking Way. Mr Ferens went onto say that if the Planning Application was to be successful and went ahead that the views would be blighted/obscured by an abundance of white caravans.
The proposal includes passing places on Denton Lane towards the A52, flood lights, tarmac area and security fencing, creating an eye sore. Expressed concerns with regards to access and egress. Mr Ferens also pointed out that this proposal contravenes SKDC’s Landscape Policy on a number of counts.
Any objections in relation to this application must be raised before 14th September 2012.
Mr P. Cupit was elected by the council as Chairman for this meeting in the absence of both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman.
· Mr B. Inglis – Volunteering at London 2012 Olympics.
· Mr R. Cross – Work Commitments
· Mrs V. Cross - Work Commitments
3. To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act
9.4.1 Update on request for authorisation to purchase material to carry out repairs to allotment car park. Interested expressed by Mr P. Cupit, Mr R. Poore and Mr D .Markham.
4. Approval of Minutes June monthly meeting held on MONDAY 6TH aUGUST 2012
Approval of August Parish Council Meeting Minutes – Proposed by Mr M. Sutton and seconded by Mrs B.Silverwood, agreed unanimously by the Council. Two minor grammatical amendments to be made by the Clerk. / RM
5.1 Feedback on the BIG survey on issues relating to the PC.
Mr P. Cupit presented 8 slides from BIG data report as they relate to the PC. Mr B. Harper proposed that we contact Mrs Jo Witham (BIG Chairman) to request results from the full BIG survey and to ask for the date when the completed report will be available for distribution around the village. Seconded by Mr M. Sutton agreed unanimously.
5.2 Feedback on ROSPA Health and Safety Inspection.
Carried out Bank Holiday Monday – Feedback to be provided at the October meeting once the written report has been received.
5.3 Update on Village Green fence proposal.
Photos distributed of different fencing options. Mrs P. Bosworth proposed that we defer to the next meeting when Mr and Mrs Cross can bring along evidence relating to the deeds of the green and more fencing options to be provided. Seconded by Mr B. Harper. Motion carried. Mr R.Poore requested that his vote against be recorded.
5.4 Request budget of £120 [similar to spring purchases] for purchase of winter pansies and other possible winter plants and fertilizer for planters and borders.
Proposed Mrs Barbara Silverwood seconded Mr David Markham. Agreed unanimously.
5.5 Request to have a sign placed at Westry corner indicating the sports field.
Defer to next meeting. Although there was agreement in principle it was felt that Council needed to consider the views of the Pavilion Committee It was felt that Council needed a specific proposal including construction, dimensions and cost to consider at the October meeting.
5.6 Request for a waste bin for High Road next to the bus shelter at the junction with Reedings Road.
Agreed in principle provided the price is suitable Clerk to obtain a quotation from SKDC. Proposed by Mrs P. Bosworth seconded by Mr R. Poore. Agreed unanimously / PC
6.1.0. “The Posts” Name Plates. The Clerk reported that there was a lead time of 10/12 weeks and so we could reasonably expect the name plates to be actioned in the next 6/8 weeks.
6.2.0. Collection of Completed “The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012” forms - 4 Received, remainder to be posted FAO the Clerk to the Reading Room in the next 7 days.
7.1 No Planning Applications Received This Month
7.2 Proposed by Mrs P. Bosworth to reconsider the Parish Council submission to the planning application for a Caravan store. Seconded by Mr R. Poore. Motion carried.
7.3 Clerk to Contact SKDC tomorrow (4/9/12) to request plans for Caravan store as not yet received. – The Clerk will inform SKDC Planning Dept. that Barrowby Parish Council wishes to update its comments as it is now aware that the application refers to a listed building and listed building planning consent is required.
7.4 Suggested that Parish Councillors conduct a site visit to the proposed site of the caravan facility. Meeting at Casthorpe Field Cottage on Monday 10th September 2012 at 10am. A further meeting to collate observations and decide upon the revised comment is to be held at the Reading Room from 6.30pm -7.15pm on Monday 10th September. The revised plans will be available to view at this meeting. / RM
