Village of Strasburg

105 East Commercial

P.O. Box 385

Strasburg, Illinois 62465

Ph: (217) 644-3007

Fax:(217) 644-3005

April 20, 2015 Board of Trustees Meeting


The monthly meeting of the Village of Strasburg’s Board of Trustees was held on April 20, 2015 at the Strasburg Community Center.

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Mike Antonacci. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was answered by the following: President Michael Antonacci, Trustees Shane Corley, Alice Jeisy, Cinda Held, Anita Renshaw, and Chuck Wade. Also present were Linda Oakley, Village Clerk and Bridget Polk, Village Fiscal Clerk. Absent was Trustee Jack Clark and Village Attorney Dustin Probst.

As the canvassing of votes had been received from the County Clerk’s Office, Clerk Oakley administered the Oath of Office to elected Village President Michael Antonacci. President Antonacci administered the Oath of Office to elected Trustees Shane Corley, Cinda Held and Alice Jeisy. As Trustee Clark was absent, he will be administered the Oath of Office at the next meeting.

Motion by Trustee Held to approve the minutes of the March 16, 2015 meeting as printed, the financial report as printed, the reconciliation of accounts ending February 28, 2015 and March 31, 2015, the list of expenditures as printed, and the following transfers of funds: $18,33.33 from Water Fund to Rural Bond Debt, $2,880.25 from Water O & M to Sewer Fund, $407.27 from Water Fund to Water/Sewer Emergency Fund, $1,583.33 from Sewer Fund to Sewer B & I Sinking Fund, and $1,380.50 from Water Fund to Sewer Fund was seconded by Trustee Wade. Motion voted on and carried. Clark – absent; Corley – yea; Held – yea; Jeisy – yea; Renshaw – yea, Wade – yea. 5 yea / 0 nay / 1 absent

Clerk Oakley presented the list of water bills that were delinquent.

Clerk Oakley noted that she had met with a representative from the Secretary of State’s Office regarding the disposal of Village records. As there has been no Application for Authority to Dispose of Local Records made with the Secretary of State’s Office to dispose of old Village records, the boxes of records were gone through, the application was made and had been submitted to the Secretary of State Archive’s Department. Records that are being applied to dispose of include checks, check stubs, paid bills, invoices, correspondence, etc. The approved application should be received from the Secretary of State’s Office sometime after May 5. Once the approved application is received, then a Records Dispoal Certificate is filed with the Records Management Section of the Office of the Secretary of State noting which items are being disposed of.

Clerk Oakley presented a resignation letter from Lauren Wetherell and Jeanne Wildman, They will continue to clean the Community Center until the end of the month. Clerk Oakley will place a notice in the water bills to see if anyone is interested in replacing Wildman and Wetherell.

4/20/15 Minutes – Page 2

Trustee Wade noted that he and President Antonacci had met with Bill Teichmiller, EJ Water and Lee Beckman, Milano and Grunloh regarding the possibility of running a 6“ water line to the Village from EJ to have for emergency use. Discussion included EJ Water digging the line with the Village purchasing the pipe from our Rural Development Loan. A suggestion was that this line could feed the Stewardson-Strasburg School.

Trustee Wade also noted that surveyors from Milano and Grunloh have been in town surveying for the new water lines.

It was noted Postmaster Barb Dial was concerned regarding the traffic and parking situation in front of the Post Office. As per Postmaster Dial, the Village could put parking lines in front of the Post Office as the building is not the property of the Federal Government. Discussion was held as to what direction to put the lines in front of the building – diagonal or parallel. As Commercial Street will be getting oiled, the decision to mark the parking spaces was put on hold.

Discussion held regarding using the jetter to clean out the culvert by Joyce Ulmer’s. At the moment the jetter is under repair. The Village of Strasburg and the City of Windsor jointly own the jetter.

