Corrigenda and Addenda
to Ker'sPastedowns
compiled primarily from the notes of N. R. Ker
by the Editors
Introductory Note.[1]
WhenPastedownswas first published in 1954, one reviewer commented that Neil Ker had 'broadened the scope of palaeography to an extent that would have astonished the nineteenth century.'[2]It remains an indispensible work, highly deserving of republication. Ker's discussion of Oxford binding has, of course, been developed and revised by David Pearson and this reprint is intended as a companion volume to his work.[3]Pearson himself provided a supplement listing further bindings and their pastedowns; the following corrigenda are intended to complement that supplement by focussing on the pastedowns listed in the text reprinted above. These notes provide additional or corrected information about those fragments, as well as directing readers to some of the recent bibliography concerning them.
David Pearson's supplement was indebted to Neil Ker's own post-publication notes, which are now deposited in the Bodleian, and those notes, reflecting Ker's continuing work on the manuscript pastedowns, are the single most important source for what follows. Pearson succinctly described the nature of Ker's notes, as well as himself giving brief corrigenda.[4]In compiling the corrigenda, the editors have not only made extensive use of Ker's own material but also of that in Richard Hunt's copy ofPastedowns(also deposited in the Bodleian), as well as the shelf copy in the Bodleian, which has annotations in several hands. These have further been supplemented by the editors' own investigations and compilation of recent bibliography - though these investigations have been far from exhaustive. The editors' necessarily limited efforts has unearthed few fresh discoveries; an exception is the revelation that one set of fragments come from a previously unnoticed dated manuscript.[5]
It is important to explain the self-imposed limits of what follow. There are two principal exclusions. First, both Ker's and Hunt's notes record many changes of pressmark; several Oxford colleges have reorganised their rare books since 1954, but it has been judged a labour inappropriate for these brief corrigenda to attempt any listing of these changes - as David Pearson has commented, 'the bibliographical details given by Ker should always be sufficient to allow books to be traced.'[6]The second exclusion is partly a consequence of the first: while some readers may find the multiple indices toPastedownsboth cumbersome and inadequate, there has been no attempt to replace them. In particular, Ker's Index of Present Owners of Bindings [pp. 254 - 259 above] remains, without any attempt at a more detailed index by pressmark.
These corrigenda follow and augment Pearson's listing by including information on changes of location for both the printed books and guardbooks of fragments. In particular, two important guardbooks of fragments, which were in private hands when Ker was researchingPastedowns,have since been obtained by the Bodleian.[7]For the convenience of the user, the Bodleian shelfmark is given below for every relevant entry. Also included are Ker's notes to his appendix of Oxford bindings without manuscript pastedowns [pp. 188 - 202 above]; these are, obviously, not to the main purpose of providing extra information about fragments themselves, but as Ker's notes regularly identify owners of the printed books, who often also owned books with pastedowns (and, indeed, manuscripts as well - though that is beyond the scope of this discussion), they are printed here for the sake of fullness.
The corrigenda are followed by two indices. The first is a brief index of manuscripts, directing the reader to new or changed identifications; the second, meanwhile, gathers together the names of early owners of the printed books and provides, where necessary, short biographical information.
To read Ker'sPastedownshalf a century later is to appreciate how much it has inspired more recent research on manuscript fragments - and how much remains to be investigated.[8]The fragments listed here may rarely be of significance in establishing the text of a work, but they are very often telling evidence for the circulation of a text; some recent scholarship has also demonstrated how they can be used to inform the history of libraries. Moreover, some recent manuscript catalogues have established the practice of providing details of the pastedowns that survive in a collection's printed books. It is to be hoped that the republication of Ker's volume inspires further study of these valuable, tantalising shards of evidence. It is the intention of the Society to update these corrigenda at intervals in an on-line version, and readers are invited to submit any new information they may have by visiting the Society's website (see below).
David Rundle
Scott Mandelbrote
[1]It is a pleasure for the editors to acknowledge the generous assistance they have received in compiling the following corrigenda from Bruce Barker-Benfield, Alan Coates, Christopher de Hamel and Andrew Watson.
[2]N. Denholm-Young inMedium Ævum,xxv (1956), pp. 106 - 7. Other reviews include C. E. Wright's inThe Library,5thser., x (1955), pp. 212 - 4; the brief notice by B. van Regemorter inScriptorium,x (1956), pp. 141 - 142; andTimes Literary Supplement,30 July 1954.
[3]D. Pearson,Oxford Bookbinding 1500 - 1640[Oxford Bibliographical Society, 3rdseries, iii] (Oxford, 2000).
[4]Pearson,Oxford Bookbinding, pp. 143 - 4.
[5]See note on no. 632 below.
[6]Pearson,Oxford Bookbinding, p. 143. Colleges that have changed their pressmarks include All Souls, Merton, and New College. It is also the case that sometimes pressmarks are omitted from Ker's listings, an example being Gloucester Cathedral: for the relevant shelfmarks, and for the revised shelfmarks of other books, see appendix C in S. M. Eward,A Catalogue of Gloucester Cathedral Library(Gloucester, 1972),pp. 246 - 8.