8.1 Income and Expenditure for July 2012.
01/08/2012 / 127 / RR Hire - Baptist Fellowship May & June / -£ 134.00
01/08/2012 / 128 / Abi Moore Advert in Barrowby News / -£ 10.00
01/08/2012 / 129 / Grantham Canal Society Advert in Barrowby News / -£ 60.00
01/08/2012 / 141 / B.News Sponsorship - Hodgson Solutions / -£ 50.00
04/08/2012 / 142 / Burial Ground Plot Reservation / -£ 300.00
01/08/2012 / 143 / Burial Ground Re Sharpe / -£ 250.00
01/08/2012 / 144 / Jane Pick Dance Group RR Hire / -£ 18.75
01/08/2012 / 145 / Natalie Doughty RR Hire / -£ 22.50
05/08/2012 / 146 / Hannah Farren RR Hire / -£ 26.40
14/08/2012 / 147 / Grantham Ramblers RR Hire / -£ 15.00
18/08/2012 / 148 / New Dawn Yoga - RR Hire / -£ 60.00
19/08/2012 / 149 / Mr & Mrs Nesbitt - RR Hire / -£ 22.50
14/08/2012 / 150 / Barrowby News Donation / -£ 10.00
Totals / -£ 979.15
01/08/2012 / 125 / Jewsons - P Cupit B.Gnd Markings Reimbursment / £ 61.56
01/08/2012 / 126 / R Cross Reimbursment - B.Gnd Padlock & Printer Ink / £ 28.28
03/08/2012 / 130 / PE Hempstead - July Cuts 2 x Village Green / £ 91.20
03/08/2012 / 130 / PE Hempstead - July Cuts 2 x Reading Room / £ 38.40
03/08/2012 / 130 / PE Hempstead - July Cuts 2 x Adamstiles / £ 52.80
03/08/2012 / 130 / PE Hempstead - July Cuts 3 x Grave Yard / £ 90.00
03/08/2012 / 130 / PE Hempstead - July Cuts 3 x New Grave Yard / £ 127.80
03/08/2012 / 130 / PE Hempstead - July Weed Spraying 3 Areas / £ 75.60
03/08/2012 / 131 / PE Hempstead - June Cuts 3 x Village Green / £ 136.80
03/08/2012 / 131 / PE Hempstead - June Cuts 3 x Reading Room / £ 57.60
03/08/2012 / 131 / PE Hempstead - June Cuts 1 x Adamstiles / £ 26.40
03/08/2012 / 131 / PE Hempstead - June Cuts 2 x Grave Yard / £ 60.00
03/08/2012 / 131 / PE Hempstead - June Cuts x 2 New Grave Yard / £ 85.20
01/08/2012 / 132 / Scottish Power R.Room Electricity / £ 29.00
01/08/2012 / 133 / British Gas R.Room Gas / £ 55.00
31/08/2012 / 134 / Utility Warehouse - Mobile Phone / £ 14.40
01/08/2012 / 135 / Clean My Windows - Reading Room / £ 10.00
21/08/2012 / 136 / B Inglis Reimbursment – Laminator / £ 30.98
02/08/2012 / 137 / Link Distribution - Leaflet Drop August B. News / £ 32.40
02/08/2012 / 138 / Link Distribution - Leaflet Drop September B. News / £ 32.40
24/08/2012 / 139 / NLD RFU - Barrowby News Printing August / £ 104.56
24/08/2012 / 140 / NLD RFU - Barrowby News Printing September / £ 104.56
06/08/2012 / 151 / Consume It – Stationery / £ 44.76
31/08/2012 / 152 / Reimbursement - P Cupit / £ 27.98
06/08/2012 / 153 / Belvoir Galleries / £ 100.00
31/08/2012 / 154 / Clerk - Travel reimbursement / £ 31.20
31/08/2012 / 155 / Clerk - Expenses reimbursement / £ 27.96
31/08/2012 / 156 / Salary- Clerk / £ 383.00
31/08/2012 / 157 / Salary – Caretaker / £ 212.00
31/08/2012 / 158 / Mitsi Landscapes Grave Digging / £ 200.00
Totals / £ 2,371.84
8.2 Request authorisation for Clerk to have access to internet banking for Parish Council. Proposed that Clerk should have internet access to Parish Council bank accounts in compliance with the bank mandate proposed by Mr P. Cupit seconded Mr M. Sutton agreed unanimously.
8.3 Mr P. Cupit pointed out that there had been no authorisation for purchase of the projector leads for the Reading Room. However, he had made these purchases as a result of a misunderstanding on his behalf. Mr Cupit is now seeking the authorisation of Parish Council for the purchases. Authorisation to make the purchases was proposed by Mr M. Sutton seconded Mrs B. Silverwood. Agreed unanimously
9.1.0. Reading Room
9.1.1. Reading Room Group Report.
The kitchen door vinyl has now been sealed and door bars for kitchen and foyer doors to main room have been lowered and made good by Kerr Flooring.
9.1.2. Feedback from Scarecrow Competition
The first village scarecrow competition attracted 22 scarecrows from villagers and sponsors. As a first attempt the organisers are much encouraged. The Competition raised £370 for The Barrowby News. The sponsors were Robert Holland, Helen’s Flowers, Grantham Physiotherapy all of St. Catherine’s Road, Grantham. LAC Groundwork and Simon Butler of Barrowby, Hodgson Solutions of 7, Market Place and Galaxy Fish Bar of Hornsby Road, Grantham to whom we are indebted for their support.
