Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at

Balls Park, Hertford on Monday 12th December 2016


The meeting was attended by Nick Bentley (In the Chair), Steve Bailes, Trevor Williams, Martin Hillary, Mick Ray, David Williams, Nick Bancroft, Peter Bradshaw

Note: This attendance did not constitute a quorum

1. Apologies for Absence

Apologies had been tendered by T Albery, M Earle, R Eaton and J Riddle

2. Minutes of the Last AGM

The minutes of the AGM held on 25th November 2015 had been distributed and were approved by the meeting

3. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising not covered in later agenda items.

4. Chairman's Report

Nick Bentley thanked Trevor Williams for his work investigating and preparing for the Association to change its status to a Company Limited by Guarantee

He reported that the Pavilion extension was now in full use. In addition the small internal changing room had been converted into a store room.

The paved Car Park had been extended into the ground and he thanked Chris Shattock for his work in obtaining the required Planning Permission and supervising the works.

City and Country had failed to pay the S106 money, but agreement had been reached with them for C&C to donate £20,000 to HCHA over two years in four £5,000 tranches. The Association had agreed that of each tranche £1,000 would be paid to each of HCC and HHC and £3,000 retained by HCHA.


5. Treasurer's Report

The Accounts for 2014-15 had been audited

The Treasurer reported that the accounts for 2015-16 show a loss over the year to date of some £18,000. This is due to expenditure on pavilion projects, i.e. completing the new extension and extending the car park, plus the repayment of notional loans. There had been some extra income from a hockey club member donation of £7500 towards the car park costs and sponsorship of £3000 from City & Country, with the balance of project costs being met from reserves. Discounting project costs and donor and sponsor income gives a surplus of some £540, so we are running as usual at around break even.

The Association finish the year with some £5000 in the current account and £11,000 in the reserve account.

The Treasurer proposed that club affiliation charges and individual membership fees remain unchanged for 2016-17 and this was approved by the meeting.

The meeting also agreed that the hire charges for the Pavilion should be reviewed by the Committee.



6. Constitution Changes

Following the 2015 AGM the Committee had decided that the best way forward was to convert the HACA into a Company Limited by Guarantee, thus limiting any liability on the Committee and members and dispensing with the need for Trustees. Trevor Williams reported on progress towards this change.

The proposed Article of Association had been drafted and they were now in the process of being approved by a legal firm. This should be completed by the middle of January.

An Extraordinary General Meeting will then be required to transfer the assets to the new Company and other associated business.

Hertfordshire County Council has indicated verbally that there will be no problem over the transfer of the lease.

The meeting agreed that an EGM be called as soon as all the documentation is ready and the appropriate resolutions formulated.


7. Election of Officers

The following officers were elected unopposed:

Chairman M Ray

Secretary D.J.Williams

Treasurer T Williams

Auditor C Rollins

8. Facilities Redevelopment

Proposals for the upgrading of the kitchen are being developed by HCC and HCHA including consultation with the ladies who primarily use the kitchen.

The nest priority is the refurbishment of the gents’ toilets and shower area.

There was a request from some members to consider a refurbishment of the bar, which had not had much attention for some 20 years.

9. Any Other Business

As the meeting was not quorate it was agreed that the decisions made at this meeting should be approved by an EGM as soon as practicable.