Copyright © 2007 by Oklahoma History Press

Chapter 2


Lesson Plans for Oklahoma History Teacher______Date______

Common Core

Content Standard 1: The student will describe the state’s geography and the historic foundations laid by Native American, European, and American cultures.

1.1 Integrate visual information to identify and describe the significant physical and human features including major trails, railway lines, waterways, cities, ecological regions, natural resources, highways, and landforms.

1.3 Compare and contrast the goals and significance of early Spanish, French, and American expeditions including the impact of disease, interactions with Native Americans, and the arrival of the horse and new technologies.

1.4 Compare and contrast cultural perspectives of Native Americans and European Americans

regarding land ownership and trading practices.


Read First White Visitors, Chapter 2, pages 18-25

Be prepared to participate in class discussion using the questions on page 25.

Complete the following in Student Activity Book:


Identifying explorers

Identifying dates related to historical events

Fill in statements

Problem solving and reasoning related to Coronado and his exploration

Map routes of European explorers

Choose from Activities on next page, Section II. Copy and distribute, or project them for group work.

Read Feature: Indigenous Tribes, pages 44-51. Complete the worksheets.

I. Discussion Questions: See Teacher’s Edition of textbook for answers.

The following questions may be used for classroom discussion, reading checks, independent practice, or essay tests. Each question should be discussed fully whether in oral presentation or in writing.

1.  Explain the purpose of the Coronado expedition and describe the results of the expedition.

2.  What advantages did the Conquistadors have over the Indians and how did they use their advantage?

3.  How did European and American Indian cultures learn from one another?

4.  What are two theories of Scandinavian expeditions into the area that is now eastern Oklahoma?

5.  How did the attitude of the Conquistadors, toward themselves and toward strangers, affect the outcome of the Spanish expedition?

6.  Briefly describe Padilla’s expedition.

7.  How did the things left behind by the Spanish affect the lifestyles of the Indians?

8.  How did the French hope to succeed in their explorations and trade?

9.  How did the Spanish and French explorers differ in their purposes and actions as explorers?

10.  How did the explorers and the Indians make cultural contributions to one another’s lifestyles?

II.  Activities:

1.  Coronado’s Map Activity This is printed on next page.

2.  Time Line-Add to the following to the time line.

Francisco Vasquez Coronado, 1540 (visited Oklahoma)

Vikings, 1012, (visited Oklahoma)

Hernando De Soto (visited eastern Oklahoma in 1541)

III. Internet Research

Suggested Reading:

Matthew G. Grant, Coronado, Explorer of the Southwest (Chicago: Children’s Press, 1974)

Henry Ira Kurtz, John and Sebastian Cabot (New York: F. Watts, 1973)

Claude Hurwicz, Francisco Vasquez de Coronado (New York: PowerKids Press, 2001)

IV.  Map Activity:

The map below represents the possible route of Francisco Vasquez Coronado in his search for gold and other valuables during his explorations for Spain. Using library resources, including a world atlas,

identify the modern-day cities or towns on the map below.

1  Denver, Colorado

2  Little Rock, Arkansas

3  Dallas, Texas

4  Santa Fe, New Mexico

5  Dodge City, Kansas

6  Springfield, Missouri


On a separate sheet of paper, write a report describing the terrain that Coronado and his men crossed in their long journey.

Student Activity Book Chapter 2 THE FIRST WHITE VISITORS

I. VOCABULARY. Give short definitions according to use in Chapter 2.

1. runes______5. artillery ______

2. viceroy______6. mission ______

3. gypsum ______7. Teutonic ______

4. memoirs ______8. invincible ______

II. MATCHING. Match the identification to the correct name.

______1. Padilla A. first white explorer to cross Oklahoma

______2. LaHarpe B. explorer sent to conquer Florida

______3. Onate C. the good viceroy

______4. Quivira D. captured Montezuma

______5. LaSalle E. leader of the last major Spanish expedition into Oklahoma

______6. Ranjel F. a Spanish chaplain who wanted to establish a mission for the tattooed people

______7. Coronado G. DeSoto’s private secretary

______8. Mendoza H. the tattooed people

______9. DeSoto I. a French trader who traded along the Arkansas and Red Rivers

______10. Cortez J. never saw Oklahoma but claimed the area for France

III. MATCHING. Match the correct date to the event.

______1. Oklahoma was claimed for France. A. 1012 ______

______2. Swedish leader of a German colony may have made the Runestones. B. 1540 ______

______3. Last Spanish expedition crossed Oklahoma. C. 1541______

______4. Vikings may have made the Runestones. D. 1601______

______5. A French trader traded along the Red and the Arkansas rivers. E. 1682______

______6. Conquistadors crossed Oklahoma for the first time. F. 1700’s______

______7. A French explorer may have come into Eastern Oklahoma. G. 1718______

IV. COMPLETION. Write the word or words in the blanks that would best complete the statement.

1. The most important contribution by, and influence of, the Spaniards to the Indians was ______.

2. DeSoto’s expedition originated in ______.

3. The French expeditions were primarily interested in ______and ______.

4. The Indians could not advance in technology because they had no knowledge of the ______.

5. (TRUE or FALSE): It is ______that the Spaniards found that each tribe had its own government.

V . PROBLEM SOLVING. In working this activity, use problem-solving skills to make your decisions: identify the problem, gather information, analyze the problem, identify alternative solutions, select a solution, and reach tentative decisions.

You are a conquistador who will accompany Coronado on his exploration of the area that is now the southwestern United States. It is your responsibility to chart the way and to keep the expedition from getting lost. You will march through a rough, arid country for much of your journey and cannot take all your possessions with you. You must decide what you will take. After you have listed your possessions, you must rank them to determine what is most important to take. Below is the list you have compiled; write a number “1” beside the article you think is most important. Continue to rank the items until you have written the number “20” in front of the item of least importance. Be prepared to defend your choices.

_____compass _____trinkets for trade _____animal traps

_____guns _____lumber _____horse

_____star chart _____gold and silver _____blanket

_____water _____cooking utensils _____flag

_____spices _____food _____rope

_____canteen _____sextant _____ammunition

_____knife _____pieces of flint

VI. On the following map of Oklahoma, trace the routes of the European explorers who crossed this area.