Meeting Minutes


01 NOVEMBER 2009


Meeting called to order on 01 November 2009 at: 6:35 pm

Location: Brunswick High School, Brunswick ME

In Attendance:

Don Favreau

Jeff Gottlieb

Scott Granholm

Jeff Labbe

Darren Pearce

Josh Lynn

Deanna Lynn

Dave Brooks

Curt Parent


Kerry Varney

Review of minutes form the last meeting in September was tabled until available.

Deanna Lynn stated that all the player paperwork had been enter into the Web Site data base and that Barry Towle had collected all checks and entered the information in a spreadsheet. There is a need to compile and reconcile the lists for billing and organization use.

Dave Brooks led discussion that this state of player information not being organized was confusing and that rosters are needed. Dave Brooks will take the lead in getting travel rosters done and Curt parent will take the lead in getting house rosters done.

Jeff Gottlieb stated that the next session for Learn to Play Hockey starts on 12/26/09. Need to have table set up with initial rosters for those pre-signed up and ability to sign up as people come in as well. Good to do this for first couple of sessions at least. Jeff Labbe would coordinate getting flyers into Kindergarten classes before Christmas.

The Holiday tournament is tentatively set for 12/26 & 12/27. Curt and Dave will lead on ice committee. Scott & Criss will lead off ice committee. Sponsors need to be obtained. In lieu of individual trophies, idea was generated to create a holiday Cup to compete for. Deanna will determine if Tim Horton’s would sponsor and house the cup during off season. Barry has tentative ice times to review. Discussion of whether to buy any additional jerseys for the tournament was delayed till the December Meeting.

Family and Friends public skate will be on 12/23 at $2.00 per person or $5.00 per family.

Picture day will be at Bowdoin on 12/12.

Deanna stated that Girls team was having trouble staffing the snack bar. Dave Brooks to discuss snack bar situation as well as the Girls Jersey color situation with the coach – Gary Machin.

Motion was made to nominate Kerry Varney to the board to act as treasurer until a quorum is present at a future meeting to make a final decision. Motion was seconded and approved unanimously by those present. Don, Deanna, Darren, Dave, Curt, and Kerry need to sign MCYH account paperwork at Norway Savings bank.

Kerry will get key from Barry for MCYH PO Box.

Goalie refund policy was discussed and it is a $200.00 credit per team whether House or Travel for the goalie and it will be shared if there are two goalies. Players must play goal to receive the credit.

Jeff Labbe presented bill for $252.00 for reimbursement of money he spent on generating flyers.

Scott Granholm presented bill for game-sheets for reimbursement.

Jeff Gottlieb briefed the board on MCYHA tax situation. MCYH was not filing tax paperwork for years prior to last year. Internal Revenue Service had assessed a fine for $4400.00 for year prior to last year. Jeff Gottlieb retained chartered accountants – Yellis & Foley- CPAs for $2000.00 in fee and there are still 5 prior years to address and CPAs are working to get the fines forgiven.

Dave Brooks expressed concern that schedule changes are being made with proper notification to all parties. Email should be sent to referees, coaches, and parents but everyone should keep checking the website periodically.

Board approved payment of $150.00 to Cal Ripken Baseball of Brunswick for storage of equipment.

Jeff asked that communication with Bowdoin be coordinated with him.

Curt Parent had to leave the meeting early.

Board did not object to Brunswick Junior High from using ice dividers/bumpers as long as coaches ensured that the equipment was not abused.

Discussion of parents on the ice summarized as follows: for cross ice and above it is coordinated through Dan Sullivan the coaching coordinator. For learn to play, the parent can be out for the first couple of times on the ice but person must be USA Hockey registered and then file intent to coach and fulfill other requirements to continue.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was seconded and approved.

Adjourned at: 8:32 pm

Minutes submitted for approval by: Darren Pearce on November 27, 2009.

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