Summary of Agreement/ MOU

(As of September 6.2017)

No. / Country / Institution / Duration of Agreement / Year / Remarks
Start / End
1 / PR China / 1. Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) / 4 Jun. 2013 / 3 Jun. 2018 / 5
2. Beijing Union University (BUU) / 27 Apr.2016 / 26 apr.2021 / 5 / ฉบับที่ 2
3. Guangxi University for Nationalities (GXUN) / 22 Dec. 2010 / 21 Dec. 2016 / 6
4. China Conservatory of Music / 6 Jan. 2011 / 5 Jan. 2016 / 5
5. Guangxi Teachers Education University (GTEU) / 3 Sept. 2013 / 2 Sept. 2018 / 5
6. Dali University / 25 Dec. 2014 / 24 Dec. 2019 / 5
7. Yunnan U. of Economics and Finance / 9 Jan. 2015 / 8 Jan. 2020 / 5
8. Chongqing University of Education / 25 Dec. 2015 / 24 Dec. 2018 / 3
9. Jinan University / 19 May 2017 / 18 May 2022 / 5 / MoU
Hong Kong / 1. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HK Poly U) / 14 Oct. 2014 / 13 Oct. 2019 / 5
No. / Country / Institution / Duration of Agreement / Year / Remarks
Start / End
2 / Japan / 1. Asia University (AU) / 25 Mar. 1994 / - / -
2. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) / 1 Apr. 1996 / - / -
3. Yamaguchi University / 22 Apr.2015 / 21 Apr.2020 / 5
4. Nagoya University of Arts / 27 Dec.2011 / 26 Dec. 2014 / 3
5. Sendai University / 13 Feb.2015 / 12 Feb. 2018 / 3
6. Naruto University of Education (NUE) / 3 May 2016 / 2 May 2019 / 3
7. Meiji University / 8 Nov. 2010 / 7 Nov. 2015 / 5 / ต่ออัตโนมัติอีก 5 ปี (2020)
8. Kyushu Dental University / 19 Aug. 2013 / 18 Aug. 2018 / 5
9. Kanazawa University / 22 Jul. 2011 / 21 Jul. 2016 / 5 / ต่ออัตโนมัติครั้งละ 5 ปี จนกว่าจะแจ้งยกเลิก หรือแก้ไข
10. Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences / 10 Feb. 2015 / 9 Feb. 2020 / 5
11. Aoyama Gakuin University / 2 Jan.2015 / 1 Jan.2020 / 5
12. Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University / 22 Apr. 2015 / 21 Apr. 2020 / 5
13. Ryukoku University / 2 June 2015 / 1 June 2018 / 3
14. Hosei University / 25 Dec. 2015 / 24 Dec. 2020 / 5
15. Daito Bunka University / 13 June 2016 / 12 June 2019 / 3
16. Osaka Prefecture University / 18 May 2016 / 17 May 2021 / 5 / Agreement/ MOU
17. Osaka University of Dentistry / 26 Apr. 2017 / 25 Apr. 2022 / 5 / ตณะทันต ฯ
18. Kanda University / 9 Jun. 2017 / 8 Jun. 2022 / 5
3 / Republic of Korea / 1. Busan University of Foreign Studies (BUFS) / 2 Apr. 2013 / 1 Apr. 2018 / 5 / ฉบับที่ 2
17 Nov.2015 / - / Agreement of Student Exchange (3+1)
2. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) / 12 Dec.2006 / - / -
3. The Korean Educational
Development Institute / 22 Nov. 2007 / - / -
No. / Country / Institution / Duration of Agreement / Year / Remarks
Start / End
Republic of Korea / 4. Kumoh National Institute of Technology / 28 Oct.2015 / - / MOU
5. Chungbuk National University (CNU) / 22 Jan.2016 / 21 Jan.2021 / MOU
6. Gachon University / 9Feb.2016 / 8Feb.2021 / 5 / Agreement
7. Dongguk U., Gyeongju / 22 Aug. 2017 / 21 Aug. 2022 / 5 / Agreement
4 / Taiwan
Taipei) / 1. University of Taipei / 20 May 2016 / 19 May 2021
2. Kun Shan University / 11 Feb. 2011 / - / -
3. National University of Tainan / 11 Feb. 2011 / - / -
4. National Taipei University of
Technology / 8 May 2017 / 7 May 2022 / 5 / คณะสังคมศาสตร์
5 / Socialist
Vietnam / 1. Hanoi University (HU) / 11 Apr. 2013 / 10 Apr. 2018 / 5
2. Tuyen Quang College / 7 Dec. 2011 / 6 Dec. 2017 / 5
3. Ton Duc Thang University / 15 Apr. 2015 / 14 Apr. 2020 / 5
4. Ho Chi Minh City University of Physical Education and Sports / 16 Apr. 2015 / 14 Apr. 2020 / 5
5. Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry / 5 Jun. 2017 / 4 Jun. 2022 / 5
6 / Republic
of Indonesia / 1.  Indonesia Institute of the Arts, Yogyakarta / 19 May. 2016 / 18 May. 2021 / 5
2. The University of Jember / 24 Apr. 2012 / 23 Apr. 2017 / 5 / คณะวิทย์ฯ
3. Semarang State University
(SSU) / 25 Apr. 2013 / 24 Apr. 2018 / 5
4. STMIK Jayanusa / 22 Oct. 2014 / 21 Oct. 2019 / 5