[7]The guardbooks are that of E. M. Dring, whose provenance is discussed above at p. xvi, and which is now Oxford: Bodleian, MS. Lat. misc. b. 18 [Pearson's reading of 19 is alapsus calami,recording an obsolete shelfmark], and the 'Lanhydrock guardbook', mentioned above at p. xvi (n. 1), which is now Oxford: Bodleian, MS. Lat. misc. b. 17.
[8]For a Europe-wide survey of the state of such studies, see R. Watson, 'Medieval Manuscript Fragments',Archives,xiii (1973), pp. 61 - 73; for a comment on the recent historiography of fragment-studies, see M. McC. Gatch, 'Fragmenta ManuscriptaandVariaat Missouri and Cambridge',TCBS,ix (1990), pp. 434 - 475.
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Click here to submit a correction and/or an addition to the editors.
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The layout of these entries follows, as far as possible, that of the listings inPastedowns, following the conventions set out at pp. xviii - xix above. When information is derived from Ker's notes, or from Richard Hunt's, or when it has been previously printed by David Pearson, this is marked by following the relevant details with the appropriate scholar's initials placed in square brackets. For ease of use, cross-references are included to relevant items in Pearson's supplement; these are cited by number, introduced by the letter S. Addenda are listed by the individual number provided inPastedowns; however, when three or more consecutive entries invite exactly the same comment, they are grouped together in one note. One further convention is that bibliographical references are sometimes introduced by 'see ...': this is to signify that those references give additional information about the particular fragment. It should be noted that these references are not intended to be exhaustive but to direct the reader to the fullest or most recent discussions. However, even in their concise form, they give some sense of the significant impact Neil Ker's work has had on manuscript studies in the late twentieth century, and into the new millennium.
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AL / G. Lacombe et al.,Aristoteles Latinus. Pars Posterior(Cambridge, 1955).AO / J. Foster,Alumni Oxonienses: the members of the University of Oxford, 1500 - 1714,4 vols (Oxford, 1891 - 92).
BRUO 1501 - 1540 / A. B. Emden,A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford, A.D. 1501 to 1540(Oxford, 1974).
Codices Boethiani / Codices Boethiani. A Conspectus of Manuscripts of the Works of Boethius,i, ed. M. Gibson & L. Smith [Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts, xxv] (London, 1995).
Codices ... Thomae de Aquino / H. F. Dondaine & H. V. Shooner,Codices Manuscripti Operum Thomae de Aquino(in progress; 3 vols) (Rome, 1967 - ).
de Hamel, 'Dispersal' / C. de Hamel, 'The Dispersal of the Library of Christ Church, Canterbury, from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century' in J. P. Carley & C. G. C. Tite ed.,Books and Collectors 1200 - 1700: essays presented to Andrew Watson(London, 1997), pp. 263 - 279.
de Hamel, 'Phillipps Fragments' / C. de Hamel, 'Phillipps Fragments in Tokyo' in R. A. Linenthal & T. Matsuda ed.,The Medieval Book and a Modern Collector(forthcoming).
Eward,Gloucester / S. M. Eward,A Catalogue of Gloucester Cathedral Library(Gloucester, 1972) [description of manuscripts provided by NRK].
Gameson,Manuscripts of Early Norman England / R. Gameson,The Manuscripts of Early Norman England (c. 1066 - 1130)(Oxford, 1999).
Ker, 'Oxford College Libraries' / N. R. Ker, 'Oxford College Libraries in the Sixteenth Century' in id.,Books, Collectors and Libraries,ed. A. G. Watson (London, 1985), pp. 379 - 436.
Ker, 'The Provision of Books' / N. R. Ker, 'The Provision of Books' in J. McConica ed.,The Collegiate University[History of the University of Oxford, iii] (Oxford, 1986), pp. 441 - 519.
Mann, 'Petrarch' / N. Mann, 'Petrarch manuscripts in the British Isles',Italia Medioevale e Umanistica,xviii (1975), pp. 139 - 527.
MLGB / N. R. Ker ed.,Medieval Libraries of Great Britain: a list of surviving books(2nded) (London, 1964).
MLGB Supp. / A. G. Watson ed.,Medieval Libraries of Great Britain ... Supplement to the Second Edition(London, 1987).
MMBL / N. R. Ker,Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries(5 vols) (Oxford, 1969 - 2002).
MSS at Oxford / A. C. de la Mare & B. Barker-Benfield ed.,Manuscripts at Oxford: an exhibition in memory of Richard William Hunt(Oxford, 1980).
Parkes, 'The Provision of Books' / M. B. Parkes, 'The Provision of Books' in J. I. Catto & R. Evans ed.,Late Medieval Oxford[History of the University of Oxford, ii] (Oxford, 1992), pp. 407 - 483.
