Marketing Essentials Syllabus

Ms. Estle – Room 72


Course Description/Rationale for the Course:

Marketing Essentials is an introductory one-credit course that addresses the principles and concepts that serve as the foundation for future study in the Business/Marketing Education program. This course focuses on basic marketing concepts, marketing functions, entrepreneurship concepts, national and global economics, international marketing, human relations and the current environment for business and marketing.


There are no pre-requisites to this course. However, this course may be taken to help fulfill pre-requisite requirements for the cooperative education program.

Instructional Philosophy:

As a teacher, my mission is to provide a safe, caring environment in which students will become productive citizens, conscientious adults, and life-long learners. I will maintain my commitment to excellence by providing a warm and inviting atmosphere conducive to learning whereby students are empowered to achieve the ideals of scholarship and leadership while preparing for their chosen career.

Course Objectives/Goals:


1.  Identify Ways to avoid common work-related accidents.

Communication and Interpersonal Skills

2.  Evaluate effective communication.

3.  Utilize electronic communications in productive business situations.

4.  Practice social skills in personal and professional situations.

5.  Compare patterns of behavior or interaction among various cultures.

6.  Develop an employment portfolio.

7.  Demonstrate effective interview techniques.


8.  Explain components of the marketing mix.

9.  Describe concepts of the market and market identification.

10.  Examine the functions of marketing.

11.  Explain the importance of money handling skills.

12.  Explore career opportunities in marketing.


13.  Relate the uses of computer applications to business and marketing.

14.  Explore career opportunities in computer technology.

Business and Personal Finance

15.  Discuss the importance of record keeping.

16.  Identify various types of checking accounts.

17.  Demonstrate banking skills.

18.  Evaluate sources of credit available.

19.  Discuss the concept of credit.

20.  Explore career opportunities in finance.

Business Management

21.  Evaluate management functions.

22.  Relate the significance of competition in business.

23.  Analyze advantages and disadvantages of organizational business structures.

24.  Explain the importance of common managerial responsibilities.

25.  Explore career opportunities in business management.


26.  Discuss opportunities for business ownership.

27.  Compare the forms of business ownership.

28.  Explore franchise business options.

29.  Relate the consequences of social and civic responsibility to business ownership.

30.  Explore career opportunities in business ownership.

Business Law

31.  Analyze the relationship between ethics and the law.

32.  Examine laws affecting business ownership and operation.

33.  Examine the significance of employment in business.

34.  Explore career opportunities in business law.


35.  Discuss basic economic terms.

36.  Describe characteristics of the free enterprise system.

37.  Discuss basic economic issues.

38.  Explore career opportunities in economics.

Class Rules:

·  Students are expected to arrive to class on time daily and prepared with needed materials.

·  Students must show respect to the teacher and all classmates at all times.

·  Students must participate in daily activities and complete assignments.

·  Students must conform to Baker High School’s uniform policy.

·  Students must follow the Student Code of Conduct for the Mobile County Public School System.

Grading Procedures:

·  Grades will be determined based upon tests, class work, notebooks, and projects. (All tests, class work and notebooks are worth 100 points each. Project #1 worth 300 points and project #2 worth 200 points.)

·  Students will be given a progress report every four weeks and report cards every nine weeks.

Grading Scale:

A= 90-100

B= 80-89

C= 70-79

D= 60-69

E – 59 or below

Make-up Work:

It is the students’ responsibility to obtain and complete any daily assignments and tests within two days of student’s return. Unexcused absences are left to teacher discretion if the student is allowed to make up work. No make-ups on projects.

Course Outline:

(Week 1) Review classroom policies and course syllabus

Discuss personal safety and safety in the workplace (test)

(Week 2) Ch. 1 Marketing is All Around Us

Ch. 2 Basic Marketing Concepts

(Week 3) Ch. 3 The Free Enterprise System

Ch. 4 Global Economics

(Week 4) Ch. 5 Business and Social Responsibility

Ch. 6 International Trade

(Week 5) Ch. 7 Basic Math Skills

Ch. 8 Communication Skills

(Week 6) Ch. 10 Interpersonal Skills

Ch. 11 Management Skills

(Week 7) Ch. 12 Preparing for the Sale

Ch. 13 Initiating the Sale

(Week 8) Ch. 15 Closing the Sale

(Week 9) Review – Mid Term Project

(Week 10) Ch. 17 Promotional Concepts and Strategies

Ch. 18 Visual Merchandising and Display

(Week 11) Ch. 19 Advertising

Ch. 20 Preparing Print Advertisements

(Week 12) Ch. 21 Channels of Distribution

Ch. 22 Physical Distribution

(Week 13) Ch. 23 Purchasing

Ch. 24 Stock Handling and Inventory Control

(Week 14) Ch. 25 Price Handling

Ch. 26 Pricing Strategies

(Week 15) Ch. 28 Marketing Research

Ch. 29 Product Planning

(Week 16) Ch. 33 Entrepreneurial Concepts

Ch. 34 Risk Management

(Week 17) Ch. 36 Financing the Business

Ch. 37 Identifying Career Opportunities

(Week18) Review/Notebooks/Exam