Project Name: – / Mtg. Leader: –
Objectives: / Mtg. Facilitator:
Mtg. Recorder:
Start Time:
End Time:
Name / Division/Unit / Name / Division/Unit
Cheryl Rood / MaineCare / Matt Galletta / MaineCare
Scott George / Molina / Loretta Dutill / MaineCare
John Burke / Goodall Hospital / Jeff Hadley / Hi-tech Software
Jennifer Palow / MaineCare / Kristen Simas / Tri-County Mental Health
Stephanie Farrar / Penquis Cap / Cindy Coulombe / Molina
Bridget Richard / Maine Coast Memorial / Norm Curtis / Molina
Drew Gattine / Molina / Crystal Stultz / Molina
Bobbi Oxton / Waltz LTC / Polly Miller / North East Mobile Health
Mike Stametelos / Deloitte / Dan Washburn / Maine Primary Care Association
Mike Stair / Home Care for ME / Nancy Barry
Cindy B / Jent Kent
Cathy Allen
Decisions Made/ Information Given:
Invacare’s DME fee schedule has yet to be posted. Bobby Oxton has yet to submit bills to MaineCare for 2012. Jen Palow to investigate.
Greg Hadley (Hi-Tech Software) would like to know which of his clients have not been 5010 certified. Scott George and Matt Galletta to coordinate this contact.
There was a question regarding what happens if we do not make the March 1 5010 go live date. If March 1 date is not met, then we would coordinate a change of dates with CMS. Mike Stair recommends a longer than 30-day overlap/dual-processing period. Providers would like to know as soon as possible so they can remediate their systems from 4010 to 5010. Monthly billers would like to have a month of claims submitted prior to going live with 5010. Providers want regular communication regarding the status of 5010 go live; this will be accomplished by regular listservs and communication with the PAG/TAG group.
John Burke to send Medicare (daily, every other day) sample communication for consideration in 5010 go live communication.
TR 5777 is the primary concern for go live at this time. This issue is related to COBA files and the MIHMS team is closely coordinating go live activity with CMS.
A question was asked about the list of MIHMS items that were put on hold for 5010 work. The group would like an update at March PAG/TAG meeting.
The pilot environment is no longer available and test data has been refreshed, so regenerating pilot test 835s is not an option at this time.
When 5010 goes live, during dual processing period, can a test file be submitted with a T rather than a P and get an 835 back in the 5010 format that can be used for testing? This is not technically possible. Providers said it may be wise to submit a small batch of claims when 5010 goes live. Jen recommends taking this offline to evaluate the solution.
What (if any) system downtime will be required to display the 5010 checkbox on the provider portal? Cindy Coulombe to research.
A question was asked about MeCMS claims status. Beth K to send numbers to PAG/TAG group.
Action Items
# / Item / Responsible / Due Date
Investigate Bobbi’s DME issue. / Jen Palow
Send Medicare (daily, every other day) sample communication for consideration with on. / John Burke
Send updated information regarding MeCMS claims. / Beth Ketch
Update group regarding downtime (or lack of) to update 5010 checkbox field on Provider Portal. / Cindy Coulombe
Send update regarding ability to switch from 4010 835 to 5010 835 and back during dual-processing period. / Jen Palow
The group would like an update at March PAG/TAG meeting about the list of MIHMS items that were put on hold for 5010 work. / ? Jen Palow/ Drew Gattine?
Follow up on Greg Hadley (Hi-Tech Software) – would like to know which of his clients have not been 5010 certified – Scott George and Matt Galletta to coordinate this contact. / Matt Galletta/ Scott George

PAG-TAG Meeting Notes 02-09-2012.doc