Motion by Trustee Wade to adopt the “Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways“ was seconded by Trustee Renshaw. Motion voted on and carried. Clark – absent; Corley – yea; Held – yea; Jeisy – yea; Renshaw – yea, Wade – yea. 5 yea / 0 nay / 1 absent

Joe Oakley had presented a list of materials that will be needed for the Village streets this summer. Materials included rock for oiling, the cost of delivering the rock, the cost of spreading the rock after oiling, CA-6 (rock), the delivery of the CA-6, and diesel fuel. Total estimated cost was $6,655.00. Motion by Trustee Corley to approve said suggested expenses was seconded by Trutee Held. Motion carried by unanimous consent.

Discussion held regarding the amount of traffic on Commercial Street with the expansion of Effingham Equity.

Trustee Jeisy asked about clearing the tree across the branch by their house. President Antonacci noted that the Village would attempt to remove it.

Trustee Corley noted that he had contacted Brad Agney regarding the work to be done in front of Bower’s house. He will contact him again.

Clerk Oakley presented a request for TIF Funds from Ron Boldt, Boldt Service and Repair requesting the Village consider reimbursement for part of the renovation costs for his building. Motion by Trustee Renshaw to give $750 reimbursement to Mr. Boldt from the TIF Fund was seconded by Trustee Held. Motion voted on and carried. Clark – absent; Corley – yea; Held – yea; Jeisy – yea; Renshaw – yea, Wade – nay. 4 yea / 1 nay / 1 absent.

Trustee Corley noted that he would stay on the Finance Committee until July at which time Trustee Jeisy will take his place on the committee.

There was no report from the Building & Business Expansion; Permits Committee.

It was noted that Jared and Caralea Smith’s home would be started, weather permitting, mid-May. They will let the Village know where they would like their 30 foot culvert.

Clerk Oakley noted that a new industrial size micro-wave had been donated to the Community Center by Jim Connell.

4/20/15 Minutes – Page 3

As Attorney Probst was not present the Animal Control Proposal received from the County and the discussion and possible action regarding abandoned buildings was tabled until the May meeting.

The members of the Board were asked to turn in their 3-5 top goals that they would like to see achieved within the next 2 years. President Antonacci will compile the list and report back in the May meeting.

Several members of the community had requested the possible addition of four-wheelers to the Golf Cart/UTV Ordinance. Clerk Oakley surveyed forty area Village/Town/City Clerks regarding the question. None allowed the four-wheelers, and it was noted as per the Rules of the Road they are not allowed on rural or village roads.

Consent by the Board of Trustees was given to proclaim May as Motorcycle Awareness Month, and to proclaim Saturday, May 23 as American Leigon Auxiliary Poppy Day.

Summer help was discussed. Consensus of Board that Barb Ohnesorge and her son Dylan Ohnesorge be hired to help Todd Apke this summer with mowing, spraying, etc.

The Lion’s Club had approached the Board regarding the purchase of an ad in the Lion’s Club Homecoming book for York Acres. Motion by Trustee Corley to purchase a full page ad was seconded by Tustee Held. Motion voted on and carried. Clark – absent; Corley – yea; Held – yea; Jeisy – yea; Renshaw – yea, Wade – yea. 5 yea / 0 nay / 1 absent

The Village had received a quote of $600 from Porterformance Auto Care to inspect and replace if necessary the Village’s F250 truck’s fuel canister system. The Board requested that Mr. Apke check on another quote for the May meeting.

Clerk Oakley presented the applications for the position of Fiscal Clerk to replace Ms. Polk. After discussion, the Board narrowed the field to 5 applications. Clerk Oakley will set up interviews. Participating in interviews will be Oakley, Polk, Antonacci and Held.

Wages to be offered will be $9.75 and hour with a 50 cent raise possible after a 90 day evaluation.

No further business to come before the Board, motiong by Trustee Held to adjourn the meeting was seconded by Trustee Wade. Meeting was adjourned at 9:03 PM.

Linda D. Oakey

Village Clerk

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:00 AM – 12 Noon, 1:00 -4:00 PM