Watson,All Souls / A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts of All Souls College Oxford(Oxford, 1997).
Watson,Exeter / A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscript of Exeter College, Oxford(Oxford, 2000).
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1. 3 fr. (not 2 fo.). Now MS. 330, no. 24 - 26. See Watson,All Souls,p. 227 (cf. App. I. (Ai) 2).
2. See Watson,All Souls,p. 245.
3. 2 fo. and 2 fr. (not 5). Now MS. 330, no. 21 - 23. See Watson,All Souls, p. 227.
4. Now MS. 330, no. 20. See Watson,All Souls,p. 227; discussed by de Hamel, 'Dispersal', p. 268.
5. See Watson,All Souls,p. 246.
6. See Watson,All Souls,p. 246.
9.AL, no. 1967.
16. SeeMMBL,iii, pp. 655 - 6. The Helmingham Hall manuscript is now Oxford: Bodleian, MS. Lat. th. d. 36.
17. Now MS. 267, fol. 7 [AL, no. 1978] & MS. 269, fol. 13 [AL,no. 1980]. The ownership note reads: 'Liber dompni Thome Patmer emptus iiijsviiid' [NRK].
43. See Watson,All Souls,p. 246.
49.Dictionary of canon law(letters C - D). Overall written space: 266 x 165mm. The printed book belonged to William Latimer.
54.Horæ. 18 long lines. Cf. no. 57a [DP]. The printed book includes an ownership note: '[Io] Smitheus collegii regii socius comparavit' [NRK].
55.Decretum Gratiani(D. LXXXI. 31 - LXXXIV. intr.). Cf. no. 144 [NRK].
58a. The fragment seems to be missing [NRK].
64. See Watson,All Souls,p. 246.
65. See Watson,All Souls,p. 246.
69.Decretum Gratiani(C. I. i. 98 - 100, 117 - 130) [NRK]. The text of MS. 495, no. 10 is C. XVI. vii. 15 - 30 [NRK].
71. See Watson,Exeter,p. 129.
82. The printed book was given by Charles Booth, Bishop of Hereford, d. 1535 [NRK].
84. The printed book includes an ownership note: 'Liber Ioannis Ramsey Canonici de Merton prope Londinum' [NRK]; it was bought by him on 8 January 1528 [BRUO 1501 - 1540, p. 473].
90. The printed book belonged to George Greswold [NRK].
91. See Watson,All Souls,pp. 246 - 7.
93.Decretum Gratiani(C. XXX. i, 3 - iv, 1) [NRK].
97. See Watson,All Souls,p. 247.
102. See Watson,Exeter,pp. 129 - 130.
124a.AL,no. 1938.
130. The printed book has ownership note: 'Liber Roberti Huicci' [NRK].
130a.Profatius Judaeus, Canons on the new quadrant(c. 16). Now Oxford: Bodleian, MS. Lat. misc. b. 17, no. 76.
130b. Now Oxford: Bodleian, MS. Lat. misc. b. 17, no. 77.
132. The printed book has ownership note: 'Liber Iohannis Listeri precium viii s' [NRK].
133. Further fragments of this manuscript are S, no. 133a.1.
133a. Now deposited in Nottingham University Library [DP].
137. Now in Birmingham University Library [DP].
138. Now in Birmingham University Library [DP].
144.Decretum Gratiani(C. XV. i, 1 - 3). Probably from the same manuscript as no. 55 [NRK].
148. SeeCodices ... Thomae de Aquino, no. 2109b. Overall written space: 230 x 150mm.
150. SeeCodices ... Thomae de Aquino, no. 2109b. The printed book was given by John Claymond [NRK].
152. See Watson,Exeter,p. 130.
153. See Watson,Exeter,p. 130.
158. The printed book belonged to Robert Parkhouse, fellow of Magdalen, 1520 - 1534 [RWH].
165.Aristoteles, Topica(VIII.5 - 8):AL,no. 1955.
167.AL,no. 1981.
168.AL, no. 1983.
171. The printed book includes the ownership note: 'Liber Richardi Rede et amicorum eius' [NRK]; it was among the books bequeathed by Rede to New College in 1575 [BRUO 1501 - 1540,p. 736, no. xiv].
174. Two leaves are pastedowns in Oxford: Queen's College, 60. d. 8, J. Damascenus etc. (Paris, 1519), now rebound [NRK].
181. The printed book belonged to Christopher Holdsworth in 1533; it is now deposited in the County Library, Shrewsbury [Ker, 'The Provision of Books', p. 469].
182. The printed book is now deposited in the County Library, Shrewsbury [DP].
183. A further folio from the same manuscript is S, no. 195.1.
187a. See R. M. Thomson,Catalogue of the Manuscripts ofLincoln Cathedral Chapter Library(Cambridge, 1989), pp. 206 - 7.
190. Cf. 173 and Add. 3 [NRK].
191. Width of written space: 105mm. The printed book has at front flyleaf the inscription 'this boke is myne Edmunde knyvet.'