Grade One Curriculum
- Number Sense
- Count, read, write, sequence up to 120
- Identify, read, write ordinal #s, 1st-31st
- Count by 2s, 5s, 10s
- Operations
- Add/subtract within 20
- Add one and two digit numbers
- Subtract one and two digit problems
- Write number sentences using + - =
- Add/subtract to solve word problems
- Learn/apply commutative and associative properties
- Place Value
- Understand value of 2 and 3 digit numbers
- Understand value of a digit in the hundreds, tens, or ones place
- Mentally add/subtract ten from a two digit number
Math (cont.)
- Measurement of Data
- Measure/compare length, width, volume using standard and non-standard units of measurement
- Use tools to measure length, weight, volume, temperature
- Tell time by the hour and half hour
- Estimate time
- Identify coins and their value
- Find value of a group of coins
- Identify dollar bill
- Solve real world money problems
- Make/interpret charts and graphs
- Solve problems by using information on charts and graphs
- Geometry
- Identify/draw two and three dimensional shapes
- Identify attributes of shapes
- Use fractions to identify equal parts of the whole
- ½, 1/3, ¼
- Write four kinds of sentences
- Capitalization
- Punctuation
- Journal
- Creative writing
- Narrative
- Comparison
- Identify nouns/verbs
- Contractions
- Possessives; singular and plural
- Present/past tense verbs
- Manuscript alphabet, upper and lower case
- Numbers 1-20
- Legibility
- Proper size
- Spacing
- Letter formation
- Produce letter sounds
- Segment, isolate, and blend sounds
- Consonant sounds
- Initial, medial, final
- Short/long vowel patterns
- Blends, Digraphs
- Root words
- Inflectional endings
- Contractions, Compounds
- Singular/plural words
- Develop/learn sight words
- Track left to right, top to bottom
- Develop vocabulary
- Multiple meanings
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Learn/use decoding strategies
- Develop reading fluency
- Develop comprehension
- Inferring meaning
- Context clues
- Reading resources
- Dictionaries
- Glossaries
- Table of contents
- Sequence events
- Develop oral reading skills
- Read dialogue
- Read plays
- Read fiction, non-fiction
- Read captions, graphs, tables, maps
Oral Speaking
- Express ideas in complete thoughts
- Retell a story with a beginning, middle, end
- Speak clearly with proper diction and volume
- Vowel patterns
- Proofreading
Spelling (cont.)
- Applying skills to daily work
- Weekly tests
Social Studies
- Families
- Similarities and differences
- Homes
- Celebrations
- Need for rules
- Transportation and technology and the effect on family life
- Where We Live
- Communities
- Map skills
- Landforms
- Bodies of water
- Good Citizens
- Different groups of people
- Need for rules
- Rules and laws establish order
- Leaders of a community, state, country
- Qualities of a good leader
- Characteristics of a good citizen
- Symbols of national identity
- Jobs
- Needs/wants
- Varieties of jobs
Social Studies (cont.)
- Responsibilities and characteristics of a good worker
- Goods/services
- Americans of Long Ago
- Native Americans
- Historical figures; Columbus, Washington, Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Martin Luther King Jr., U.S. Presidents
- Contributions of American heroes and historical figures
- Life Science
- Plants, animals, habitats
- Earth and Space Science
- Earth landforms
- Bodies of water
- Natural resources
- Four seasons
- Weather
- Solar System
- Night and Day
- Earth movement
- Physical Science
- Matter: solid, liquid, gas
- Matter changes form
- Motion: force, speed, gravity
Science (cont.)
- Simple machines: pulley, lever, ramp
- Magnets, repel and attract
- Energy: heat, light, sound, electricity
- Jesus teaches us about God’s love
- God our Father
- Blessed Trinity
- Jesus, God’s greatest gift
- Jesus’ family
- Teachings of Jesus
- Jesus’ Great Commandment
- We are followers of Jesus
- Jesus invites us to follow Him
- The Lord’s Prayer
- Jesus’ death and Resurrection
- Holy Spirit
- Church leaders
- We belong to the Church
- Parishes
- Sacraments
- Forgiveness
- We celebrate and live our faith
- Eucharist
- Celebrate the Mass
- Share God’s love
- Mary and the Saints
- God’s creation
Religion (cont.)
- Seasons of the Church year
- Ordinary time
- Christmas
- Lent
- The Three Days
- Easter
- Celebrating our faith
- Daily prayer
- Attend weekly mass
- Attend all school masses