Session 4-49, 4-50
Your Customer Profile
You may have only one customer group or you may have more than three. Fill in this worksheet for the number of markets you want to profile, using the space for Group A as your most attractive market, B as the second-most attractive, and so on. Break each characteristic down into more specific measurable information. Age, for example, is usually broken down by those less than 18, those 18 to 24, 25 to 34, 35 to 49, 50 to 64, and those over 65. Gender is simply men, women or both, etc.
Individual Customer Profile Worksheet
Customer Group A / Customer Group A / Customer Group CDemographic Characteristics
Gender (male, female, both)
Age (range)
Occupation (blue collar,
Location (regional, national, international)
Family (single, married)
Children (none, at home, grown)
Education level
Ethnic origin
Where do they shop? (malls,
boutiques, online)
When do they shop? (am, pm,
holidays, weekends)
Why do they buy? (motivations)
What do buyers want and/or
expect from your product or
Where did you get the information about your customer(s)? What methods of researching your customer did you use?
_[Click Here and enter your response]______
Your Customer Profile (Continued)
Using the worksheet below, research your prospective business customers. Focus on the most promising within each category, but don’t limit yourself to just one market. Prepare yourself to utilize several marketing options. Remember: The more you know about your target markets, the more directly you’ll be able to apply your marketing strategies.
Business Customer Profile Worksheet
/Wholesale Customers
/Retail Customers
A. / B. / C. / A. / B. / C.Annual Sales
Number of employeesLocation (town, region,
One site or multiple
Legal structure (sole
proprietor, partnership,
corporation, LLC)
Who handles
Where do they get product information?
How do they buy?
What do they expect
from your product?
Where did you get the information about your business customers?
_[Click Here and enter your response]______