We are headed to Camp Circle X at Bighorn near Lake Arrowhead (100 miles from Torrance). The date is July 5 – July 11, 2015. Camp Circle X offers lots of merit badges and other fun events including an overnight camp. Merit badge areas include shooting sports, water sports, climbing, cycling, handicraft, scout crafts and nature. The John Wayne Outpost features Black Powder, Flint Napping, Forging, Dutch Oven and Night Hike; the Cowboy Outpost features Paint Ball Arcade, Roping, Branding, BBQ, Horsemanship, Low COPE, and Campfire Tales. Other Outpost options are available. A Zip Line patch is available to those who ride across Firebird Lake on the zip line.
Fees for the camp are $345 per scout and $245 for adults including camp fees and driver reimbursement. Most everything else is included except small charges for handicraft supplies if applicable. Space is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. We encourage all scouts to sign-up and return a check and the enrollment form below to the Troop as soon as possible. The scout fee is $100 off the regular price per our troop committee.
The payment deadlines are as follows: $100 by Feb. 9, $100 by April 6 and the balance by May 18. Payments are non-refundable after the payment due dates unless another scout takes the spot.
When: Meet Sunday, July 5, at 9:30 am at the rear of Coast Christian Fellowship. Wear troop t-shirts and shorts. Bring full Scout uniform and sack lunch. See What to Bring list. Return Saturday, July 11, around noon to the In-N-Out on Crenshaw. Scouts will call about 1 hour before arrival.
We would like to reserve a space at Troop 413's Summer Camp at BSA Camp Circle X for July 5 – 11, 2015. I understand that our fees are not refundable after the payment due dates but may be transferable to another scout within the Troop and then may result in a refund.
Scout ______has my permission to participate with the members of Troop 413 on the Summer Camp at Camp Circle X July 5 – 11, 2015. Any of the Troop's adult leaders has my permission to seek medical treatment for my son in case of illness, injury or accident. I hereby give my Permission to the physician selected by the adult leader in charge to hospitalize, secure proper anesthesia, order injection or surgery for my son in accordance with the provisions of Section 25.8 of the civil code of the state of California. Under no circumstances whatsoever will we hold liable or make a claim against the Los Angeles Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, Boy Scout Troop 413 or any of its officers, leaders or agents for any accidents, injury, first aid rendered, treatment, drugs, medicine or surgical procedures performed in accordance with participation in the above activity. We acknowledge that this activity falls under the Troop 413 Waiver, Release and Indemnity Agreement as well as the continuing acknowledgment, permission slip and release both of which we have previously signed. I have discussed with my son the Troop Conduct Guidelines, and we agree to be bound by that policy. As a parent I will immediately drive out to the camp if the Scout Master or a Trip Leader requests that I do so. I will be on time to pick-up my son and will leave an alternative number in case I do not plan to be available at home.
Parent's Name______Phone ( )______Alternate? ( )______
Can parent drive? Yes or No How many seatbelts in car? ______Car Make, Model and Year ______
Will parent attend? Yes or No Parent's Signature______
Medications, Limitations, Allergies or other Comments: ______
Fees: Scout ______Adult ______Total______Check# ______