AP World History Chapter 2 Classical China
Xian and Loyang:
Mandate of Heaven:
Shi Huangdi:
Warring States period:
Kung Fuzi
Xunzi: Laozi:
Great Wall:
Liu Bang:
secret societies:
forbidden city:
Wang Mang
Peasant's War
Confucian Five Relationships
Filial Piety
Ancestor Worship
Concepts you need to know!!!
1. What were the political, social, and economic consequences of the period of the Warring States?
2. Describe Confucius's political philosophy
3. What was the political conditions in
4. How did the Han institutionalize Confucian political philosophy?
5. What changes in Confucius's political philosophy were made by his disciples?
6. How did Confucius and Mencius each view the common person?
7. What was the significance (importance) of the Qin dynasty?
8. Discuss the achievements SPRITE made during the Qin dynasty.
9. Discuss the impact of Sunzi's political philosophy
Free Response type Questions
1. How did the dynasties create a unified Chinese society and culture?
2. How and why did warfare change under classical societies?
3. Describe the class structure and gender relations in Classical China.
4. Explain the role of women in Chinese society.
5. What class came to dominate Chinese government and how was it created?
6. What intellectual and technological advancements did China make?
7. Describe the influence of merchants and the importance of commerce to China.
8. What was the scope and purpose of the expansion of bureaucrats during the Han dynasty?
9. Discuss the status of each of the following groups during Han times: scholar-gentry,
10. women, peasants, merchants, artisans.
11. How did Chinese government change from the Zhou through the Han Dynasties?
12. Compare the Daoist alternative to Confucian political philosophy.
13. Analyze Shi Huangdi as a leader
14. Compare and contrast Daoist, Confucian, and Legalist approaches to solving social disruptions and ineffective and corrupt governments.
15. How did Chinese society change from the Zhou through the Han Dynasties?
16. what technological and intellectual advancements were made in each dynasty?
- Was progress steady and foward moving or were there times of regression? What factors caused the regressions and how were each over come?