Nom: ______Date: ______

Directions:You will be creating an origami fortune teller to tell the fortunes (or misfortunes) of your classmates. You will follow the directions on the following page to create the shape of your origami fortune teller (see the handout page). Once you have your fortune teller folded, you will be writing silly sentences on each of the folds (you will have 8 total sentences). Each sentence must be approved by me on a separate sheet of paper. Also the sentences must be about describing the person. You will be describing their looks or their lifestyle (ex: Vousavez les cheveaux violet. You have purple hair. Or vousaveztreize chats. You have 13 cats!) You must walk around to at least 8 different people and give/receive a fortune. Once you have been told your fortune, write it down correctly on a scrap piece of paper for future reference for your drawing. Soyezcréatif!Be creative with your sentences but make them appropriate.

Emploi: Once your fortune teller is created and filled with silly sentences you will go around and tell the fortunes of your classmates. You will have a blank piece of paper to write down your sentences so that you may draw your future self after you are done.

  • Step 1: Create your fortune teller. (See handout and PowerPoint)
  • Step 2: Ask the person to choose a color, then spell that color out (ex: R.O.U.G.E.)
  • Step 3:Ask the person to choose a number, then spell out that number (ex: Q.U.A.T.R.E)
  • Step 4: Ask the person to choose a number to flip up and read them the description of their future appearance.
  • Step 5: Write down your description on a separate sheet of paper. If something comes up where you have two of the same sentences or similar sentences, you will be drawing a combination of both. For example, if you have a sentence that says you have purple hair and another that says you have green hair, you will draw a picture with half purple and half green hair!
  • Step 6: Draw your future self on a clean sheet of white printer paper. You are free to use any sort of medium for your drawing as long as the picture clearly demonstrates your fortunes.


Directions:After you have been told your fortunes and created your wonderfully drawn masterpiece of yourself in the future, you will be writing a description in the form of a story. Tell us why you have half green hair and half purple hair. There are reasons behind all of your future self’s appearance. You will be using (but not required to use all of) the following:

  • Present
  • Passé Composé
  • Future Proche
  • Descriptive Adjectives
  • Compound sentences

(ex: I have purple hair because a purple spider bit me when I was 20.)

Emploi: You will be presenting your artwork and story in front of the class for the final presentation. The requirements are as follows:

  • You must use the present tense in your descriptions when you are not using the other tenses.
  • You must describe all of the at least 8 fortunes that were told to you.
  • You must tell us the background story of all 8 fortunes. (Tell us why you have 18 arms.)
  • You must use the Passé compose at least 4 times with 4 different verbs.
  • You mayuse the future tenses or any other tense you desire and may ask for my help or the assistance of your dictionary.
  • You may not write about anything that is not school appropriate.
  • You maywrite about anything that your creative little heart desires. ANYTHINGAPPROPRIATE.

*You will be turning in a rough draft to me before you do your presentation and will have class time to work on this before you present. You will have time to practice, edit and revise your presentation with me.*You will be graded using the rubric attached to this handout.

D/F / C / B / A / Total
20 points / The student did not participate in the fortune telling activity at all.
0 points
The student did not create a fortune teller.
0 points / The student only participated with 4 classmates during the fortune teller activity.
6 points
The fortune teller was not completed on time.
6 points / The student only participated with 5-7 people in the fortune teller activity.
8 points
The fortune teller was partially completed on time and the other part was late.
8 points / The student participated in the fortune teller activity with all 8 classmates.
9 points
The fortune teller was fully completed on time.
9 points / /18
Participation Continued / During presentations the student was disruptive, noisy and doing other things.
0 points / The student was not disruptive during presentations.
2 points / /2
5 points / The student did not present their story.
0 points / The presentation was done late.
3 points / The presentation was on time.
5 points /
20 points / The student did not make a drawing.
0 points
The student’s story is incomplete or not done at all.
0 points / The students drawing only represented one or two of the fortunes in their story.
6 points
The student’s story only uses the present tense
6 points / The student has more than one or two representations in their drawing but did not represent all 8.
8 points
The student’s story uses the present tense but only uses the past tense once or twice.
8 points / The student’s drawing represents all 8 of the fortunes.
10 points
The student’s story uses the present tense and the past tense 4 times.
10 points / /20
10 points / There were no corrections made to the final draft.
0 points / There were few corrections made to the final draft.
5 points / There were many but not all corrections made on the final draft.
8 points / All corrections were made on the final draft.
10 points / /10
5 points / The student did not turn in a rough draft.
0 points / The student turned in the rough draft 2 days late.
2 points / The student turned in the rough draft 1 day late
4 points / The student turned in the rough draft on time.
5 points / /5