7 / Malaysia / 1. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia / 29 Jul. 2010 / - / - / Fac. Of Pharmacy and Fac. Of Medicine
2. Universiti Malaysia Sabah / 19 Sept.2012 / - / - / Fac. Of Agri. Prod. Inno. & Tech.
3. Universiti Putra / 26 Dec. 2013 / 25 Dec. 2018 / 5 / Fac. HU
4. University of Malaya / 27 Jan.2015 / 26 Jan.2020 / 5 / คณะสังคมฯ
No. / Country / Institution / Duration of Agreement / Year / Remarks
Start / End
8 / Republic of the
Philippines / 1. Miriam College / 2 Feb. 2012 / 1 Feb. 2017 / 5 / คณะศิลปกรรมฯ
2. Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology / 10 June 2015 / 9 June 2020 / 5
3. The University of Santo Tomas / 3 Oct.2016 / 2 Oct.2021 / 5 / คณะกายภาพบำบัด
9 / Cambodia / 1. Ministry of Tourism / 8 Feb. 1995 / - / -
2. Phnom Penh International University / 26 Feb.2015 / 25 Feb. 2020 / 5
10 / Republic of the Union of Myanmar / 1. University of Yangon / 28 Jan.2015 / 27 Jan.2019 / 4
11 / Islamic
Republic of Iran / 1. The Art University of Isfahan / 19 Sep. 2001 / - / -
2. Shiraz University / - / - / -
3. The University of Isfahan / 19 Sep. 2001 / - / -
12 / Republic of India / 1. Indian Institute of
Technology Gandhinagar / 22 Sep. 2014 / 21 Sep. 2019 / 5
13 / Sri Lanka / 1. University of Kelaniya / 18 June 2015 / 17 June 2020 / 5 / ระหว่างลงนาม
14 / Republic of Kazakhstan / 1. Kazakhstan Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages / 4 Apr. 2014 / 3 Apr. 2019 / 5
2. Karaganda State Medical
University / 4 Apr. 2014 / 3 Apr. 2019 / 5
15 / Republic of Austria / 1. University of Vienna / 6 Feb. 2012 / 5 Feb. 2017 / 5 / Faculty of Philosophy and Education, and Faculty of Education, SWU
2. University of Graz / 17 Sept.2013 / 16 Sept.2018 / 5
No. / Country / Institution / Duration of Agreement / Year / Remarks
Start / End
16 / Kingdom of Belgium / 1. Facultes Universitaires
Saint-Louis / 10 May 2012 / 9 May 2017 / 5 / คณะเศรษฐศาสร์
2. University Saint-Louis-Brussels / 25 Jan.2016 / 24 Jan. 2021
17 / Kingdom of Denmark / 1. VIA University College (VIA) / 26 June 2013 / 25 June 2018 / 5
18 / Republic of
Finland / 1. University of Jyvaskyla / 5 Jan. 1998 / - / -
2. The Viikii Teacher Training School, University of Helsinki / 15 Mar. 2012 / 14 Mar. 2017 / 5 / รร. มัธยมสาธิตฝ่ายมัธยม
19 / Republic of France / 1.  1. La Rochelle Business School / 3 May 2011 / 2 May 2016 / 5
2.  2. ESC Rennes School of Business / 24 June 2016 / 23 June / 5 / General Agreement on Int’l Academic Cooperation (รองฯวิชาการลงนาม)
20 / Federal Republic of Germany / 1. Johanes Gutenberg
University Mainz / 27 Feb. 2015 / 26 Feb. 2020 / 3 / Automatically renewed for 5-year periods
2. Neu-Ulm University of Applied Science and Technology (HNU) / 2 July 2014 / 1 July 2019 / 5
12 June 2015 / 11 June 2020 / 5
21 / Republic of Poland / 1. The University of Lodz / 6 Feb. 2013 / 5 Feb. 2018 / 5 / คณะเศรษฐศาสตร์
22 / Romania / 1. Lucian Blaga University of
Sibiu (LBUS) / 10 Jan. 2012 / 9 Jan. 2017 / 5
23 / Spain / 1. CETT-Universitat de
Barcelona / 7 Dec. 2016 / 6 Dec.2021 / 5
24 / Portuguese Republic / 1.  Universidade Lusόfona de Humanidades e Tecnologias / 11 Feb. 2015 / 10 Feb. 2020 / 5 / คณะเภสัชฯ
No. / Country / Institution / Duration of Agreement / Year / Remarks
Start / End
25 / Kingdom of the Netherlands / 1. NHTV Breda University of
Applied Sciences / May 2015 / May 2020 / 5
15 Feb.2016 / ไม่มีที่สิ้นสุด / - / Exchange Agreement
2. Fontys International Campus Venlo / May 3, 2016 / May 2, 2021 / 5
26 / Ireland / 1. Waterford Institute of Technology / 12 Jan. 2017 / 11 Jan. 2022 / 5
27 / UK / 1. The University of
Nottingham / 30 Jan.2012 / 29 Jan.2017 / 5 / MOU, Student Exchange Agreement
23June.2016 / 22 June.2021 / 5 / คณะแพทย์ Memorandum of Agreement
2. De Montford University (DMU) / 21 Mar. 2013 / - / - / คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์
28 / Canada / 1. Medicine Hat College (MHC) / 25 Nov. 2014 /