Many thanks go to Carole, Terry Retford and Jenny for organising the event, making the sponsors scarecrows and placing them with the sponsors details on the village green for all to see. We are already talking of running this competition next year!
9.2.0. Pavilion
9.2.1. Pavilion Group Report.
· ROSPA report carried out – awaiting written report
· A Football tournament was held and teams came from all over county, the football team raised £1300, Clerk to send a letter to congratulate the football club on their efforts.
· Request for second payment of Grant from Parish Council – RFO informs that it will be put through September Accounts.
· Pavilion Committee have asked the Parish Council have they sent VAT claim for reimbursement – RFO informs that it’s in hand.
· Concern was expressed by Mrs P. Bosworth that the gates on the Lowfield entrance were not closed at night. It was proposed that the Parish Council request the Pavilion Committee to review the security arrangements, locking gates etc. As there is potential for public/illegal access in relation to the gate being left open. Seconded by Mr D. Markham and agreed by a majority.
· Discussion took place as to the ownership of the new circular seat donated in memory of the two individuals recently deceased. It was agreed that the seat should be in the ownership of the Pavilion Committee (Parish Council) and that the Pavilion Committee would obtain a quotation for slabs and to be sited around the memorial seat. The quotation would be presented at the October Meeting.
· Playgrounds
9.2.2. Update on Playground
The Clerk and Mr P. Cupit are currently on a fact finding mission and will continue to gather information for the next meeting. The Clerk, Mr P. Cupit, Mr B. Harper and, Mr R. Cross are to form the working party.
9.3.0. Burial Ground
9.3.1. Burial Ground Improvements - Consider timing to plan the building of a rose garden monument in the Burial Ground
A working party is required to create firm proposals, possible designs and costings, proposed by Mr R.Poore seconded Mr D. Markham. Agreed unanimously. Working party will consist of Mr R. Poore, Mr B. Inglis, Mr P. Cupit and Mr D. Markham.
Working Party to meet last week in September Monday 24th at 2pm at the Burial ground proposed by Mr R.Poore seconded by Mr P. Cupit
If Council agrees to go ahead with a Memorial garden, it is proposed that the action will take place in the spring. Proposed by Mr P. Cupit and seconded by Mr R. Poore. Carried
9.3.2. Request budget of £50 to purchase moss killer and selective lawn weed killer for edges of paths in Burial Ground- Mr D Markham on behalf of The Gardeners Association will buy some multipurpose weed killer and will sell the required amount to the Parish Council. A price will be negotiated at a later date.
9.4.0. Allotments
9.4.1 Update on request for authorisation to purchase material to carry out repairs to allotment car park.
Mr D Markham to obtain a quotation from Mr Ian Smith for the October meeting, where a proposal should be made. / RM
10.1 12 Harlaxton Road Closure – The Drift. The Clerk reported the proposals.
10.2 Christmas Event “Father Christmas for the Children” – Proposed by Mrs B. Silverwood and seconded Mrs P. Bosworth that we have a working party to discuss possible ideas for this event. Working Party to meet on 11th September 2012 at 10am at The Cakehole and report back to October Meeting. Working party to include Mrs B. Silverwood, Mrs P. Bosworth, Mrs P. Harrison, Mr M. Sutton, and Mr P. Cupit. Mr .l Cupit would also like to nominate Mr B. Inglis subject to his agreement. Mr P. Cupit to obtain details from last year and produce at the meeting on 11th.
10.3 Mr R. Poore reported that there would be a Heritage Day for the Grantham Canal on Thursday 6th September 10-5pm at the Carpenters Depot to the rear of the Dirty Duck Public House Woolsthorpe.
10.4 Health and Safety Training – Mr P. Cupit requested a date whereby all councillors would be available to attend Health and Safety Training, Mr P. Cupit would approach Mr Derek Kendall with a view to book training on Thursday 11th October at 6.30pm, Training to be held at the Pavilion. / PC
11.1 Cenotaph Cleaning – Some of the services available are Protective micro-crystalline wax covering, letter painting – raised/incised, plaque painting, gilding, lime pointing, copper/iron stain poultice. Contact details Jack Sills 0115 913 5325.
11.2 Audit Commission – Detailing appointment of new External Auditor Grant Thornton UK LLP to audit the annual return of Barrowby Parish Council for 5 years from 2012/13.
MEETING CLOSED: 21.36 / DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday10th October 2012
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