Date ______
Welcome to Brookside Chiropractic
Please take a few moments to fill in your information.
Name ______
Street Address ______
City______State ______Zip ______
Date of Birth ______Height ______Weight ______
E-mail address ______
Home Phone # (______) - _____ - ______
Work Phone # (______) - _____ - ______
Cell Phone # (______) – _____ - ______May we send you text appt reminders? Yes/No
Job Profession ______
Do you have children? Yes or No If so, how many? ______
How did you hear about us at Brookside Chiropractic?
In an emergency, whom do we contact?
Name ______Relation ______
Phone number(s) ______
What are your primary goals in coming to Brookside Chiropractic?
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
As each patient is unique, so are their needs. In order to best serve you, how would you best describe your needs (please select one):
- My time is very important to me. I am here for the services provided not the
details of why they are being done.
- I like to understand why I’m feeling the way I do, but don’t like a lot of detail.
- I like the additional time spent to help me best understand what’s going on with my body and all that can be done to transform my health to its optimum.
What problems are you experiencing today? ______
Any car accident related problems? Yes or No
If yes, please describe: ______
Have you ever seen a chiropractor before? Yes or No If yes, who?______
Nature of problem you were treated for? ______
Approximate date of last visit? ______
Are you currently under care for any reason with another doctor? Yes or No
If yes, what for? ______
Doctor’s Name ______
Have you had X-rays in the past 6 months? ______If yes, what for? ______
Are you currently taking any medications? Yes or No
If yes, please list all medications, vitamins or minerals you are presently taking:
Which of the following affect your problem?
Better / WorseMoving
Lying down
During the Night
First thing in the morning
During exercise
With meals
Please Mark area of Discomfort Below
What is the intensity of your pain today, on a scale from 0 to 10,
0 = no pain, 10 = the worst pain you can imagine ______
Have you unexplainably lost or gained weight in the past 5 years?
Gained ______Lost ______Current Weight ______
Do you Exercise on a regular basis? ______If so, how many days per week? ______
List any major traumas, car accidents, falls, and/or injuries along with approximate dates:
List any major diseases along with approximate dates:
List any major surgeries along with approximate dates:
List any major dental work along with approximate dates:
Please mark the following as they apply to you:
Daily / Weekly / Monthly / NeverAlcohol
Soft Drinks or Energy Drinks (Pop, Red Bull, etc)
Dairy (ice cream, cheese, milk, yogurt)
Caffeine Drinks (Tea, Coffee)
Preprocessed or Fast-Food
Grains (Bread, pasta, cereal, other)
What foods disagree with you? ______
Do you have indigestion? ______If yes, explain ______
What did you eat yesterday?
LUNCH ______
DINNER ______
SNACKS ______
Has this been you average diet for the past 3 to 5 years? _____ If no, how long? ______
Please mark any conditions that you have had in the past or currently have:
Autoimmune Disease
Back Pain
Bleeding Disorders
Breast Lump
Bruise easily
Bypass Surgery
Chest pain
Cold extremities
Coronary artery disease
COPD / Emphysema
Cramps (Abdominal / Muscle)
CVA (Stroke/TIA)
Diabetes (Type I / II / Juvenile)
Digestion Problems
Eye pain / Sensitivity to light
Frequent urination
Gallbladder disease / removal / stones
Heart Disease
High Blood Pressure – Hypertension
Hot Flashes
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Irregular Heart Beat
Irregular Menstrual Cycle
Kidney Infection
Kidney Stones
Liver Disease / Cirrhosis
Loss of Memory
Loss of Balance
Loss of Smell
Loss of Taste
Low Blood Pressure
Lung Disease
Macular Degeneration
Menstrual Problems
Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)
Parkinson’s Disease
Poor Posture
Prostate Trouble
Retinal Disease
Severe Neck / Spine injury
Shortness of Breath
Sinus Problems
Sleep Problems / Insomnia
Sneezing with Temperature change
Skin Problems / Sensitivity
Sleep Disorders
Spinal Curvature / Scoliosis
Stomach Problems
Swelling of Ankles / Limbs
Swollen Joints
Thyroid Condition
Varicose Veins
Other ______
Brookside Chiropractic Fee Schedule
New Patient Consultation Fee$30
* This is a one-time, non-negotiable fee, which is NOT subject to insurance coverage.
Chiropractic Adjustment$50
* Insurance company prices vary based on the number of symptoms addressed. These fees are subject to change throughout the year. Based on your insurance company and plan, the amount of reimbursement also varies.
* If your insurance company does not reimburse for certain treatments, you are responsible for the fee.
Cranio-Sacral Technique (SOT) $30
* Low-force Chiropractic Adjusting Technique
Applied Kinesiology Treatment (Dr. Rachel)$15
* Appointments which include extensive nutrient testing or diet evaluation and exceed 20 minutes will be subject to this upcharge.
Functional Medicine Consultation$75
* This is the new patient fee for patients seeking nutrition and alternative medicine treatment options.
Class IV Laser Therapy Packages
1st Tx (existing patients)Free!
1st Tx (Laser Only New Patient)$40
3 Tx$99
6 Tx$195
10 Tx (Plus 1 Free!)$299
* Class IV Laser Therapy is NOT covered by insurance.
Brookside Chiropractic
2844 Krafft Rd
Fort Gratiot, MI 48059
(810) 385-8450
Consent to Chiropractic Services
I hereby request and consent to chiropractic manipulation and other procedures including various modes of physical therapy, diagnostic x-ray, or tests Dr. Rachel Brooks or
Dr. Travis Tourjee and their staff who now or in the future will treat me while employed by this office. I have had an opportunity to discuss with the doctor and/or with office personnel the nature and purpose of treatment indicated. I understand that results are not guaranteed and I am informed that, as in the practice of medicine, in the practice of chiropractic there are some risks to treatment including but not limited to fractures, disc injuries, dislocations, and sprains. I do not expect the doctor to be able to anticipate and explain all risks and complications, and wish to rely on the doctor to exercise judgment during the course of any procedure which the doctor feels at the time is in my best interest. I have read, or have had read to me, the full above consent and have also had an opportunity to ask questions about its content and by signing below I agree to the above terms and procedures. I intend this consent to cover any treatment for my present condition and for any future conditions for which I seek treatment by this office and/or employed staff.
Signed ______Date______