24 Nov. 2017

/ 3 / ต่อ 3 ปี Automatically
2. Brock University / 12 May 2010 /

11 May 2015

/ 5
29 / USA / 1. United States of Sports Academy ( (USSA / 31 Mar. 1996 /


/ -
2. University of South Florida (USF) / 28 Sept.2012 /

27 Sept.2020

/ 3 / (ฉบับที่ 2) ต่ออัตโนมัติอีก 5 ปี
3. Illinois State University (ISU) / 14 Sept.2015 /

33 Sept.2018

/ 2 / (ฉบับที่ 12)
4. University of Northern Iowa / 1 May 2015 / 30 Apr. 2020 / 5 / (ฉบับที่ 2)
5. University of Utah / 17 Oct.2015 / 16 Oct 2020 / 5
6. Juniata College / 17 Sept.2014 /

16 Sept.2017

/ 3 / (ฉบับที่ 2)
7. Murrey State University / 13 April 2011 /


/ -
8. Old Dominion University / 17 Jan. 2013 /

16 Jan. 2018

/ 5
9. University of St. louis
Missouri / 11 Sep. 2017 /

10 Sep. 2022

/ 5
30 / Australia / 1. Victoria University of Technology (VUT) / 28 Oct. 1993 /


/ -
2. University of Queensland
(UQ) / 8 Nov. 1983 /


/ -
3. University of Canberra / 15 Jan. 2016 /

14 Jan.2019

/ 3

จำนวน : 30 ประเทศ 98 สถาบัน