Blog:1. A personal website on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis 2. web log: a shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences, hobbies, news or any topic; postings on a blog are in chronological order.

Hyperlink (also known as “link”):1. A link from one website to another, usually indicated by a change in font (color and underlining), though a hyperlink can also be in a picture or video; your mouse becomes a hand when hovering over a link.

How to Find Blogs to Read

  • Google search for topics that interest you, like “football blog” or “crafting blog.”
  • Go to a website you like and see if they have a blog - or if they have a links section to blogs they like.
  • Go to which will generate random internet content based on your interests (it’s fun).

Three Free and Easy Web-based Blog Platforms

Very easy to use interface
Limited customization
Built for short posts, tends to be more picture-based than word-based /
Customizable: fewer themes available than WordPress, but can change HTML and CSS.
Connected to Google /
Customizable: many themes to choose from, but cannot edit HTML and CSS without paying for upgrade.
Can be used to build a website too (not just a blog platform)
CTC offers a Wordpress web design class!

The Homepage: The Control Center for Your Blog

A.K.A. “Where the Magic Happens”

Tips for Successful Blogging

  • Write about something that interests you – other people will find it interesting, too!
  • Learn from others – read other blogs, see what you like and don’t like, and build those lessons into your blog.
  • Plan ahead – try to map out your first 10 posts before you ever put something online. It will help you find your voice and refine what your blog is about.
  • Create a conversation – comment on other peoples’ blogs (especially those that are writing about the same things you are) and they’ll return the favor.
  • Be consistent – the world won’t end if you don’t post something every day, but posting on a regular basis will build readers and subscribers. Set your own deadlines to put up content and keep to it!
  • Expect writers’ block and pace yourself – it’s common to hit roadblocks or not feel inspired. Don’t get discouraged and plan ahead – many blogging platforms let you write posts in advance and schedule when they’re posted, so you can keep posts coming while you take some time to get inspired again.