Patterns in Nature


The Microscope and Cells

Complete the following sentences using appropriate words or short phrases

a) / A microscope with 1 eyepiece is called a ………………………… microscope / Monocular
b) / The ability to see fine detail or distinguish between 2 points is called / Resolving power or resolution
c) / The lenses that attach to the revolving nose piece are called / Objective lenses
d) / An eyepiece of 10X and an objective lens of 40X will produce a magnification of / 400X
e) / A specimen is placed on the ………………….of the microscope for viewing / Stage
f) / When first viewing a slide do you focus using high or low power / Low
g) / When staining potato cells a suitable stain would be / Iodine
h) / The theory that states all living matter is composed of small units called cells / The Cell Theory
i) / Name the scientists that formulated this theory / Schleiden and schwann
j) / Name the scientist who constructed the first compound microscope / Janssen
k) / Robert Hook is famous for observing the first cells under a microscope. Name these cells / Cork cells
l) / Who built the first electron microscope / Ernst Ruska
m) / The picture taken by an electron microscope / Electron micrograph
n) / Type of electron microscope that produces a 3D image / Scanning
o) / Plant cells have a cell w……………… made of c………………… / Wall, cellulose
p) / The jelly like material inside the cell / cytoplasm
q) / Small green organelles found in plant cells / Chloroplasts
r) / The green pigment found in these organelles / Chlorophyll
s) / A water filled sac mainly found in plant cells / Vacuole
t) / The part of the cell containing DNA and chromosomes / Nucleus
u) / An organelle found in both plant and animal cells that is the site for aerobic respiration / Mitochondria
v) / The internal folds of this organelle is called the …………….. / Christae
w) / Responsible for storage, packaging and despatch of chemicals in a cell / Golgi apparatus
x) / A communication network of membranes in a cell / Endoplasmic reticulum
y) / The dark stained area within the nucleus / Nucleolus
z) / The name of the coin like stacks of membranes in a chloroplast / Grana