ForeFlight Pilot Proficiency Program – Learning Objectives

iPad Proficiency

iPad Basics (All Apps)

  • Describe the relationship between iPad, iOS, and apps
  • Enable/disable location services
  • Change brightness settings
  • Assess battery life
  • Enable/disable rotation lock

Managing iPad Radios (Wi-Fi, Cellular, Bluetooth and GPS)

  • Describe the functionality of each radio type
  • Disable radios using Airplane Mode
  • Enable Bluetooth and Airplane Mode
  • Describe how iPad obtains GPS information
  • Describe GPS signal limitations
    (i.e., no weather/internet)
  • Evaluate available GPS hardware

Managing Software Updates

  • Identify available app updates
  • Download app updates
  • Check ForeFlight version information
  • Update ForeFlight version

Avoiding and Recovering from Failures

  • Prevent overheating
  • Stop an app and restart
  • Restart the iPad

ForeFlight Mobile Proficiency

Pilot’s Guide to ForeFlight Mobile:

  • Download and install into iBooks
  • Develop a ground-learning program

Pre-flight Planning

  • Become familiar with runway data
  • Locate airport services and fuel
  • Identify airspace
  • Locate tower operating hours
  • Locate text NOTAMs and TFRs
  • Locate graphic TFRs
  • Plan a route using ‘search’
  • Plan a route using touch
  • Organize favorite airports and routes
  • Organize instrument procedures

Before Engine Start

  • Check weather
  • Amend your route
  • Disable 3G and Wi-Fi radios
  • Enable GPS
  • Verify chart availability
  • Engage white-on-black ‘night mode’
  • Secure the iPad


  • Display position on moving maps
  • Display and use the navigation log
  • Select the active leg of a route
  • Use the heads up display instruments
  • Fly direct-to an airport or waypoint
  • Locate frequencies
  • Manage diversions
  • View airspace details

ForeFlight Sample iPad Operating Checklist


App, charts, and data up to date / Check
Airport database up to date / Check
Aerodrome weather check / Complete
En-route weather check / Complete
Route loaded / Check
Favorite airports / Configured
Favorite routes / Configured
Flight service weather briefing / Check
Flight plan filed / Complete


iPad battery / Sufficient charge
iPad charger available / Check
External GPS available and charged / Check
External GPS active/connected / Check / Check ForeFlight Devices view
iPad Radio Settings (Bad Elf) / Airplane mode (On)
iPad Radio Settings (Dual XGPS 150) / Airplane mode (On)
Bluetooth (On)
iPad Radio Settings (iPad GPS only) / Airplane mode (Off)
WiFi (Off)
Cellular Data (Off)
Bluetooth (Off)
Charts and plates are current, downloaded / Check


Battery level / Sufficient
GPS position / Captured
Backup procedures for destination and alternate / Available